jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
jsperf.com URLs are mirrored at the same path, e.g:
Can be accessed at:
var getFibFn = function() {
return function fib(x) {
if(x < 2) return 1; else return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2);
function memoize1(func) {
"use strict";
var memo = {};
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
return function() {
var key = "" + slice.call(arguments);
return (key in memo) ? memo[key] : (memo[key] = func.apply(this, arguments));
fib1 = memoize1(getFibFn());
//memoize.js - by @addyosmani
// with tweaks from @philogb, @mathias, @DmitryBaranovsk, @JamieMason
function memoize2(func) {
"use strict";
var cache = (func.memoize = func.memoize || {}),
stringifyJson = JSON.stringify,
sliceArray = Array.prototype.slice;
return function () {
var hash = stringifyJson(sliceArray.call(arguments));
return (hash in cache) ? cache[hash] : cache[hash] = func.apply(this, arguments);
fib2 = memoize2(getFibFn());
//memo3 - unscriptables implem.
function memoize3(func, context) {
function memoizeArg (argPos) {
var cache = {};
return function () {
if (argPos == 0) {
if (!(arguments[argPos] in cache)) {
cache[arguments[argPos]] = func.apply(context, arguments);
return cache[arguments[argPos]];
else {
if (!(arguments[argPos] in cache)) {
cache[arguments[argPos]] = memoizeArg(argPos - 1);
return cache[arguments[argPos]].apply(this, arguments);
// JScript doesn't grok the arity property, but uses length instead
var arity = func.arity || func.length;
return memoizeArg(arity - 1);
fib3 = memoize3(getFibFn());
//memo4 - by stevenlevithan
function memoize4(functor, expiration) {
var memo = {};
return function () {
var key = Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, "§");
if (key in memo)
return memo[key];
if (expiration)
setTimeout(function () {delete memo[key];}, expiration);
return memo[key] = functor.apply(this, arguments);
fib4 = memoize4(getFibFn());
//memo5 - @gbradley
function memoize5(fn){
var lookup={};
return function(){
var args=[].slice.call(arguments);
var key=JSON.stringify(args);
var result=lookup[key];
if (!result){
return result;
fib5 = memoize5(getFibFn());
//memo6 - by @madrobby/thomas fuchs
Function.prototype.cached = function(){
var self = this, cache = {};
return function(arg){
if(arg in cache) {
//console.log('Cache hit for '+arg);
return cache[arg];
} else {
//console.log('Cache miss for '+arg);
return cache[arg] = self(arg);
fib6 = getFibFn().cached();
// memo7 - @medikoo
// https://github.com/medikoo/es5-ext/blob/master/lib/Function/memoize.js
var memoize7 = (function () {
var isArray = Array.isArray
, slice = Array.prototype.slice
, resolve;
resolve = function (args) {
return this.map(
function (r, i) {
return r ? r(args[i]) : args[i];
}).concat(slice.call(args, this.length));
return function (fn, length, resolvers) {
var cache, resolver;
cache = [];
if (isArray(length)) {
resolvers = length;
length = fn.length;
} else if (length == null) {
length = fn.length;
resolver = resolvers ? resolve.bind(resolvers) : null;
return function () {
var limit, i, index, args, current, found;
args = resolver ? resolver(arguments) : arguments;
i = 0;
index = limit = (length === true) ? args.length : length;
current = cache;
if (limit === 0) {
found = current.hasOwnProperty(0);
} else {
while (i !== limit) {
if (!current[index]) {
current = (current[index] = [
index = 0;
} else if (
(index = (current = current[index])[0].indexOf(args[i])) === -1) {
index = current[0].push(args[i]) - 1;
found = false;
} else {
found = current[1].hasOwnProperty(index);
current = current[1];
if (found) {
return current[index];
return current[index] = fn.apply(this, args);
fib7 = memoize7(getFibFn());
//memo8 - by @AutoSponge
(function (GLOBAL, stringifyJson) {
"use strict";
GLOBAL.memoize8 = GLOBAL.memoize8 || stringifyJson && function (func) {
var cache = (func.memoize = func.memoize || {});
return function () {
var hash = stringifyJson(arguments);
return (hash in cache) ? cache[hash] : cache[hash] = func.apply(this, arguments);
} || function (func) {
return func;
}(this, typeof JSON !== "undefined" && JSON.stringify));
fib8 = this.memoize8(getFibFn());
// Scott Sauyet - http://articles.local/articles/FunctionalMemoizing/
var memoize9 = function memoize(fn) {
var cache = {}, slice = [].slice;
return function() {
var args, arg;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
return ("" in cache) ? cache[""] : (cache[""] = fn());
} else {
arg = arguments[0];
args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
return ((arg in cache) ? cache[arg] : (cache[arg] = memoize( function () {
return fn.apply(this, [].concat(arg, slice.call(arguments)));
}))).apply(this, args)
fib9 = memoize9(getFibFn());
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
Memo 1 - underscore.js |
| ready |
Memo 2 - addy, mathias, jamie etc. |
| ready |
Memo 3 - unscriptable |
| ready |
Memo 4 - stevenlevithan |
| ready |
Memo 5 - gbradley |
| ready |
Memo 6 - madrobby |
| ready |
Memo 7 - medikoo (generic - any type of arguments) |
| ready |
Memo 8 - no slice |
| ready |
Memo 9 - Scott Sauyet |
| ready |
You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.