Bitwise floor vs Math.floor

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Bitwise floor usually works faster than Math.floor, however it produces incorrect results when the 32nd bit integer is set. Bitwise operations also truncate the the values to 32 bits, but that is a different matter.

Obviously, the distribution of numbers will make some impact here. However, since the fast majority of numbers we deal with are small and do not use the 32nd bit, we only test a smaller number.


var val1 = 0x7fffffff;
    var val2 = val1 + 0.12345;
    var n;

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Just use floor
n = Math.floor(val1);
n = Math.floor(val2);
Check and use bitwise
n = (val1 & 0x80000000) ? Math.floor(val1) : val1 | val1;
n = (val2 & 0x80000000) ? Math.floor(val2) : val2 | val2;


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