Dart versus JavaScript

Benchmark created by martijndeh on


Simple comparison Dart JavaScript-generated code versus simple JavaScript equivalent.

Not fair at all, though.

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

function native_ArrayFactory__new(typeToken, length) {
  return RTT.setTypeInfo(
  new Array(length), Array.$lookupRTT(RTT.getTypeInfo(typeToken).typeArgs));

function native_ListFactory__new(typeToken, length) {
  return RTT.setTypeInfo(
  new Array(length), Array.$lookupRTT(RTT.getTypeInfo(typeToken).typeArgs));

function native_ObjectArray__indexOperator(index) {
  return this[index];

function native_ObjectArray__indexAssignOperator(index, value) {
  this[index] = value;

function native_ObjectArray_get$length() {
  return this.length;

function native_ObjectArray__setLength(length) {
  this.length = length;

function native_ObjectArray__add(element) {

function $inlineArrayIndexCheck(array, index) {
  if (index >= 0 && index < array.length) {
    return index;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 * Extend the Boolean prototype with members expected in dart.
 * TODO(jimhug): Add verification to ! and truth tests
Boolean.$instanceOf = function(obj) {
  return typeof obj == 'boolean' || obj instanceof Boolean;

function native_BoolImplementation_EQ(other) {
  if (typeof other == 'boolean') {
    return this == other;
  } else if (other instanceof Boolean) {
    // Must convert other to a primitive for value equality to work
    return this == Boolean(other);
  } else {
    return false;

function native_BoolImplementation_toString() {
  return (this == true) ? "true" : "false";
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 * Helpers for lazy static initialization.
var static$uninitialized = {};
var static$initializing = {};

// Optimized versions of closure bindings.
// Name convention: $bind<number-of-scopes>_<number-of-arguments>(fn, this, scopes, args)

function $bind0_0(fn, thisObj) {
  return function() {
    return fn.call(thisObj);

function $bind0_1(fn, thisObj) {
  return function(arg) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, arg);

function $bind0_2(fn, thisObj) {
  return function(arg1, arg2) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, arg1, arg2);

function $bind0_3(fn, thisObj) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, arg1, arg2, arg3);

function $bind0_4(fn, thisObj) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

function $bind0_5(fn, thisObj) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

function $bind1_0(fn, thisObj, scope) {
  return function() {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope);

function $bind1_1(fn, thisObj, scope) {
  return function(arg) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope, arg);

function $bind1_2(fn, thisObj, scope) {
  return function(arg1, arg2) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope, arg1, arg2);

function $bind1_3(fn, thisObj, scope) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope, arg1, arg2, arg3);

function $bind1_4(fn, thisObj, scope) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

function $bind1_5(fn, thisObj, scope) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

function $bind2_0(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2) {
  return function() {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2);

function $bind2_1(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2) {
  return function(arg) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, arg);

function $bind2_2(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2) {
  return function(arg1, arg2) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, arg1, arg2);

function $bind2_3(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, arg1, arg2, arg3);

function $bind2_4(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

function $bind2_5(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

function $bind3_0(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3) {
  return function() {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3);

function $bind3_1(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3) {
  return function(arg) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3, arg);

function $bind3_2(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3) {
  return function(arg1, arg2) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, arg1, arg2);

function $bind3_3(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3, arg1, arg2, arg3);

function $bind3_4(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

function $bind3_5(fn, thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3) {
  return function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) {
    return fn.call(thisObj, scope1, scope2, scope3, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

 * Implements extends for dart classes on javascript prototypes.
 * @param {Function} child
 * @param {Function} parent

function $inherits(child, parent) {
  if (child.prototype.__proto__) {
    child.prototype.__proto__ = parent.prototype;
  } else {
    function tmp() {};
    tmp.prototype = parent.prototype;
    child.prototype = new tmp();
    child.prototype.constructor = child;

 * @param {Function} fn
 * @param {Object|undefined} thisObj
 * @param {...*} var_args

function $bind(fn, thisObj, var_args) {
  if (arguments.length > 2) {
    var boundArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
    return function() {
      // Prepend the bound arguments to the current arguments.
      var newArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
      Array.prototype.unshift.apply(newArgs, boundArgs);
      return fn.apply(thisObj, newArgs);
  } else {
    return function() {
      return fn.apply(thisObj, arguments);

 * Dart null object that should be used by JS implementation to test for
 * Dart null.
 * TODO(ngeoffray): update dartc to generate this variable instead of
 *                  undefined.
 * @const
var $Dart$Null = void 0;

function assert(expr, msg) {
  var val = typeof(expr) == 'function' ? expr() : expr;
  if (!val) {
    // TODO: throw a Dart AssertionError instead
    var err = new Error('Assertion failed. ' + (msg || ''));
    Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(err);
    throw err;

// TODO(jimhug): Remove these functions after updating compiler backend.

function BIT_OR$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 | val2 : val1.BIT_OR$operator(val2);

function BIT_XOR$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 ^ val2 : val1.BIT_XOR$operator(val2);

function BIT_AND$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 & val2 : val1.BIT_AND$operator(val2);

function BIT_NOT$operator(val) {
  return (typeof(val) == 'number') ? ~val : val.BIT_NOT$operator();

function SHL$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 << val2 : val1.SHL$operator(val2);

function SAR$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 >> val2 : val1.SAR$operator(val2);

function SHR$operator(val1, val2) {
  return val1.SHR$operator(val2);

function ADD$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 + val2 : val1.ADD$operator(val2);

function SUB$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 - val2 : val1.SUB$operator(val2);

function MUL$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 * val2 : val1.MUL$operator(val2);

function DIV$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 / val2 : val1.DIV$operator(val2);

function MOD$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? number$euclideanModulo(val1, val2) : val1.MOD$operator(val2);

function TRUNC$operator(val1, val2) {
  if (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') {
    var tmp = val1 / val2;
    return (tmp < 0) ? Math.ceil(tmp) : Math.floor(tmp);
  } else {
    return val1.TRUNC$operator(val2);

function negate$operator(val) {
  return (typeof(val) == 'number') ? -val : val.negate$operator();

function LT$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 < val2 : val1.LT$operator(val2);

function GT$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 > val2 : val1.GT$operator(val2);

function LTE$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 <= val2 : val1.LTE$operator(val2);

function GTE$operator(val1, val2) {
  return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 >= val2 : val1.GTE$operator(val2);

 * These operators need to work correctly with undefined
 * so must be functions.

function EQ$operator(val1, val2) {
  if (val1 === $Dart$Null) {
    return val2 === $Dart$Null;
  } else {
    return (typeof(val1) == 'number' && typeof(val2) == 'number') ? val1 == val2 : val1.EQ$operator(val2);

function NE$operator(val1, val2) {
  return !EQ$operator(val1, val2);

// The following operator-functions are not called from Dart-generated code, but
// only from handwritten JS code.

function INDEX$operator(obj, index) {
  return obj.INDEX$operator(index);

function ASSIGN_INDEX$operator(obj, index, newVal) {
  obj.ASSIGN_INDEX$operator(index, newVal);

function $Dart$ThrowException(e) {
  // If e is not a value, we can use V8's captureStackTrace utility method.
  if (e && (typeof e == "object") && Error.captureStackTrace) {
  throw e;

function $toString(x) {
  return native__StringJsUtil_toDartString(x);

// Translate a JavaScript exception to a Dart exception
// TODO(zundel): cross browser support.  This is Chrome specific.

function $transformBrowserException(e) {
  if (e instanceof TypeError) {
    switch (e.type) {
    case "property_not_function":
    case "called_non_callable":
      if (e.arguments[0] == "undefined") {
        return native_ExceptionHelper_createNullPointerException();
      return native_ExceptionHelper_createObjectNotClosureException();
    case "non_object_property_call":
    case "non_object_property_load":
      return native_ExceptionHelper_createNullPointerException();
    case "undefined_method":
      if (e.arguments[0] == "call" || e.arguments[0] == "apply") {
        return native_ExceptionHelper_createObjectNotClosureException();
      return native_ExceptionHelper_createNoSuchMethodException("", e.arguments[0], []);
  return e;

// Throws a NoSuchMethodException (used by named-parameter trampolines).

function $nsme() {
  var e = native_ExceptionHelper_createNoSuchMethodException("", "", []);

// Throws a NoSuchMethodException (used when instantiating via a non-existent class or ctor).

function $nsme2(name, args) {
  var e = native_ExceptionHelper_createNoSuchMethodException(name, name, args);

// Shared named-argument object used by call-sites with no named arguments.
/** @const */
var $noargs = {
  count: 0

// Used for invoking dart functions from js.

function $dartcall(fn, args) {
  args.unshift(args.length, $noargs);
  fn.apply(null, args);

// The following methods are used to create canonical constants.

function native_ConstHelper_getConstId(o) {
  return $dart_const_id(o);

// compile time const canonicalization helpers

function $dart_const_id(o) {
  if (o === $Dart$Null) return "";
  if (typeof o === "number") return "n" + o;
  if (typeof o === "boolean") return "b" + ((o) ? 1 : 0);
  if (typeof o === "string") return $dart_const_string_id(o);
  if (typeof o === "function") throw "a function is not a constant expression";
  var result = o.$dartConstId;
  if (result === undefined) {
    throw "internal error: reference to non-canonical constant";
  return result;

// Array ids have the form: "aID,ID,ID"

function $dart_const_array_id(o) {
  var ids = [];
  for (var i = o.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  return "a" + ids.join(",");


// String ids have the form "sID"
var $string_id = 0;
var $string_id_cache = {};

function $dart_const_string_id(s) {
  var key = $CONST_MAP_PREFIX + s;
  var id = $string_id_cache[key];
  if (!id) {
    id = "s" + (++$string_id);
    $string_id_cache[key] = id;
  return id;

// A place to store the canonical consts
var $consts = {};

function $isDartMap(o) {
  return !!(o && o.$implements$Map$Dart);

// Intern const object "o"

function $intern(o, type_args) {
  var id;
  // Maps and arrays need special handling
  // TODO(johnlenz): This array check may not be sufficient across iframes.
  if (o instanceof Array) {
    // Dart array literals are implemented as JavaScript native arrays.
    id = $dart_const_array_id(o);
  } else if ($isDartMap(o)) {
    // Dart map literals are currently implemented by a non-const Dart class.
    id = native_ConstHelper_getConstMapId(o);
  } else {
    id = "o" + o.$const_id();
  if (type_args != null) {
    id += '<';
    for (var i = type_args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      id += type_args[i];
      id += ","
    id += '>';
  var key = $CONST_MAP_PREFIX + id;
  var match = $consts[key];
  if (match != null) {
    return match;
  o.$dartConstId = id;
  $consts[key] = o;
  return o;

function $Dart$MapLiteralFactory() {
  return native__CoreJsUtil__newMapLiteral();
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart core library.

function date$validateValue(value) {
  if (isNaN(value)) {
    // TODO(floitsch): Use real exception object.
    throw Error("Invalid Date");
  return value;

function native_DateImplementation__valueFromDecomposed(
years, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, isUtc) {
  // JavaScript has 0-based months.
  var jsMonth = month - 1;
  var value = isUtc ? Date.UTC(years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) : new Date(years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds).valueOf();
  return date$validateValue(value);

function native_DateImplementation__valueFromString(str) {
  return date$validateValue(Date.parse(str));

function native_DateImplementation__now() {
  return new Date().valueOf();

function date$dateFrom(dartDate, value) {
  // Lazily keep a JS Date stored in the dart object.
  var date = dartDate.date;
  if (!date) {
    date = new Date(value);
    dartDate.date = date;
  return date;

function native_DateImplementation__getYear(value, isUtc) {
  var date = date$dateFrom(this, value);
  return isUtc ? date.getUTCFullYear() : date.getFullYear();

function native_DateImplementation__getMonth(value, isUtc) {
  var date = date$dateFrom(this, value);
  var jsMonth = isUtc ? date.getUTCMonth() : date.getMonth();
  // JavaScript has 0-based months.
  return jsMonth + 1;

function native_DateImplementation__getDay(value, isUtc) {
  var date = date$dateFrom(this, value);
  return isUtc ? date.getUTCDate() : date.getDate();

function native_DateImplementation__getHours(value, isUtc) {
  var date = date$dateFrom(this, value);
  return isUtc ? date.getUTCHours() : date.getHours();

function native_DateImplementation__getMinutes(value, isUtc) {
  var date = date$dateFrom(this, value);
  return isUtc ? date.getUTCMinutes() : date.getMinutes();

function native_DateImplementation__getSeconds(value, isUtc) {
  var date = date$dateFrom(this, value);
  return isUtc ? date.getUTCSeconds() : date.getSeconds();

function native_DateImplementation__getMilliseconds(value, isUtc) {
  var date = date$dateFrom(this, value);
  return isUtc ? date.getUTCMilliseconds() : date.getMilliseconds();
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var isolate$current = null;
var isolate$rootIsolate = null; // Will only be set in the main worker.
var isolate$inits = [];
var isolate$globalThis = this;

// These declarations are needed to avoid errors from the Closure Compiler
// optimizer. They are defined in client/dom/generated/dart_dom_wrapping.js.
var __dom_wrap;
var __dom_unwrap;

var isolate$inWorker = (typeof isolate$globalThis['importScripts']) != "undefined";
var isolate$supportsWorkers = isolate$inWorker || ((typeof isolate$globalThis['Worker']) != 'undefined');

var isolate$MAIN_WORKER_ID = 0;
// Non-main workers will update the id variable.
var isolate$thisWorkerId = isolate$MAIN_WORKER_ID;

// Whether to use web workers when implementing isolates.
var isolate$useWorkers = isolate$supportsWorkers;
// Uncomment this to not use web workers even if they're available.
//   isolate$useWorkers = false;
// Whether to use the web-worker JSON-based message serialization protocol,
// even if not using web workers.
var isolate$useWorkerSerializationProtocol = false;
// Uncomment this to always use the web-worker JSON-based message
// serialization protocol, e.g. for testing purposes.
//   isolate$useWorkerSerializationProtocol = true;

// ------- SendPort -------

function isolate$sendMessage(workerId, isolateId, receivePortId, message, replyTo) {
  // Both, the message and the replyTo are already serialized.
  if (workerId == isolate$thisWorkerId) {
    var isolate = isolate$isolateRegistry.get(isolateId);
    if (!isolate) return; // Isolate has been closed.
    var receivePort = isolate.getReceivePortForId(receivePortId);
    if (!receivePort) return; // ReceivePort has been closed.
    isolate$receiveMessage(receivePort, isolate, message, replyTo);
  } else {
    var worker;
    if (isolate$inWorker) {
      worker = isolate$mainWorker;
    } else {
      worker = isolate$workerRegistry.get(workerId);
      command: 'message',
      workerId: workerId,
      isolateId: isolateId,
      portId: receivePortId,
      msg: message,
      replyTo: replyTo

function isolate$receiveMessage(port, isolate, serializedMessage, serializedReplyTo) {
  isolate$IsolateEvent.enqueue(isolate, function() {
    var message = isolate$deserializeMessage(serializedMessage);
    var replyTo = isolate$deserializeMessage(serializedReplyTo);
    native_ReceivePortImpl__invokeCallback(port, message, replyTo);

// ------- ReceivePort -------

function native_ReceivePortImpl__register(id) {
  isolate$current.registerReceivePort(id, this);

function native_ReceivePortImpl__unregister(id) {

function native_ReceivePortImpl__currentWorkerId() {
  return isolate$thisWorkerId;

function native_ReceivePortImpl__currentIsolateId() {
  return isolate$current.id;

// -------- Registry ---------

function isolate$Registry() {
  this.map = {};
  this.count = 0;

isolate$Registry.prototype.register = function(id, val) {
  if (this.map[id]) {
    throw Error("Registry: Elements must be registered only once.");
  this.map[id] = val;

isolate$Registry.prototype.unregister = function(id) {
  if (id in this.map) {
    delete this.map[id];

isolate$Registry.prototype.get = function(id) {
  return this.map[id];

isolate$Registry.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
  return this.count === 0;

// ------- Worker registry -------
// Only used in the main worker.
var isolate$workerRegistry = new isolate$Registry();

// ------- Isolate registry -------
// Isolates must be registered if, and only if, receive ports are alive.
// Normally no open receive-ports means that the isolate is dead, but
// DOM callbacks could resurrect it.
var isolate$isolateRegistry = new isolate$Registry();

// ------- Debugging log function -------

function isolate$log(msg) {
  if (isolate$inWorker) {
      command: 'log',
      msg: msg
  } else {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      throw String(e.stack);

function isolate$initializeWorker(workerId) {
  isolate$thisWorkerId = workerId;

var isolate$workerPrint = false;
if (isolate$inWorker) {
  isolate$workerPrint = function(msg) {
      command: 'print',
      msg: msg

// ------- Message handler -------

function isolate$processWorkerMessage(sender, e) {
  var msg = e.data;
  switch (msg.command) {
  case 'start':
    isolate$log("starting worker: " + msg.id + " " + msg.factoryName);
    var runnerObject = (isolate$globalThis[msg.factoryName])();
    var serializedReplyTo = msg.replyTo;
    isolate$IsolateEvent.enqueue(new isolate$Isolate(), function() {
      var replyTo = isolate$deserializeMessage(serializedReplyTo);
      native__IsolateJsUtil__startIsolate(runnerObject, replyTo);
  case 'spawn-worker':
    isolate$spawnWorker(msg.factoryName, msg.replyPort);
  case 'message':
    isolate$sendMessage(msg.workerId, msg.isolateId, msg.portId, msg.msg, msg.replyTo);
  case 'close':
    isolate$log("Closing Worker");
  case 'log':
  case 'print':
  case 'error':
    throw msg.msg;

if (isolate$supportsWorkers) {
  isolate$globalThis.onmessage = function(e) {
    isolate$processWorkerMessage(isolate$mainWorker, e);

// ------- Default Worker -------

function isolate$MainWorker() {
  this.id = isolate$MAIN_WORKER_ID;

var isolate$mainWorker = new isolate$MainWorker();
isolate$mainWorker.postMessage = function(msg) {

var isolate$nextFreeIsolateId = 1;

// Native methods for isolate functionality.
 * @constructor

function isolate$Isolate() {
  // The isolate ids is only unique within the current worker and frame.
  this.id = isolate$nextFreeIsolateId++;
  // When storing information on DOM nodes the isolate's id is not enough.
  // We instead use a token with a hashcode. The token can be stored in the
  // DOM node (since it is small and will not keep much data alive).
  this.token = new Object();
  this.token.hashCode = (Math.random() * 0xFFFFFFF) >>> 0;
  this.receivePorts = new isolate$Registry();
  this.run(function() {
    // The Dart-to-JavaScript compiler builds a list of functions that
    // need to run for each isolate to setup the state of static
    // variables. Run through the list and execute each function.
    for (var i = 0, len = isolate$inits.length; i < len; i++) {

// It is allowed to stack 'run' calls. The stacked isolates can be different.
// That is Isolate1.run could call the DOM which then calls Isolate2.run.
isolate$Isolate.prototype.run = function(code) {
  var old = isolate$current;
  isolate$current = this;
  var result = null;
  try {
    result = code();
  } finally {
    isolate$current = old;
  return result;

isolate$Isolate.prototype.registerReceivePort = function(id, port) {
  if (this.receivePorts.isEmpty()) {
    isolate$isolateRegistry.register(this.id, this);
  this.receivePorts.register(id, port);

isolate$Isolate.prototype.unregisterReceivePort = function(id) {
  if (this.receivePorts.isEmpty()) {

isolate$Isolate.prototype.getReceivePortForId = function(id) {
  return this.receivePorts.get(id);

var isolate$events = [];

 * @constructor

function isolate$IsolateEvent(isolate, fn) {
  this.isolate = isolate;
  this.fn = fn;

isolate$IsolateEvent.prototype.process = function() {

isolate$IsolateEvent.enqueue = function(isolate, fn) {
  isolate$events.push(new isolate$IsolateEvent(isolate, fn));

isolate$IsolateEvent.dequeue = function() {
  if (isolate$events.length == 0) return $Dart$Null;
  var result = isolate$events[0];
  isolate$events.splice(0, 1);
  return result;

function native_IsolateNatives__spawn(runnable, light, replyPort) {
  // TODO(floitsch): throw exception if runnable's class doesn't have a
  // default constructor.
  if (isolate$useWorkers && !light) {
    isolate$startWorker(runnable, replyPort);
  } else {
    isolate$startNonWorker(runnable, replyPort);

function native_IsolateNatives_bind(fn) {
  var isolate = isolate$current;
  return function() {
    var self = this;
    var args = arguments;
    isolate.run(function() {
      fn.apply(self, args);

function isolate$startNonWorker(runnable, replyTo) {
  // Spawn a new isolate and create the receive port in it.
  var spawned = new isolate$Isolate();

  // Instead of just running the provided runnable, we create a
  // new cloned instance of it with a fresh state in the spawned
  // isolate. This way, we do not get cross-isolate references
  // through the runnable.
  var factory = runnable.getIsolateFactory();
  isolate$IsolateEvent.enqueue(spawned, function() {
    native__IsolateJsUtil__startIsolate(factory(), replyTo);

// This field is only used by the main worker.
var isolate$nextFreeWorkerId = isolate$thisWorkerId + 1;

var isolate$thisScript = function() {
    if (!isolate$supportsWorkers || isolate$inWorker) return null;

    // TODO(5334778): Find a cross-platform non-brittle way of getting the
    // currently running script.
    var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
    // The scripts variable only contains the scripts that have already been
    // executed. The last one is the currently running script.
    var script = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
    var src = script.src;
    if (!src) {
      // TODO()
      src = "FIXME:5407062" + "_" + Math.random().toString();
      script.src = src;
    return src;

function isolate$startWorker(runnable, replyPort) {
  var factory = runnable.getIsolateFactory();
  var factoryName = factory.name;
  var serializedReplyPort = isolate$serializeMessage(replyPort);
  if (isolate$inWorker) {
      command: 'spawn-worker',
      factoryName: factoryName,
      replyPort: serializedReplyPort
  } else {
    isolate$spawnWorker(factoryName, serializedReplyPort);

function isolate$spawnWorker(factoryName, serializedReplyPort) {
  var worker = new Worker(isolate$thisScript);
  worker.onmessage = function(e) {
    isolate$processWorkerMessage(worker, e);
  var workerId = isolate$nextFreeWorkerId++;
  // We also store the id on the worker itself so that we can unregister it.
  worker.id = workerId;
  isolate$workerRegistry.register(workerId, worker);
    command: 'start',
    id: workerId,
    replyTo: serializedReplyPort,
    factoryName: factoryName

function native_SendPortImpl__sendNow(message, replyTo) {
  if (replyTo !== $Dart$Null && !(replyTo instanceof SendPortImpl$Dart)) {
    throw "SendPort::send: Illegal replyTo type.";
  message = isolate$serializeMessage(message);
  replyTo = isolate$serializeMessage(replyTo);
  var workerId = native_SendPortImpl__getWorkerId(this);
  var isolateId = native_SendPortImpl__getIsolateId(this);
  var receivePortId = native_SendPortImpl__getReceivePortId(this);
  isolate$sendMessage(workerId, isolateId, receivePortId, message, replyTo);

function isolate$closeWorkerIfNecessary() {
  if (!isolate$isolateRegistry.isEmpty()) return;
    command: 'close'

function isolate$doOneEventLoopIteration() {
  var CONTINUE_LOOP = true;
  var STOP_LOOP = false;
  var event = isolate$IsolateEvent.dequeue();
  if (!event) {
    if (isolate$inWorker) {
    } else if (!isolate$isolateRegistry.isEmpty() && isolate$workerRegistry.isEmpty() && !isolate$supportsWorkers && (typeof(window) == 'undefined')) {
      // This should only trigger when running on the command-line.
      // We don't want this check to execute in the browser where the isolate
      // might still be alive due to DOM callbacks.
      // throw Error("Program exited with open ReceivePorts.");
    return STOP_LOOP;
  } else {
    return CONTINUE_LOOP;

function isolate$doRunEventLoop() {
  if (typeof window != 'undefined' && window.setTimeout) {
    (function next() {
      var continueLoop = isolate$doOneEventLoopIteration();
      if (!continueLoop) return;
      // TODO(kasperl): It might turn out to be too expensive to call
      // setTimeout for every single event. This needs more investigation.
      window.setTimeout(next, 0);
  } else {
    while (true) {
      var continueLoop = isolate$doOneEventLoopIteration();
      if (!continueLoop) break;

function isolate$runEventLoop() {
  if (!isolate$inWorker) {
  } else {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      // TODO(floitsch): try to send stack-trace to the other side.
        command: 'error',
        msg: "" + e

function RunEntry(entry, args) {
  // Don't start the main loop again, if we are in a worker.
  if (isolate$inWorker) return;
  var isolate = new isolate$Isolate();
  isolate$rootIsolate = isolate;
  isolate$IsolateEvent.enqueue(isolate, function() {

  // BUG(5151491): This should not be necessary, but because closures
  // passed to the DOM as event handlers do not bind their isolate
  // automatically we try to give them a reasonable context to live in
  // by having a "default" isolate (the first one created).
  isolate$current = isolate;

// ------- Message Serializing and Deserializing -------

function native_MessageTraverser__clearAttachedInfo(o) {
  o['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'] = (void 0);

function native_MessageTraverser__setAttachedInfo(o, info) {
  o['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'] = info;

function native_MessageTraverser__getAttachedInfo(o) {
  return o['__MessageTraverser__attached_info__'];

function native_Serializer__newJsArray(len) {
  return new Array(len);

function native_Serializer__jsArrayIndexSet(jsArray, index, val) {
  jsArray[index] = val;

function native_Serializer__dartListToJsArrayNoCopy(list) {
  if (list instanceof Array) {
    return list;
  } else {
    var len = native__ArrayJsUtil__arrayLength(list);
    var array = new Array(len);
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      array[i] = INDEX$operator(list, i);
    return array;

function native_Deserializer__isJsArray(x) {
  return x instanceof Array;

function native_Deserializer__jsArrayIndex(x, index) {
  return x[index];

function native_Deserializer__jsArrayLength(x) {
  return x.length;

function isolate$serializeMessage(message) {
  if (isolate$useWorkers || isolate$useWorkerSerializationProtocol) {
    return native__IsolateJsUtil__serializeObject(message);
  } else {
    return native__IsolateJsUtil__copyObject(message);

function isolate$deserializeMessage(message) {
  if (isolate$useWorkers || isolate$useWorkerSerializationProtocol) {
    return native__IsolateJsUtil__deserializeMessage(message);
  } else {
    // Nothing more to do.
    return message;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Native methods for Math.
var native_Math_ceil = Math.ceil;
var native_Math_floor = Math.floor;
var native_Math_max = Math.max;
var native_Math_min = Math.min;
var native_Math_round = Math.round;

// A valid integer-string is composed of:
//   optional whitespace: \s*
//   an optional sign: [+-]?
//   either digits (at least one): \d+
//       or a hex-literal: 0[xX][0-9abcdefABCDEF]+
//   optional whitespace: \s*
var math$INT_REGEXP = /^\s*[+-]?(:?\d+|0[xX][0-9abcdefABCDEF]+)\s*$/;

// A valid double-string is composed of:
//   optional whitespace: \s*
//   an optional sign: [+-]?
//   either:
//      digits* . digits+ exponent?
//      digits+ exponent
//      Infinity
//      NaN
//   optional whitespace: \s*
var math$DOUBLE_REGEXP = /^\s*[+-]?((\d*\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?)|(\d+([eE][+-]?\d+))|Infinity|NaN)\s*$/;

function native_MathNatives_parseDouble(str) {
  if (math$INT_REGEXP.test(str) || math$DOUBLE_REGEXP.test(str)) return +str;
  throw native_MathNatives__newBadNumberFormat(str);

function native_MathNatives_parseInt(str) {
  if (math$INT_REGEXP.test(str)) return +str;
  throw native_MathNatives__newBadNumberFormat(str);

function native_MathNatives_random() {
  return Math.random();

function native_MathNatives_sin(x) {
  return Math.sin(x);

function native_MathNatives_cos(x) {
  return Math.cos(x);

function native_MathNatives_tan(x) {
  return Math.tan(x);

function native_MathNatives_asin(x) {
  return Math.asin(x);

function native_MathNatives_acos(x) {
  return Math.acos(x);

function native_MathNatives_atan(x) {
  return Math.atan(x);

function native_MathNatives_atan2(x, y) {
  return Math.atan2(x, y);

function native_MathNatives_sqrt(x) {
  return Math.sqrt(x);

function native_MathNatives_exp(x) {
  return Math.exp(x);

function native_MathNatives_log(x) {
  return Math.log(x);

function native_MathNatives_pow(x, y) {
  return Math.pow(x, y);
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 * Extend the Number prototype with members expected in dart.
 * TODO(jimhug): Figure out how to map dart's number hierarchy to Number.

Number.$instanceOf = function(obj) {
  return typeof obj == 'number' || obj instanceof Number;

function native_NumberImplementation_BIT_OR(other) {
  return this | other;

function native_NumberImplementation_BIT_XOR(other) {
  return this ^ other;

function native_NumberImplementation_BIT_AND(other) {
  return this & other;

function native_NumberImplementation_SHL(other) {
  return this << other;

function native_NumberImplementation_SAR(other) {
  return this >> other;

function native_NumberImplementation_ADD(other) {
  return this + other;

function native_NumberImplementation_SUB(other) {
  return this - other;

function native_NumberImplementation_MUL(other) {
  return this * other;

function native_NumberImplementation_DIV(other) {
  return this / other;

function native_NumberImplementation_TRUNC(other) {
  var tmp = this / other;
  if (tmp < 0) {
    return Math.ceil(tmp);
  } else {
    return Math.floor(tmp);

function number$euclideanModulo(a, b) {
  var result = a % b;
  if (result == 0) {
    return 0; // Make sure we don't return -0.0.
  } else if (result < 0) {
    if (b < 0) {
      return result - b;
    } else {
      return result + b;
  return result;

function native_NumberImplementation_MOD(other) {
  return number$euclideanModulo(this, other);

function native_NumberImplementation_LT(other) {
  return this < other;

function native_NumberImplementation_GT(other) {
  return this > other;

function native_NumberImplementation_LTE(other) {
  return this <= other;

function native_NumberImplementation_GTE(other) {
  return this >= other;

function native_NumberImplementation_EQ(other) {
  if (typeof other == 'number') {
    return this == other;
  } else if (other instanceof Number) {
    // Must convert other to a primitive for value equality to work
    return this == Number(other);
  } else {
    return false;

function native_NumberImplementation_BIT_NOT() {
  return ~this;

function native_NumberImplementation_negate() {
  return -this;

function native_NumberImplementation_remainder(other) {
  return this % other;

function native_NumberImplementation_abs() {
  return Math.abs(this);

function native_NumberImplementation_round() {
  return Math.round(this);

function native_NumberImplementation_floor() {
  return Math.floor(this);

function native_NumberImplementation_ceil() {
  return Math.ceil(this);

function native_NumberImplementation_truncate() {
  return (this < 0) ? Math.ceil(this) : Math.floor(this);

function native_NumberImplementation_isNegative() {
  // TODO(floitsch): is there a faster way to detect -0?
  if (this == 0) return (1 / this) < 0;
  return this < 0;

function native_NumberImplementation_isEven() {
  return ((this & 1) == 0);

function native_NumberImplementation_isOdd() {
  return ((this & 1) == 1);

function native_NumberImplementation_isNaN() {
  return isNaN(this);

function native_NumberImplementation_isInfinite() {
  return (this == Infinity) || (this == -Infinity);

function native_NumberImplementation_toString() {
  return this.toString();

function native_NumberImplementation_toStringAsFixed(fractionDigits) {
  return this.toFixed(fractionDigits);

function native_NumberImplementation_toStringAsPrecision(precision) {
  return this.toPrecision(precision);

function native_NumberImplementation_toStringAsExponential(fractionDigits) {
  return this.toExponential(fractionDigits);

function native_NumberImplementation_toRadixString(radix) {
  return this.toString(radix);

function native_NumberImplementation_hashCode() {
  return this & 0xFFFFFFF;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Object.$instanceOf = function(obj) {
  return true;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

function native__Logger__printString(str) {
  if (isolate$workerPrint) {
  } else if (this.console) {
  } else if (this.write) {
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

function native_JSSyntaxRegExp_firstMatch(str) {
  var re = $DartRegExpToJSRegExp(this);
  var m = re.exec(str);
  if (m != null) {
    var match = native_JSSyntaxMatch__new(this, str);
    match.match_ = m;
    match.lastIndex_ = re.lastIndex;
    return match;
  return $Dart$Null;

function native_JSSyntaxRegExp_hasMatch(str) {
  return $DartRegExpToJSRegExp(this).test(str);

function native_JSSyntaxRegExp_stringMatch(str) {
  var m = $DartRegExpToJSRegExp(this).exec(str);
  return (m != null ? m[0] : $Dart$Null);

function native_JSSyntaxMatch_group(nb) {
  return this.match_[nb];

function native_JSSyntaxMatch_groupCount() {
  return this.match_.length;

function native_JSSyntaxMatch_start() {
  return this.match_.index;

function native_JSSyntaxMatch_end() {
  return this.lastIndex_;

function native__LazyAllMatchesIterator__jsInit(regExp) {
  this.re = $DartRegExpToJSRegExp(regExp);

// The given RegExp is only used to initialize a new Match. We use the
// cached JS regexp to compute the next match.

function native__LazyAllMatchesIterator__computeNextMatch(regExp, str) {
  var re = this.re;
  if (re === null) return $Dart$Null;
  var m = re.exec(str);
  if (m == null) {
    this.re = null;
    return $Dart$Null;
  var match = native_JSSyntaxMatch__new(regExp, str);
  match.match_ = m;
  match.lastIndex_ = re.lastIndex;
  return match;

function $DartRegExpToJSRegExp(exp) {
  var flags = "g";
  if (native_JSSyntaxRegExp__multiLine(exp)) flags += "m";
  if (native_JSSyntaxRegExp__ignoreCase(exp)) flags += "i";
  return new RegExp(native_JSSyntaxRegExp__pattern(exp), flags);
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The following methods are used to handle type information
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} classkey
 * @param {string=} typekey
 * @param {Array.<RTT>=} typeargs

function RTT(classkey, typekey, typeargs) {
  this.classKey = classkey;
  this.typeKey = typekey ? typekey : classkey;
  this.typeArgs = typeargs;
  this.implementedTypes = {};
  // Add self
  this.implementedTypes[classkey] = this;
  // Add Object
  if (classkey != $cls('Object')) {
    this.implementedTypes[$cls('Object')] = RTT.objectType;

/** @type {Object.<string, Object>} */
RTT.types = {};

/** @type {Array.<RTT>} */
RTT.prototype.derivedTypes = [];

/** @return {string} */
RTT.prototype.toString = function() {
  return this.typeKey;

 * @param {*} value 
 * @return {boolean} Whether this type is implemented by the value
RTT.prototype.implementedBy = function(value) {
  return (value == null) ? RTT.nullInstanceOf(this) : this.implementedByType(RTT.getTypeInfo(value));

 * A helper function for safely looking up a value
 * in a Object used as a map.
 * @param {Object.<*>} map
 * @param {srting} key
 * @return {*} the value or null;

function $mapLookup(map, key) {
  return map.hasOwnProperty(key) ? map[key] : null;

 * @param {!RTT} other
 * @return {boolean} Whether this type is implement by other
RTT.prototype.implementedByType = function(otherType) {
  if (otherType === this || otherType === RTT.dynamicType) {
    return true;
  var targetTypeInfo = $mapLookup(otherType.implementedTypes, this.classKey);
  if (targetTypeInfo == null) {
    return false;
  if (targetTypeInfo.typeArgs && this.typeArgs) {
    for (var i = this.typeArgs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (!this.typeArgs[i].implementedByType(targetTypeInfo.typeArgs[i])) {
        return false;
  return true;

 * @return {string} the class name associated with this type
RTT.prototype.getClassName = function() {
  var name = this.classKey;
  if (name.substr(0, 4) == "cls:") {
    name = name.substr(4);
  if (name.substr(-5) == "$Dart") {
    name = name.substr(0, name.length - 5);
  return name;

 * @param {RTT}
 * @return {boolean} 
RTT.nullInstanceOf = function(type) {
  return type === RTT.objectType || type === RTT.dynamicType;

 * @param {*} value The value to retrieve type information for
 * @return {RTT} 
RTT.getNativeTypeInfo = function(value) {
  if (value instanceof Array) return Array.$lookupRTT();
  switch (typeof value) {
  case 'string':
    return String.$lookupRTT();
  case 'number':
    return Number.$lookupRTT();
  case 'boolean':
    return Boolean.$lookupRTT();
  return RTT.placeholderType;

 * @param {string} name
 * @param {function(RTT,Array.<RTT>)=} implementsSupplier 
 * @param {Array.<RTT>=} typeArgs
 * @return {RTT} The RTT information object
RTT.create = function(name, implementsSupplier, typeArgs) {
  if (name == $cls("Object")) return RTT.objectType;
  var typekey = RTT.getTypeKey(name, typeArgs);
  var rtt = $mapLookup(RTT.types, typekey);
  if (rtt) {
    return rtt;
  var classkey = RTT.getTypeKey(name);
  rtt = new RTT(classkey, typekey, typeArgs);
  RTT.types[typekey] = rtt;
  if (implementsSupplier) {
    implementsSupplier(rtt, typeArgs);
  return rtt;

 * @param {string} classkey
 * @param {Array.<(RTT|string)>=} typeargs
 * @return {string}
RTT.getTypeKey = function(classkey, typeargs) {
  var key = classkey;
  if (typeargs) {
    key += "<" + typeargs.join(",") + ">";
  return key;

 * @return {*} value
 * @return {RTT} return the RTT information object for the value
RTT.getTypeInfo = function(value) {
  return (value.$typeInfo) ? value.$typeInfo : RTT.getNativeTypeInfo(value);

 * @param {Object} o
 * @param {RTT} rtt
 * Sets the RTT on the object and returns the object itself.
RTT.setTypeInfo = function(o, rtt) {
  o.$typeInfo = rtt;
  return o;

 * @param {Object} o
 * Removes any RTT from the object and returns the object itself.
RTT.removeTypeInfo = function(o) {
  o.$typeInfo = null;
  return o;

 * The typeArg array is optional
 * @param {Array.<RTT>=} typeArgs
 * @param {number} i
 * @return {RTT}
RTT.getTypeArg = function(typeArgs, i) {
  if (typeArgs) {
    if (typeArgs.length > i) {
      return typeArgs[i];
    } else {
      throw new Error("Missing type arg");
  return RTT.dynamicType;

 * The typeArg array is optional
 * @param {*} o
 * @param {string} classkey
 * @return {Array.<RTT>}
RTT.getTypeArgsFor = function(o, classkey) {
  var rtt = $mapLookup(RTT.getTypeInfo(o).implementedTypes, classkey);
  if (!rtt) {
    throw new Error("internal error: can not find " + classkey + " in " + JSON.stringify(o));
  return rtt.typeArgs;

// Base types for runtime type information
/** @type {!RTT} */
RTT.objectType = new RTT($cls('Object'));
RTT.objectType.implementedBy = function(o) {
  return true
RTT.objectType.implementedByType = function(o) {
  return true

/** @type {!RTT} */
RTT.dynamicType = new RTT($cls('Dynamic'));
RTT.dynamicType.implementedBy = function(o) {
  return true
RTT.dynamicType.implementedByType = function(o) {
  return true

/** @type {!RTT} */
RTT.placeholderType = new RTT($cls('::'));
RTT.placeholderType.implementedBy = function(o) {
  return true
RTT.placeholderType.implementedByType = function(o) {
  return true

 * Checks that a value is assignable to an expected type, and either returns that
 * value if it is, or else throws a TypeMismatchException.
 * @param {!RTT} the expected type
 * @param {*} the value to check
 * @return {*} the value

function $chk(rtt, value) {
  // null can be assigned to any type
  if (value == $Dart$Null || rtt.implementedBy(value)) {
    return value;
  $te(rtt, value);

 * Throw a TypeError.  See core.dart for the ExceptionHelper class.
 * @param {!RTT} the expected type
 * @param {*) the value that failed

function $te(rtt, value) {
  var srcType = RTT.getTypeInfo(value).getClassName();
  var dstType = rtt.getClassName();
  var e = native_ExceptionHelper_createTypeError(srcType, dstType);

// Setup the Function object
Function.prototype.$implements$Function$Dart = 1;
RTT.setTypeInfo(Function.prototype, RTT.create($cls('Function$Dart')));

 * @param {string} cls 
 * @return {string}
 * @consistentIdGenerator 

function $cls(cls) {
  return "cls:" + cls;
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
 * Extend the String prototype with members expected in dart.

String.$instanceOf = function(obj) {
  return typeof obj == 'string' || obj instanceof String;

function native_StringImplementation__indexOperator(index) {
  return this[index];

function native_StringImplementation__charCodeAt(index) {
  return this.charCodeAt(index);

function native_StringImplementation_get$length() {
  return this.length;

function native_StringImplementation_EQ(other) {
  if (typeof other == 'string') {
    return this == other;
  } else if (other instanceof String) {
    // Must convert other to a primitive for value equality to work.
    return this == String(other);
  } else {
    return false;

function native_StringImplementation_indexOf(other, startIndex) {
  return this.indexOf(other, startIndex);

function native_StringImplementation_lastIndexOf(other, fromIndex) {
  if (other == "") {
    return Math.min(this.length, fromIndex);
  return this.lastIndexOf(other, fromIndex);

function native_StringImplementation_concat(other) {
  return this.concat(other);

function native_StringImplementation__substringUnchecked(startIndex, endIndex) {
  return this.substring(startIndex, endIndex);

function native_StringImplementation_trim() {
  if (this.trim) return this.trim();
  return this.replace(new RegExp("^[\s]+|[\s]+$", "g"), "");

function native_StringImplementation__replace(from, to) {
  if (String.$instanceOf(from)) {
    return this.replace(from, to);
  } else {
    return this.replace($DartRegExpToJSRegExp(from), to);

function native_StringImplementation__replaceAll(from, to) {
  if (String.$instanceOf(from)) {
    var regexp = new RegExp(
    from.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), 'g');
    return this.replace(regexp, to);
  } else {
    var regexp = $DartRegExpToJSRegExp(from);
    return this.replace(regexp, to);

function native_StringImplementation__split(pattern) {
  if (String.$instanceOf(pattern)) {
    return this.split(pattern);
  } else {
    return this.split($DartRegExpToJSRegExp(pattern));

function native_StringImplementation_toLowerCase() {
  return this.toLowerCase();

function native_StringImplementation_toUpperCase() {
  return this.toUpperCase();

// Inherited from Hashable.

function native_StringImplementation_hashCode() {
  if (this.hash_ === undefined) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      var ch = this.charCodeAt(i);
      this.hash_ += ch;
      this.hash_ += this.hash_ << 10;
      this.hash_ ^= this.hash_ >> 6;

    this.hash_ += this.hash_ << 3;
    this.hash_ ^= this.hash_ >> 11;
    this.hash_ += this.hash_ << 15;
    this.hash_ = this.hash_ & ((1 << 29) - 1);
  return this.hash_;

function native_StringImplementation_toString() {
  // Return the primitive string of this String object.
  return String(this);

// TODO(floitsch): If we allow comparison operators on the String class we
// should move this function into dart world.

function native_StringImplementation_compareTo(other) {
  if (this == other) return 0;
  if (this < other) return -1;
  return 1;

function native_StringImplementation__newFromValues(array) {
  if (!(array instanceof Array)) {
    var length = native__ArrayJsUtil__arrayLength(array);
    var tmp = new Array(length);
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      tmp[i] = INDEX$operator(array, i);
    array = tmp;
  return String.fromCharCode.apply(this, array);

// Deprecated old name of new String.fromValues(..).

function native_StringBase_createFromCharCodes(array) {
  return native_StringImplementation__newFromValues(array);

function ArrayFactory$Dart() {}

ArrayFactory$Dart.$lookupRTT = function() {
  return RTT.create($cls('ArrayFactory$Dart'));
ArrayFactory$Dart.$addTo = function(target) {
  var rtt = ArrayFactory$Dart.$lookupRTT();
  target.implementedTypes[rtt.classKey] = rtt;
ArrayFactory$Dart.prototype.$implements$ArrayFactory$Dart = 1;
ArrayFactory$Dart.prototype.$implements$Object$Dart = 1;
ArrayFactory$Dart.Array$from$5$Factory = function($typeArgs, other) {
  var array = ArrayFactory$Dart.Array$$Factory([RTT.getTypeArg($typeArgs, 0)], $Dart$Null); {
    var $0 = other.iterator$named(0, $noargs);
    while ($0.hasNext$named(0, $noargs)) {
      var e = $0.next$named(0, $noargs); {
        array.add$named(1, $noargs, e);
  return array;
ArrayFactory$Dart.Array$fromArray$5$Factory = function($typeArgs, other, startIndex, endIndex) {
  var tmp$0;
  var array = ArrayFactory$Dart.Array$$Factory([RTT.getTypeArg($typeArgs, 0)], $Dart$Null);
  if (GT$operator(endIndex, other.length$getter())) {
    endIndex = other.length$getter();
  if (LT$operator(startIndex, 0)) {
    startIndex = 0;
  var count = SUB$operator(endIndex, startIndex);
  if (GT$operator(count, 0)) {
    array.length$setter(tmp$0 = count), tmp$0;
    Arrays$Dart.copy$member(other, startIndex, array, 0, count);
  return array;
ArrayFactory$Dart.Array$$Factory = function($typeArgs, length_0) {
  var tmp$0;
  var isFixed = true;
  if (length_0 == null) {
    length_0 = 0;
    isFixed = false;
  } else {
    if (LT$operator(length_0, 0)) {
  var array = ArrayFactory$Dart._new$$member_(TypeToken$Dart.TypeToken$$Factory(TypeToken$Dart.$lookupRTT([RTT.getTypeArg($typeArgs, 0)])), length_0);
  array._isFixed$$setter_(tmp$0 = isFixed), tmp$0;
  return array;
ArrayFactory$Dart._new$$member_ = function(typeToken, length_0) {
  return native_ArrayFactory__new(typeToken, length_0);
ArrayFactory$Dart._new$$named_ = function($n, $o, typeToken, length_0) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 2) $nsme();
  return ArrayFactory$Dart._new$$member_(typeToken, length_0);
ArrayFactory$Dart._new$$getter_ = function _new$$getter_() {
  return ArrayFactory$Dart._new$$named_;

function ListFactory$Dart() {}

ListFactory$Dart.$lookupRTT = function() {
  return RTT.create($cls('ListFactory$Dart'));
ListFactory$Dart.$addTo = function(target) {
  var rtt = ListFactory$Dart.$lookupRTT();
  target.implementedTypes[rtt.classKey] = rtt;
ListFactory$Dart.prototype.$implements$ListFactory$Dart = 1;
ListFactory$Dart.prototype.$implements$Object$Dart = 1;
ListFactory$Dart.List$from$4$Factory = function($typeArgs, other) {
  var list = ListFactory$Dart.List$$Factory([RTT.getTypeArg($typeArgs, 0)], $Dart$Null); {
    var $0 = other.iterator$named(0, $noargs);
    while ($0.hasNext$named(0, $noargs)) {
      var e = $0.next$named(0, $noargs); {
        list.add$named(1, $noargs, e);
  return list;
ListFactory$Dart.List$fromList$4$Factory = function($typeArgs, other, startIndex, endIndex) {
  var tmp$0;
  var list = ListFactory$Dart.List$$Factory([RTT.getTypeArg($typeArgs, 0)], $Dart$Null);
  if (GT$operator(endIndex, other.length$getter())) {
    endIndex = other.length$getter();
  if (LT$operator(startIndex, 0)) {
    startIndex = 0;
  var count = SUB$operator(endIndex, startIndex);
  if (GT$operator(count, 0)) {
    list.length$setter(tmp$0 = count), tmp$0;
    Arrays$Dart.copy$member(other, startIndex, list, 0, count);
  return list;
ListFactory$Dart.List$$Factory = function($typeArgs, length_0) {
  var tmp$0;
  var isFixed = true;
  if (length_0 == null) {
    length_0 = 0;
    isFixed = false;
  } else {
    if (LT$operator(length_0, 0)) {
  var list = ListFactory$Dart._new$$member_(TypeToken$Dart.TypeToken$$Factory(TypeToken$Dart.$lookupRTT([RTT.getTypeArg($typeArgs, 0)])), length_0);
  list._isFixed$$setter_(tmp$0 = isFixed), tmp$0;
  return list;
ListFactory$Dart._new$$member_ = function(typeToken, length_0) {
  return native_ListFactory__new(typeToken, length_0);
ListFactory$Dart._new$$named_ = function($n, $o, typeToken, length_0) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 2) $nsme();
  return ListFactory$Dart._new$$member_(typeToken, length_0);
ListFactory$Dart._new$$getter_ = function _new$$getter_() {
  return ListFactory$Dart._new$$named_;
Array.$lookupRTT = function(typeArgs) {
  return RTT.create($cls('Array'), Array.$RTTimplements, typeArgs);
Array.$RTTimplements = function(rtt, typeArgs) {
  Array.$addTo(rtt, typeArgs);
  rtt.derivedTypes = [];
Array.$addTo = function(target, typeArgs) {
  var rtt = Array.$lookupRTT(typeArgs);
  target.implementedTypes[rtt.classKey] = rtt;
  Array$Dart.$addTo(target, [RTT.getTypeArg(target.typeArgs, 0)]);
Array.prototype.$implements$ObjectArray$Dart = 1;
Array.prototype.$implements$Array$Dart = 1;
Array.prototype.$implements$List$Dart = 1;
Array.prototype.$implements$Collection$Dart = 1;
Array.prototype.$implements$Iterable$Dart = 1;
Array.prototype.$implements$Object$Dart = 1;
Array.prototype._isFixed$$named_ = function() {
  return this._isFixed$$getter_().apply(this, arguments);
Array.prototype._isFixed$$getter_ = function() {
  return this._isFixed$$field_;
Array.prototype._isFixed$$setter_ = function(tmp$0) {
  this._isFixed$$field_ = tmp$0;
Array.prototype.INDEX$operator = function(index) {
  if (LTE$operator(0, index) && LT$operator(index, this.length$getter())) {
    return this._indexOperator$$member_(index);
Array.prototype.ASSIGN_INDEX$operator = function(index, value) {
  if (LT$operator(index, 0) || LTE$operator(this.length$getter(), index)) {
  this._indexAssignOperator$$member_(index, value);
Array.prototype.iterator$member = function() {
  if (this._isFixed$$getter_()) {
    return FixedSizeArrayIterator$Dart.FixedSizeArrayIterator$$Factory(FixedSizeArrayIterator$Dart.$lookupRTT([RTT.getTypeArg(RTT.getTypeArgsFor(this, $cls('Array')), 0)]), this);
  } else {
    return VariableSizeArrayIterator$Dart.VariableSizeArrayIterator$$Factory(VariableSizeArrayIterator$Dart.$lookupRTT([RTT.getTypeArg(RTT.getTypeArgsFor(this, $cls('Array')), 0)]), this);
Array.prototype.iterator$named = function($n, $o) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 0) $nsme();
  return Array.prototype.iterator$member.call(this);
Array.prototype.iterator$getter = function iterator$getter() {
  return $bind(Array.prototype.iterator$named, this);
Array.prototype._indexOperator$$member_ = function(index) {
  return native_ObjectArray__indexOperator.call(this, index);
Array.prototype._indexOperator$$named_ = function($n, $o, index) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 1) $nsme();
  return Array.prototype._indexOperator$$member_.call(this, index);
Array.prototype._indexOperator$$getter_ = function _indexOperator$$getter_() {
  return $bind(Array.prototype._indexOperator$$named_, this);
Array.prototype._indexAssignOperator$$member_ = function(index, value) {
  return native_ObjectArray__indexAssignOperator.call(this, index, value);
Array.prototype._indexAssignOperator$$named_ = function($n, $o, index, value) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 2) $nsme();
  return Array.prototype._indexAssignOperator$$member_.call(this, index, value);
Array.prototype._indexAssignOperator$$getter_ = function _indexAssignOperator$$getter_() {
  return $bind(Array.prototype._indexAssignOperator$$named_, this);
Array.prototype.length$named = function() {
  return this.length$getter().apply(this, arguments);
Array.prototype.length$getter = function() {
  return native_ObjectArray_get$length.call(this);
Array.prototype.length$setter = function(length_0) {
  if (this._isFixed$$getter_()) {
    $Dart$ThrowException($intern(UnsupportedOperationException$Dart.UnsupportedOperationException$$Factory('Cannot change the length of a non-extendable array')));
  } else {
Array.prototype._setLength$$member_ = function(length_0) {
  return native_ObjectArray__setLength.call(this, length_0);
Array.prototype._setLength$$named_ = function($n, $o, length_0) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 1) $nsme();
  return Array.prototype._setLength$$member_.call(this, length_0);
Array.prototype._setLength$$getter_ = function _setLength$$getter_() {
  return $bind(Array.prototype._setLength$$named_, this);
Array.prototype._add$$member_ = function(value) {
  return native_ObjectArray__add.call(this, value);
Array.prototype._add$$named_ = function($n, $o, value) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 1) $nsme();
  return Array.prototype._add$$member_.call(this, value);
Array.prototype._add$$getter_ = function _add$$getter_() {
  return $bind(Array.prototype._add$$named_, this);
Array.prototype.forEach$member = function(f) {
  Collections$Dart.forEach$member(this, f);
Array.prototype.forEach$named = function($n, $o, f) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 1) $nsme();
  return Array.prototype.forEach$member.call(this, f);
Array.prototype.forEach$getter = function forEach$getter() {
  return $bind(Array.prototype.forEach$named, this);
Array.prototype.filter$member = function(f) {
  return Collections$Dart.filter$member(this, ArrayFactory$Dart.Array$$Factory([RTT.getTypeArg(RTT.getTypeArgsFor(this, $cls('Array')), 0)], $Dart$Null), f);
Array.prototype.filter$named = function($n, $o, f) {
  var seen = 0;
  var def = 0;
  if (seen != $o.count || seen + def + $n != 1) $nsme();
  return Array.prototype.filter$member.call(this, f);
var HelloDartTest = {
  testMain: function() {
    console.log("Hello, Darter!");



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  • Revision 1: published by martijndeh on