jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
jsperf.com URLs are mirrored at the same path, e.g:
Can be accessed at:
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$(function() {
$('#nav li:has(ul) a:not(#nav ul li a)').addClass("hasMore").append('<img src="assets/img/drop-down-arrow-sprite.png" class="more" />');
$(function() {
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="header">
<ul id="nav">
<a href="#" class="active">Administration</a>
<a href="#">Manage Program Documents</a>
<a href="#">One - b</a>
<a href="#">One - c</a>
<a href="#">One - d</a>
<a href="#">Documents</a>
<a href="#">Compliance</a>
<a href="#">Workflow</a>
<a href="#">Sub One - a</a>
<a href="#">Sub One - b</a>
<a href="#">Sub One - c</a>
<a href="#">Sub One - d</a>
<a href="#">Communication</a>
<a href="#">Program</a>
$(function() {
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
setactive has/not |
| ready |
setactive |
| ready |
You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.