CSS4 :nth-match Selector in jQuery

Benchmark created by Tom Ellis on


Testing the CSS4 :nth-match Selector in jQuery to see if jQuery.expr.filters.CHILD is quicker than using .is()

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var re_match = /:(nth)-match(?:[0-9])?(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*),(.*?)\))?/,
      // Method / object references.
      $expr = $.expr, filterCHILD = $expr.filter.CHILD;
      $.extend($.expr[":"], {
        "nth-match1": function(elem, i, m) {
          var arr = m[3].split(","),
              n = arr[0],
              selector = arr[1],
              $this = $(elem),
              matches = m[0].match(re_match);
          matches = $expr.preFilter.CHILD(matches);
          return elem.parentNode && $this.is(selector) && filterCHILD(elem, matches);
        "nth-match2": function(elem, i, m) {
          var arr = m[3].split(","),
              n = arr[0],
              selector = arr[1],
              $this = $(elem);
          return elem.parentNode && $this.is(selector) && $this.is(":nth-child(" + n + ")");

Test runner

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Testing in
Using Sizzle's filter.CHILD
$("a:nth-match1(odd, a.link)").css("color", "red");
Using jQuery's :is()
$("a:nth-match2(odd, a.link)").css("color", "red");


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  • Revision 1: published by Tom Ellis on