complex template vs. concat

Benchmark created by garann means on

Preparation HTML

<div id="memberProfile"></div>

<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/html" id="tmplUser">
<h1>${firstName} ${lastName}</h1>
{{if premium}}
        <b>Premium User!</b>
<h2>Order History</h2>
<div class="orders">
{{each orders}}
        {{if premium}}
                <a href="premiumReturn.html">Return free</a>
                <a href="return.html">Return (you pay shipping)</a>
  var data = {
   firstName: "Jane",
   lastName: "Doe",
   premium: true,
   userID: 9999000,
   orders: [{
    number: 321,
    title: "Mule Variations"
    number: 543,
    title: "Library Nation"

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
use the template
build a string
var markup = '<h1>' + data.firstName + ' ' + data.lastName + '</h1>';
if (data.premium) markup += '<b>Premium User!</b>';
markup += '<h2>Order History</h2> <div class="orders">';
$.each(data.orders, function() {
 var o = this;
 markup += o.number + ' ' + o.title;
 markup += data.premium ? '<a href="premiumReturn.html">Return free</a>' : '<a href="return.html">Return (you pay shipping)</a>';
 markup += '<br/>';
markup += '</div>';


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  • Revision 1: published by garann means on
  • Revision 2: published by garann means on
  • Revision 4: published by garann means on
  • Revision 7: published on
  • Revision 9: published on