Coincident line segment intersection

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Two methods to determine if line segments intersect (assuming lines are coincident):

1) rotate parallel with x-axis and use x-coords to determine. 2) translate to origin and use magnitudes to determine.

Preparation HTML

  function rangesIntersect(low1, high1, low2, high2) {
   return low1 <= high2 && low2 <= high1
  function mag(x, y) {
   return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
  var seg1 = {
   x1: 0,
   y1: 0,
   x2: 1,
   y2: 1
  var seg2 = {
   x1: 1,
   y1: 1,
   x2: 2,
   y2: 2

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var angleToRotate = -Math.atan2(seg1.y2 - seg1.y1, seg1.x2 - seg1.x1),
    cosAngle = Math.cos(angleToRotate),
    sinAngle = Math.sin(angleToRotate),
    x1 = seg1.x1 * cosAngle - seg1.y1 * sinAngle,
    x2 = seg1.x2 * cosAngle - seg1.y2 * sinAngle,
    x3 = seg2.x1 * cosAngle - seg2.y1 * sinAngle,
    x4 = seg2.x2 * cosAngle - seg2.y2 * sinAngle;
rangesIntersect(x1, x2, x3, x4);
Translate + Mag
var xOrigin = Math.min(seg1.x1, seg1.x2, seg2.x1, seg2.x2),
if (seg1.x1 === xOrigin) {
 if (seg1.x2 === xOrigin) { // vertical lines, use y's instead
  yOrigin = Math.min(seg1.y1, seg1.y2, seg2.y1, seg2.y2);
  if (seg1.y1 === yOrigin) {
   xOrigin = seg1.x1;
  } else if (seg1.y2 === yOrigin) {
   xOrigin = seg1.x2;
  } else if (seg2.y1 === yOrigin) {
   xOrigin = seg2.x1;
  } else {
   xOrigin = seg2.x2;

 } else {
  yOrigin = seg1.y1;
} else if (seg1.x2 === xOrigin) {
 yOrigin = seg1.y2;
} else if (seg2.x1 === xOrigin) {
 yOrigin = seg2.y1;
} else {
 yOrigin = seg2.y2;

var mag1 = mag(seg1.x1 - xOrigin, seg1.y1 - yOrigin),
    mag2 = mag(seg1.x2 - xOrigin, seg1.y2 - yOrigin),
    mag3 = mag(seg2.x1 - xOrigin, seg2.y1 - yOrigin),
    mag4 = mag(seg2.x2 - xOrigin, seg2.y2 - yOrigin);

rangesIntersect(mag1, mag2, mag3, mag4);


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