jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
jsperf.com URLs are mirrored at the same path, e.g:
Can be accessed at:
var s;
function Cookie() {
this.get = function(name) {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (cookies[i].indexOf('__u') == -1 && cookies[i].indexOf('PHPSESSID') == -1) {
var a = cookies[i].split("=");
if (a.length == 2) {
a[0] = a[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
a[1] = a[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (a[0] == name) {
return unescape(a[1]);
return "";
this.set = function(name, value, seconds, path, domain, secure) {
var cookie = (name + "=" + escape(value));
if (seconds) {
var date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + seconds * 1000);
cookie += ("; expires=" + date.toGMTString());
cookie += (path ? "; path=" + path : "");
cookie += (domain ? "; domain=" + domain : "");
cookie += (secure ? "; secure" : "");
document.cookie = cookie;
this.del = function(name) {
document.cookie = name + "=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT";
var info = '84t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg584t71gh4bp9=vg5';
var cookie = new Cookie();
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
Cookie |
| ready |
localStorage |
| ready |
get cookie |
| ready |
get localStorage |
| ready |
You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.