JavaScript template language shootoff (v997)

Revision 997 of this benchmark created on


A limited comparison of some popular JavaScript templating engines on a short template: 6 header tags, and 10 list items. Compared templating engines:

Same as 412 but excludes DOM node generation.

Preparation HTML

 |                                jsToolkit 2.0                                |
 |                                Developed By:                                |
 |                              Joshua Blackburn                               |
 |                                                                             |
 | JavaScript tools to increase productivity                                   |
 | IE 6                                                                        |
 | September 2004 | jsToolkit 1.0                                              |
 | October   2005 | jsToolkit 2.0.  Added Perl like functions map/grep.        |
var jss = {
    block  : '',
    obj    : '',
    params : {},
    page   : ''

function vGetParams() {
    var d  = document.URL.split('?'), pn = window.location.pathname;
    var dn = pn.substring(pn.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); = dn.replace(/[\.\:\\]/g,'');

    if ( d[1] ) {
        var argList = d[1].split('&');
        var vars = [];
        if ( typeof(argList) == 'object' ) {
            for ( var stuff in argList ) {
                vars = argList[stuff].split('=');
                //vars = d[1].split('=');
                jss.params[vars[0]] = vars[1];
        } else {
            vars = d[1].split('=');
            jss.params[vars[0]] = vars[1];
        // = dn.replace('.', '');
        return jss.params;

function vCount() {
    var obj = arguments[0];
    var i = 0;
    for ( var c in obj ) {
        if ( c == 'toXMLRPC' ) continue;

    obj = null;
    return i;

function stringToHash(str, del1, del2) {
    var argList = str.split(del1);
    var vars = [], obj = {};
    if ( typeof(argList) == 'object' ) {
        for ( var stuff in argList ) {
            vars = argList[stuff].split(del2);
            //vars = d[1].split('=');
            obj[vars[0]] = vars[1];
    } else {
        vars = str.split(del2);
        obj[vars[0]] = vars[1];
    return obj;

// Converts a hash to a string with given delimeters.  delimeters default to = (del1) and & (del2)
function hashToString(obj, del1, del2) {
    var str = [];
    var count = vCount(obj), counter = 1;
    for ( var i in obj ) {
        if ( typeof obj[i] == 'string' || typeof obj[i] == 'number' ) str.push(i + (del1 || "=") + obj[i] + (counter != count ? (del2 || "&") : ''));
    return str.join('');

function vTypeof( obj ) {
    var vType = typeof obj;

    if( vType == "function" ) {
        var vFunction = obj.toString();
        if( ( /^\/.*\/[gi]??[gi]??$/ ).test( vFunction ) ) {
            return "regex";
        } else if( ( /^\[object.*\]$/i ).test( vFunction ) ) {
            vType = "object"

    if( vType != "object" ) {
        return vType;

    switch( obj ) {
        case null:
            return "null";
        case window:
            return "window";
        case window.event:
            return "event";

    if( window.event && ( event.type == obj.type ) ) {
        return "event";

    try {
        if ( obj.join(',') ) return "array";
    } catch(e) {}

    var fConstructor = obj.constructor;
    if( fConstructor != null ) {
        switch( fConstructor ) {
            case Array:
                vType = "array";
            case Date:
                return "date";
            case RegExp:
                return "regex";
            case Object:
                vType = "object";
            case ReferenceError:
                return "error";
                var sConstructor = fConstructor.toString();
                var aMatch = sConstructor.match( /\s*function (.*)\(/ );
                if( aMatch != null ) {
                    return 'object';

    var nNodeType = obj.nodeType;
    if( nNodeType != null ) {
        switch( nNodeType ) {
            case 1:
                if( obj.item == null ) {
                    return "domelement";
            case 3:
                return "textnode";

    if( obj.toString != null ) {
        var sExpression = obj.toString();
        var aMatch = sExpression.match( /^\[object (.*)\]$/i );
        if( aMatch != null ) {
            var sMatch = aMatch[ 1 ];
            switch( sMatch.toLowerCase() ) {
                case "event":
                    return "event";
                case "math":
                    return "math";
                case "error":
                    return "error";
                case "mimetypearray":
                    return "mimetypecollection";
                case "pluginarray":
                    return "plugincollection";
                case "windowcollection":
                    return "window";
                case "nodelist":
                case "htmlcollection":
                case "elementarray":
                    return "domcollection";

    if( obj.moveToBookmark && obj.moveToElementText ) {
        return "textrange";
    } else if( obj.callee != null ) {
        return "array";
    } else if( obj.item != null ) {
        return "domcollection";

    return vType;


function rtrim(str) {
    try {
        return str.replace(/\s+$/,'');
    } catch(e) { return ''; }

function ltrim(str) {
    try {
        return str.replace(/^\s+/,'');
    } catch(e) { return ''; }

function trim(str) {
    try {
        return str.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, '');
    } catch(e) { return ''; }

// Check if a value is in an array
function contains(ary, val) {
    //if ( vTypeof(ary) != 'array' || vTypeof(ary) != 'arguments' ) return false;

    if ( vTypeof(val) == 'object' ) {

        // Extract first key and value from the value and assign to temp array
        var v = [];
        for ( var m in val ) {
            v[0] = m;
            v[1] = val[m];

        // Iterate over array and check for hashes
        for ( var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++ ) {
            if ( vTypeof(ary[i]) == 'object' ) {
                for ( var j in ary[i] ) {
                    //alert("j: " + j + " val: " + ary[i][j] + " *" + v[0] + "**" + v[1] + "*");
                    if ( j == v[0] ) {
                        if ( trim(ary[i][j]) == trim(v[1]) ) return ( i + 1);

    } else {
        for ( var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++ ) {
            if ( ary[i] == val ) return (i + 1);

    return -1;

function vGet(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);

document.getElementsByClassName = function(cName) {
    var domE;

    if ( arguments[1] ) {
        if ( vTypeof(arguments[1]) == 'string' ) {
            if ( document.getElementById(arguments[1]) ) {
                domE = document.getElementById(arguments[1]).getElementsByTagName("*");
            } else { return false; }
        } else {
            domE = arguments[1];
    } else {
        if ( document.all ) {
            domE = document.all;
        } else {
            domE = document.getElementsByTagName("*");

    var yourElements = [];

    //for ( var a = domE.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
    for ( var a in domE ) {
        if ( ( new RegExp("^(?:[^\\s]+\\s)*"+cName+"(?:\\s.+)?$") ).test(domE[a].className ) ) {
            yourElements[yourElements.length] = domE[a];

    domE = null;
    return yourElements;

document.getElementsByID = function(cName) {
    var domE;

    arguments[1] ? ( vTypeof(arguments[1]) == 'string' ? domE = (document.getElementById(arguments[1]) ? document.getElementById(arguments[1]).getElementsByTagName("*") : null) : domE = arguments[1] ) : ( document.all ? domE = document.all : domE = document.getElementsByTagName("*") );
    if ( vTypeof(domE) == 'null' ) return false;
    var yourElements = [];
    for ( var a = 0; a < domE.length; a++) {
        if (domE[a].id == cName) {
            yourElements[yourElements.length] = domE[a];

    return yourElements;

document.remove = function() {
    $map(arguments, function (i) { $(i).parentNode.removeChild( $(i) ); });

function $() {
    //From prototype
    var ary = [];

    for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
        if ( typeof arguments[i] == 'string' ) {
            if ( arguments.length == 1) {
                return document.getElementById(arguments[i]);
            } else {

    return ary;

function $map(ary) {
    var mapped  = [];
    var actions = arguments;
    for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++ ) {
        for ( var x = 0; x < actions.length; x++ ) {
            if ( x != 0 ) try{mapped.push(actions[x](ary[i], i));}catch(e){return ary;}
    return mapped;

function $grep(ary, action) {
    var mapped = [];
    var result;
    for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++ ) {
        try {
            result = action(ary[i], i);
            if ( result ) mapped.push(result);
        } catch(e){return ary;};
    return mapped;

function $mapHash(obj, action) {
    var mapped = {};
    var actions = arguments, counter = 0, key;
    for (var i in obj ) {
        for ( var x = 0; x < actions.length; x++ ) {
            if ( x != 0 )
                try {
                    key = i;
                    if ( x > 1 ) {
                        while ( mapped[key] ) {
                            key = i + counter;
                        counter = 0;
                    mapped[key] = actions[x](obj[i], i);
                } catch(e){return obj;}
    return mapped;

function $grepHash(obj, action) {
    var mapped = {};
    var result;
    for (var i in obj ) {
        try {
            result = action(obj[i], i);
            if ( result ) mapped[i] = result;
        } catch(e){return obj;};
    return mapped;

function $dcopy(obj) {
    var objType = vTypeof(obj);
    var temp;
    switch ( objType ) {
        case 'array':
            temp = [];
            for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ ) {
                if ( vTypeof(obj[i]) == 'array' || vTypeof(obj[i]) == 'object' ) {
                } else {
            return temp;
        case 'object':
            temp = {};
            for ( var i in obj ) {
                if ( vTypeof(obj[i]) == 'array' || vTypeof(obj[i]) == 'object' ) {
                    temp[i] = $dcopy(obj[i]);
                } else {
                    temp[i] = obj[i];
            return temp;
            return obj;

function $concat(obj) {
    var mapped = obj;
    var hashes = arguments, counter = 0, key;
    for ( var x = 1; x < hashes.length; x++ ) {
        try {
            for (var i in hashes[x] ) {
                key = i;
                if ( x > 0 ) {
                    while ( mapped[key] ) {
                        key = i + counter;
                    counter = 0;
                mapped[key] = hashes[x][i];
        } catch(e){continue;}
    return mapped;

function $renameKey(hash, oldKey, newKey) {
    try {
        if ( hash[oldKey] ) {
            hash[newKey] = hash[oldKey];
            delete hash[oldKey];
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } catch(e) { return false; }

/* ============================== END Tools ================================= */

/* =============== Session ====================== */
 |                                vSession 1.0                                 |
 |                                Developed By:                                |
 |                              Joshua Blackburn                               |
 |                                                                             |
 | Client side "session". JavaScript data store.                               |
 | IE 6                                                                        |
 | September 2004 | vSession 1.0                                               |

function vSessionGet() {
    var objRef = "top.vSession.";
    objRef += arguments[0].replace(/\s/g, '1s1');
    try {
        var val = eval(objRef);
        return val;
    } catch(e) {
        return false;


function vSessionGetCount() {
    var obj = vSessionGet(arguments[0]);
    var i = 0;
    for ( var c in obj ) {
        if ( c == "toXMLRPC" ) continue;

    obj = null;

    return i;

function vSessionInsert() {
    if ( ! top.vSession ) top.vSession = {};
    vSessionRandom = new Date();
    arguments[0] ? keyName = arguments[0] : keyName = "v" + Math.floor(vSessionRandom.getTime());
    arguments[1] ? keyValue = arguments[1] : keyValue = "";
    arguments[2] ? skipInsert = true : skipInsert = false;
    if ( top.vSession[keyName] ) {
        if( !skipInsert ) alert('vSessionInsert:\rThe vSession key ' + keyName + ' already exists.\rUse vDump to view all keys in vSession or choose another key name.');
        return false;
    } else {
        top.vSession[keyName] = keyValue;
        return keyName;

function vSessionUpdate() {
    if ( ! top.vSession ) top.vSession = {};
    var vSessionRandom = new Date();
    arguments[0] ? keyName  = arguments[0]  : keyName = "v" + vSessionGet("current_time").time();
    keyName = keyName.replace(/\s/g, '1s1');
    arguments[1] ? keyValue = arguments[1]  : keyValue = "";
    if ((/\./).test(keyName)) {
        var sub = true;
        var keyNames = keyName.split(".");
    } else {
        var sub = false;
    if ( sub == true ) {
        var objRef = new Object();
        var kLength = keyNames.length;
        for (i = 0; i < kLength; i++) {
            if ( i == 0 ) {
                if ( ! top.vSession[keyNames[i]] ) { top.vSession[keyNames[i]] = new Object(); }
                if ( typeof(top.vSession[keyNames[i]]) != "object" ) { top.vSession[keyNames[i]] = null; top.vSession[keyNames[i]] = new Object(); }
                objRef = top.vSession[keyNames[i]];
            } else {
                if ( i == kLength - 1 ) {
                    if ( objRef[keyNames[i]] ) { objRef[keyNames[i]] = null; }
                    objRef[keyNames[i]] = keyValue;
                } else {
                    if ( ! objRef[keyNames[i]] ) { objRef[keyNames[i]] = new Object(); }
                    if ( typeof(objRef[keyNames[i]]) != "object" ) { objRef[keyNames[i]] = null; objRef[keyNames[i]] = new Object(); }
                    objRef = objRef[keyNames[i]];
    } else {
        top.vSession[keyName] = null;
        top.vSession[keyName] = keyValue;
    return keyName;

function vSessionDelete() {
    if ( arguments[0] ) {
        vKey = arguments[0];
    } else {
        vAlert('vSessionDelete:\rYou must pass the name of the key you\rwish to delete.');
        return false;

    if ( ( /\./ ).test(vKey) ) {
        var objRef = 'top.vSession.';
        objRef += vKey;
        try { eval(objRef + " = null"); eval("delete " + objRef); objRef = null; return true; } catch(e){};
    } else {
        if ( top.vSession[vKey] ) {
            top.vSession[vKey] = null;
            objRef = null;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

function vSessionFlush() {
    top.vSession = null;
    top.vSession = new Object();
/* ============================== END Session ================================= */
/* =============== jsSimple ====================== */
 |                                jsSimple 2.1                                 |
 |                                Developed By:                                |
 |                              Joshua Blackburn                               |
 |                                                                             |
 | JavaScript DOM formatting.                                                  |
 | IE 6+ + Firefox + Safari + Chrome + Opera                                   |
 | September 2004 | jsSimple 1.0                                               |
 | March     2005 | jsSimple 2.0.  Complete recode and optimization.           |
 | July      2009 | jsSimple 2.1.  Cross browser compatibility                 |


 Example of use tag ( insert directly below <html> )

 <uses tags="replace" ids=""/>

 - ids are only used for tags that cannot be wrapped with <simple:replace> tags.


 Example of simple replace tag

 <simple:replace structure="object" id="someID" where="key=value">
 <simple:replace structure="{pointer}.object" id="someID2" where="key=value">

 - Structures should only be a hash or an array of hashes.
 Ex 1:
 var hash = {
 key : value,
 key : value

 EX 2:
 var arrayHashes = [
 key : value
 key : value

 - Usage of where: specify one key with specific value that must be present in the current hash to be displayed. 

 - Usage of {pointer}: used in nested tags.  {pointer} is replaced with the current object path in the replace.  Allows you to use objects within a hash for example:
 var arrayHashes = [
 key : value
 myKey : {
 key : value
 key : value
 Allows you to use myKey by using {pointer}.myKey


 - If replacing the value of an input text box, HTML parsers will strip the "" off the value if it doesn't contain a space, therefore, after simple:replace, strings are not treated correctly.  To avoid this, insert a space after your tag.  Ex:

 <input type="text" value="{myValue}" />

 <input type="text" value="{myValue} " />

 This will assure that all characters are replaced correctly.


//var orderBy, ASC, DESC, domMapped = false; // <- Used by _jsSimple

var _jsSimple = {
    debug : false,
    clean : true, // <- Defines if cleanup is called or supressed

    setup : function() {
        this._orderBy     = '';
        this.ASC         = '';
        this.DESC        = '';
        this.domMapped   = false;
        this.block       = '';
        this.tag         = '';        =;
        this.tagNames    = (document.getElementsByTagName('uses')[0] ? ( document.getElementsByTagName('uses')[0].tags ? document.getElementsByTagName('uses')[0].tags.split(',') : ["replace"] ) : ["replace"]);
        this.simpleIDS   = (document.getElementsByTagName('uses')[0] ? ( document.getElementsByTagName("uses")[0].getAttribute('ids')  ? document.getElementsByTagName("uses")[0].getAttribute('ids').split(',')  : [] ) : []);
        //sDumper("simpleIDS", this.simpleIDS, this.tagNames);
        this.tags        = [];   // <- Stores all the tags on the page
        this.passedIDS   = [];   // <- Stores all ids passed as arguments
        this.cleanRegex  = /\{[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\}/ig;
        this.custom      = {};   // <- Allows for extended functionality.  Define custom functions to handle certain data types
        this._override    = {};

        this.r = {
            nestedRegex  : /\<\?xml[^\>]+\>/g,
            pointerRegex : /\{pointer\}/,
            pathRegex    : /\{path\}/g,
            positionRegex: /\{position\}/g,
            myHTML       : [],
            position     : 0,
            pointer      : '',
            path         : '',
            nestedIDS    : []

    mapDOM : function () {
        //Perform following check to allow stand alone operation
        if ( ! top.vSession ) top.vSession = {};
        var simpleTags, tags = this.tagNames, ids = this.simpleIDS;
        if ( ! this.domMapped && arguments.length < 1 ) {
            // Add all simple tags to DOM map
            for ( var i in tags ) {
                simpleTags = document.getElementsByTagName( trim(tags[i]) );

                for ( var single = 0; single < simpleTags.length; single++ ) {
                    this.tags.push(simpleTags[single]); // Add all tag references to tag array

                    // If tag has id, use that for dom map id, if not, just use the position in the array
                    if ( simpleTags[single].getAttribute('id') ) {
                        vSessionUpdate("DOM_MAP."'.'+simpleTags[single].id, simpleTags[single].innerHTML);
                    } else {
                        vSessionUpdate("DOM_MAP."'.'+single, simpleTags[single].innerHTML);

            // Add all regular tags specified as a simple tag
            for ( var j in ids ) {
                try {
                    vSessionUpdate( "DOM_MAP."'.'+ trim(ids[j]), document.getElementById( trim(ids[j]) ).innerHTML );
                } catch(e) {}

            this.domMapped = true; // <- Set global variable to signify that the DOM is already mapped and don't do it again.
        if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
            var myObj;
            for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
                if ( myObj = document.getElementById(arguments[i]) ) { // <- Make sure the element exists first
                    // If this tag has not already been mapped, then map it
                    if ( ! vSessionGet("DOM_MAP."'.'+trim(arguments[i])) ) vSessionUpdate( "DOM_MAP."'.'+ trim(arguments[i]), myObj.innerHTML );
            myObj = null;
        simpleTags = null;

    format : function () {
        this.passedIDS = [];
        // Check for passed arguments
        for ( var a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++ ) {
            if ( typeof(arguments[a]) == 'number' ) {
                this.clean = false; // Supress cleanup
            } else {
        if ( this.debug ) alert("Passed " + this.passedIDS.length + ' IDs');
        for ( var i in ( obj = ( this.passedIDS[0] ? this.passedIDS : this.tags.concat(this.simpleIDS) ) ) ) {
            if ( typeof( obj[i] ) == 'string' ) {
                this.tag   = document.getElementById( obj[i] );

                if ( ! this.tag ) { // <- Protect against bad Id's
                    if ( this.debug ) alert('Was passed a bad id: ' + obj[i] );

                if ( ! this._override[obj[i]] ) { // <- Allows you to override a skipped tag
                    if ( this.debug ) alert('Tag has no override applied');
                    if ( this.tag.getAttribute('skip') || this.tag.getAttribute('nested') ) { this.simpleCleanup(;continue; } // <- Tag is skipped, but still do cleanup
                } else {
                    delete this.override[]; // <- Delete after being overridden

                this.block = vSessionGet( 'DOM_MAP.'"."+(obj[i]) );
                if ( this.debug ) alert("was passed a string.  Block: " + this.block + ' Id being looked up: ' + obj[i] + ' The current page is: ' +;
                this.tag.getAttribute('simple') ? this.replace() : this.replace();
            } else {
                this.tag   = obj[i];

                if ( ! this._override[] ) { // <- Allows you to override a skipped tag
                    if ( this.debug ) alert('Tag has no override applied');
                    if ( this.tag.getAttribute('skip') || this.tag.getAttribute('nested') ) { this.simpleCleanup(;continue; } // <- Tag is skipped, but still do cleanup
                } else {
                    delete this.override[]; // <- Delete after being overridden

                this.block = vSessionGet( 'DOM_MAP.'"."+(obj[i].getAttribute('id') ? obj[i].getAttribute('id') : i) );
                if ( this.debug ) alert("was passed an object. block: " + this.block);
                //this[ this.tag.nodeName ]();

    replace : function () {
        try { // <- Check for invalid structure
            if ( ! top[this.tag.getAttribute('structure')] ) {
                if ( this.debug ) alert('The structure | ' + this.tag.getAttribute('structure') + " | is invalid or does not exist");
                this.simpleCleanup(; // <- Cleanup up block before returning
        } catch(e) {
            if ( this.debug ) alert('The structure | ' + this.tag.getAttribute('structure') + " | is invalid or does not exist");
            this.simpleCleanup(; // <- Cleanup up block before returning
        this.r['structure']   = ( this.tag.getAttribute('structure') ? /*eval( this.tag.getAttribute('structure') )*/top[this.tag.getAttribute('structure')] : {} );
        this.r['whereClause'] = ( this.tag.getAttribute('where') ? this.tag.getAttribute('where') : false );
        this._orderBy         = ( this.tag.getAttribute('orderBy') ? this.tag.getAttribute('orderBy') : false );
        this.ASC              = ( this.tag.getAttribute('ASC') ? true : false );
        this.DESC             = ( this.tag.getAttribute('DESC') ? true : false );
        this.r['dynamic']     = ( this.tag.getAttribute('dynamic') ? true : false );

        var wc = this.parseWhereClause(), transformedData, objType, struct, re, tempBlock, nestedTags, tagObj;

        // ------+ Handle Nesting +---------
        if ( arguments[0] ) this.tag.setAttribute("nested", "true"); // <- Replace has been called for a nested tag.  Mark so it is not executed more than once
        if ( ! arguments[0] && this.tag.getAttribute("nested") ) return; // <- Don't continue if the tag has already been marked nested

        // ++++++++++++++++++++- Start Replacing -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        if ( this.debug ) alert("The type of structure is: " + vTypeof(this.r.structure));
        if ( vTypeof(this.r.structure) == 'array' ) {
            // =========================- ARRAY -==========================

            // If there is an orderBy clause, go ahead and sort the array of hashes before starting the loop
            if ( this._orderBy ) {
                if ( this.debug ) alert("The structure is ordered by: " + this._orderBy);
                if ( this.custom['orderBy'] ) { // <- See if there is a custom function defined to handle the order by
                    this.r.structure = this.r.structure.sort(this.custom.orderBy); // <- Sort using custom function if it exists
                } else {
                    this.r.structure = this.r.structure.sort(this.orderBy); // <- Use default sorting

            for ( var c = 0; c < (struct = this.r.structure).length; c++ ) {
                if ( this.debug ) alert("Walking the array and currently on " + c + " with a value of " + struct[c]);
                if ( struct[c] ) { // <- Make sure the key exists

                    // Update pointer and position variables that custom transforms may need
                    this.r.pointer  = this.tag.getAttribute('structure') + "[" + c + "]";
                    this.r.path     = this.tag.getAttribute('structure') + "[" + c + "]";
                    this.r.position = c;

                    // Do pointer replace for nested tags. Then do count replace for nested tags.
                    tempBlock = this.block.replace(this.r.pointerRegex, this.tag.getAttribute('structure') + "[" + c + "]");
                    tempBlock = tempBlock.replace(this.r.positionRegex, c);
                    tempBlock = tempBlock.replace(this.r.pathRegex, this.r.path);

                    // If there is a where clause, make sure it matches, if it does, move on, if not, move on to the next hash
                    try {
                        if ( this.r.whereClause ) {
                            if ( ! eval(wc) ) {
                                if ( this.debug ) alert("The following where clause did not match: " + wc);
                            } else {
                                if ( this.debug ) alert("The following where clause matched: " + wc);
                        } else {
                            if ( this.debug ) alert("No where clause found. Continuing");
                    } catch(e) {
                        if ( this.debug ) alert('You have a malformed where clause in the tag ' + this.tag.getAttribute('id') + "\n or a key you checked against does not exist in the structure\n" + wc);

                    for ( var key in struct[c] ) { // <- Go through all the keys in the hash
                        if ( this.debug ) alert("Type of value is: " + typeof(struct[c][key]) + " vTypeof value is: " + vTypeof(struct[c][key]));
                        if ( typeof(struct[c][key]) == 'string' || typeof(struct[c][key]) == 'number' || vTypeof(struct[c][key]) == 'date' || typeof(struct[c][key]) == 'boolean' ) {
                            if ( this.debug ) alert('key: ' + key + ' value: ' + struct[c][key]);

                            transformedData = struct[c][key];
                            // ------------------------=   Custom Transforms   =--------------------
                            //objType = vTypeof(transformedData);
                            objType = vTypeof(transformedData);
                            if ( typeof(transformedData) != 'boolean' ) if ( this.custom[key] ) transformedData = this.custom[key](transformedData, struct[c], this); // <- Value sent to custom function and returned for replacement. Also pass reference to jsSimple just so they have it.
                            if ( this.custom[objType] && ! this.custom[key] ) transformedData = this.custom[objType](transformedData, struct[c], this); // <- Value sent to custom function and returned for replacement. Also pass reference to jsSimple just so they have it.
                            // ------------------------= End Custom Transforms =--------------------

                            re = new RegExp("\\{" + key + "\\}", "ig");
                            tempBlock = tempBlock.replace(re, transformedData);
                            if ( this.tag.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'select' ) {
                                if ( this.tag.getAttribute('defaultOption') ) { if ( this.tag.getAttribute('defaultOption') == struct[c][key] && isNaN(parseInt(this.tag.getAttribute('defaultOption')))) { tempBlock = tempBlock.replace(/(.*\<option)(.*\>)/,'$1' + ' selected ' + '$2');} else if ( !isNaN(parseInt(this.tag.getAttribute('defaultOption'))) ) { if ( c == parseInt(this.tag.getAttribute('defaultOption')) ) tempBlock = tempBlock.replace(/(.*\<option)(.*\>)/,'$1' + ' selected ' + '$2');} }
                            if ( this.debug ) alert('current temp block: ' + tempBlock);

                    this.r.myHTML.push( tempBlock );


        } else if ( typeof(this.r.structure) == 'object' ) {
            // =========================- HASH  -==========================
            tempBlock = this.block;
            for ( var key in (struct = this.r.structure) ) {
                try {
                    //if ( struct[key] ) {

                    if ( this.debug ) alert("Type of value is: " + typeof(struct[key]) + " vTypeof value is: " + vTypeof(struct[key]));
                    if ( typeof(struct[key]) == 'string' || typeof(struct[key]) == 'number' || vTypeof(struct[key]) == 'date' || typeof(struct[key]) == 'boolean') {

                        transformedData = struct[key];
                        // ------------------------=   Custom Transforms   =--------------------
                        objType = vTypeof(transformedData);
                        if ( typeof(transformedData) != 'boolean' ) if ( this.custom[key] )     transformedData = this.custom[key](transformedData, struct, this); // <- Value sent to custom function and returned for replacement
                        if ( this.custom[objType] && ! this.custom[key] ) transformedData = this.custom[objType](transformedData, struct, this); // <- Value sent to custom function and returned for replacement
                        // ------------------------= End Custom Transforms =--------------------
                        if ( this.debug ) alert('The current hash key is: |' + key + '| and the value is: |' + struct[key] + '| and value after transform is: ' + transformedData);

                        re = new RegExp("\\{" + key + "\\}",'ig');
                        tempBlock = tempBlock.replace(re, transformedData);
                        if ( this.tag.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'select' ) {
                            if ( this.tag.getAttribute('defaultOption') ) if ( this.tag.getAttribute('defaultOption') == struct[key]) tempBlock = tempBlock.replace(/(.*\<option)(.*\>)/,'$1' + ' selected ' + '$2');

                } catch (e) { continue; }
            this.r.myHTML.push( tempBlock );

        // ++++++++++++++++++++- End Replacing -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        if ( this.debug ) alert("The code before cleanup: " + this.r.myHTML.join(''));
        this.tag.innerHTML = this.cleanup(this.r.myHTML.join('')); // <- Clean the block and put the HTML back inside the tag
        if ( this.tag.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'select' ) {
            //this.tag.add(new Option());
            //this.tag.options[this.tag.options.length - 1].selected = true;

        this.r.myHTML = null; this.r.myHTML = []; this.r.whereClause = false; // <- Reset HTML holder and whereClause.  Bad things happen if not reset

        // If tag is dynamic, run dynamic piece.  This will redisplay the block of code inside the simple tag.
        if ( this.r.dynamic ) = 'block';
        //if ( this.r.dynamic ) this.tag.innerHTML = this.tag.innerHTML.replace( /(\<\!\-\-)|(\-\-\>)/g, '');

        // Handle tag events (Ex: onfinish)
        if ( this.tag.getAttribute('onfinish') ) eval(this.tag.onfinish);

        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++- Nested Tags     -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        nestedTags = this.tag.getElementsByTagName('replace');
        if ( nestedTags.length > 0 ) {
            for ( var j = 0; j < nestedTags.length; j++ ) {
                if ( nestedTags[j].getAttribute('nested') || nestedTags[j].getAttribute('skip') ) continue; // <- If tag has already been executed as nested or is skipped, continue
                if ( this.debug ) alert("Nested tag: " + j);
                this.block = vSessionGet( 'DOM_MAP.'"."+(nestedTags[j].getAttribute('id') ? nestedTags[j].getAttribute('id') : j) );
                this.tag   = nestedTags[j];
            nestedTags = null;

        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++- End Nested Tags -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    parseWhereClause : function () {
        if ( this.r.whereClause ) {
             * Example where clauses
             * where="keyName = 'string'"
             * where="keyName = 'string' AND keyName = 'string'"
             * where="keyName = 'string' OR keyName = 'string'"
             * where="keyName = 'string' OR keyName = 'string' AND keyName = number"
             * where="keyName ! 'string'"
             * where="[keyName = [0-9]{4}]"
            return this.r.whereClause.replace(/\s?AND\s?/g, "&&").replace(/\s?OR\s?/g, "||").replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/\[([^=]+)\=[\'\"]?([^\'\"]+)[\'\"]?\]/g, "(/$2/i).test(trim(struct[c]['$1']))").replace(/\=/g, " ==").replace(/\!/g," !=").replace(/(\w+)\s/g, "(struct[c]['$1']) && (trim(struct[c]['$1']))");
            //return ( ( trim(this.r.whereClause) ).split('=') ); // <- Only supports one simple where clause.  Ex: where="key=value"
        } else {
            return false;

    orderBy : function (a, b) {

        try {
            if ( (! this.ASC && a[this._orderBy] < b[this._orderBy]) || (this.ASC && a[this._orderBy] > b[this._orderBy] ) || (! a[this._orderBy] ) ) {
                return 1;
            } else if ( a[this._orderBy] == b[this._orderBy] || ( !a[this._orderBy] && !b[this._orderBy]) ) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return -1;
        } catch (e) {
            return 0;

    override : function () {
        for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
            try { this._override[arguments[i]] = "OVERRIDE"; } catch(e) {}

    cleanup : function () {
        if ( arguments.length > 0 ) { // <- Only cleanup tags specified
            return arguments[0].replace(this.cleanRegex, '');
        } else { // <- Cleanup all tags
            return '';

    simpleCleanup : function () {
        try {
            if ( arguments.length > 0 ) {
                for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
                    document.getElementById(arguments[i]).innerHTML = document.getElementById(arguments[i]).innerHTML.replace(this.cleanRegex, '');
            } else {
                var dE = document.body.innerHTML;
                document.body.innerHTML = dE;
        } catch(e) {}

    sort : function (tag, key, pos, col) {
        var tagObj;
        if ( (tagObj = document.getElementsByName(tag)).length > 1 ) {
            arguments[2] ? tagObj = tagObj[ parseInt(arguments[2]) ] : tagObj = tagObj[0];
        } else {
            tagObj = tagObj[0];

        //try {((document.getElementById('_jsSimpleSort')).parentNode).removeChild(document.getElementById('_jsSimpleSort'));} catch(e) {};
        try {document.remove('_jsSimpleSort');} catch(e) {};

        if ( tagObj.getAttribute('ASC') ) {
            tagObj.setAttribute('DESC', 'true');
            if ( col ) col.innerHTML = col.innerHTML + "<img id='_jsSimpleSort' src='images/arrow_down.gif'>";
        } else if ( tagObj.getAttribute('DESC') ) {
            tagObj.setAttribute('ASC', 'true');
            if ( col ) col.innerHTML = col.innerHTML + "<img id='_jsSimpleSort' src='images/arrow_up.gif'>";
        } else {
            tagObj.setAttribute('DESC', 'true');
            if ( col ) col.innerHTML = col.innerHTML + "<img id='_jsSimpleSort' src='images/arrow_down.gif'>";

        if ( tagObj.getAttribute('orderBy') ) {
            tagObj.orderBy = key;
        } else {
            tagObj.setAttribute('orderBy', key);

        if ( tagObj.getAttribute('nested') ) tagObj.removeAttribute('nested');

    kill : function () {
            if ( ! top.vSession ||
                    ! top.vSession.DOM_MAP ||
                    ! top.vSession.DOM_MAP[] ) return;
        for ( var i in top.vSession.DOM_MAP[] ) {
            top.vSession.DOM_MAP[][i] = null;

        top.vSession.DOM_MAP[] = null;
        delete top.vSession.DOM_MAP[];

        for ( var i in jsSimple ) {
            jsSimple[i] = null;
        jsSimple = null;

    xmlhttp : function() {
        if ( ! this._xmlhttp ) this._xmlhttp = undefined;

        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
            this._xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
            if ( typeof this.xmlhttp.overrideMimeType != 'undefined') {
        } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
            this._xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        } else {
            alert('Perhaps your browser does not support xmlhttprequests?');

        return this._xmlhttp;

    jsonFetch : function(url) {

    jsonFetchAndUpdate : function(url, id) {

        this._xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (this.readyState == 4) {
                // do something with the results
                if ( ! top[(document.getElementById(id)).getAttribute('structure')] ) {
                } else {
                    top[(document.getElementById(id)).getAttribute('structure')] = eval(this.responseText);

        //sDumper(this._xmlhttp);'GET', url, true);
/* ============================== END jsSimple ================================= */

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script src="">
<!--External Template Definitions-->
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="kendoUIextTemplate">
        <h1 class='header'>#= data.header #</h1>
        <h2 class='header2'>#= data.header2 #</h2>
        <h3 class='header3'>#= data.header3 #</h3>
        <h4 class='header4'>#= data.header4 #</h4>
        <h5 class='header5'>#= data.header5 #</h5>
        <h6 class='header6'>#= data.header6 #</h6>
        <ul class='list'>
            # for (var i = 0, l = data.list.length; i < l; i++) { #
            <li class='item'>#= data.list[i] #</li>
            # } #
    window.sharedVariables = {
        header: "Header",
        header2: "Header2",
        header3: "Header3",
        header4: "Header4",
        header5: "Header5",
        header6: "Header6",
        list: ['1000000000', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']

    //JsRender compiled template (no encoding)
    window.jsRenderTemplate = $.templates("<div><h1 class='header'>{{:header}}</h1><h2 class='header2'>{{:header2}}</h2><h3 class='header3'>{{:header3}}</h3><h4 class='header4'>{{:header4}}</h4><h5 class='header5'>{{:header5}}</h5><h6 class='header6'>{{:header6}}</h6><ul class='list'>{{for list}}<li class='item'>{{:#data}}</li>{{/for}}</ul></div>");

    window.mustacheTemplate = "<div><h1 class='header'>{{{header}}}</h1><h2 class='header2'>{{{header2}}}</h2><h3 class='header3'>{{{header3}}}</h3><h4 class='header4'>{{{header4}}}</h4><h5 class='header5'>{{{header5}}}</h5><h6 class='header6'>{{{header6}}}</h6><ul class='list'>{{#list}}<li class='item'>{{{.}}}</li>{{/list}}</ul></div>";

    window.handlebarsTemplate = Handlebars.compile("<div><h1 class='header'>{{header}}</h1><h2 class='header2'>{{header2}}</h2><h3 class='header3'>{{header3}}</h3><h4 class='header4'>{{header4}}</h4><h5 class='header5'>{{header5}}</h5><h6 class='header6'>{{header6}}</h6><ul class='list'>{{#each list}}<li class='item'>{{this}}</li>{{/each}}</ul></div>");

    //Use external template definition

    window.underscoreTemplate = _.template("<div><h1 class='header'><%= header %></h1><h2 class='header2'><%= header2 %></h2><h3 class='header3'><%= header3 %></h3><h4 class='header4'><%= header4 %></h4><h5 class='header5'><%= header5 %></h5><h6 class='header6'><%= header6 %></h6><ul class='list'><% for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) { %><li class='item'><%= list[i] %></li><% } %></ul></div>");

    window.underscoreTemplateNoWith = _.template("<div><h1 class='header'><%= data.header %></h1><h2 class='header2'><%= data.header2 %></h2><h3 class='header3'><%= data.header3 %></h3><h4 class='header4'><%= data.header4 %></h4><h5 class='header5'><%= data.header5 %></h5><h6 class='header6'><%= data.header6 %></h6><ul class='list'><% for (var i = 0, l = data.list.length; i < l; i++) { %><li class='item'><%= data.list[i] %></li><% } %></ul></div>", null, {variable: 'data'});

    window.baseHtml = "<div><h1 class='header'></h1><h2 class='header2'></h2><h3 class='header3'></h3><h4 class='header4'></h4><h5 class='header5'></h5><h6 class='header6'></h6><ul class='list'><li class='item'></li></ul></div>";

    window.doTtemplate = doT.template("<div><h1 class='header'>{{=it.header}}</h1><h2 class='header2'>{{=it.header2}}</h2><h3 class='header3'>{{=it.header3}}</h3><h4 class='header4'>{{=it.header4}}</h4><h5 class='header5'>{{=it.header5}}</h5><h6 class='header6'>{{=it.header6}}</h6><ul class='list'>{{for(var i = 0,l=it.list.length;i<l;i++) { }}<li class='item'>{{=it.list[i]}}</li>{{ } }}</ul></div>");

    //Resig Template Function (modified to support ')
    function tmpl(str) {
        var strFunc =
                "var p=[];" +
                "with(obj){p.push('" +

                str.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
                        .replace(/'(?=[^#]*#>)/g, "\t")
                        .replace(/<#=(.+?)#>/g, "',$1,'")
                + "');}return p.join('');";

        return new Function("obj", strFunc);

    window.resig = tmpl("<div><h1 class='header'><#= header #></h1><h2 class='header2'><#= header2 #></h2><h3 class='header3'><#= header3 #></h3><h4 class='header4'><#= header4 #></h4><h5 class='header5'><#= header5 #></h5><h6 class='header6'><#= header6 #></h6><ul class='list'><# for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) { #><li class='item'><#= list[i] #></li><# } #></ul></div>");

    //Resig modified template function (no "with" block)
    function tmpl2(str) {
        var strFunc =
                "var p=[];" +
                "p.push('" +

                str.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
                        .replace(/'(?=[^#]*#>)/g, "\t")
                        .replace(/<#=(.+?)#>/g, "',$1,'")
                + "');return p.join('');";

        return new Function("data", strFunc);

    window.resig2 = tmpl2("<div><h1 class='header'><#= data.header #></h1><h2 class='header2'><#= data.header2 #></h2><h3 class='header3'><#= data.header3 #></h3><h4 class='header4'><#= data.header4 #></h4><h5 class='header5'><#= data.header5 #></h5><h6 class='header6'><#= data.header6 #></h6><ul class='list'><# for (var i = 0, l = data.list.length; i < l; i++) { #><li class='item'><#= data.list[i] #></li><# } #></ul></div>");


<div id="jsSimpleTemplate" structure="sharedVariables" style="display:none">
    <h1 class='header'>{header}</h1>
    <h2 class='header2'>{header2}</h2>
    <h3 class='header3'>{header3}</h3>
    <h4 class='header4'>{header4}</h4>
    <h5 class='header5'>{header5}</h5>
    <h6 class='header6'>{header6}</h6>
    <ul id="hello" class='list' structure="list">
        <li class='item'>{item}</li>
<div id="template" style="display:none"></div>
    window.jsSimple = function() {
    window.list = { return { item: item }; });

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Kendo UI Templates (Default)
Kendo UI Templates (No "with" block)
Underscore.js Template
Resig Micro Templates (modified)
Resig Micro Templates (No "with" block)
Underscore.js Template (No "with")
Mustache.js Template
Mustache.to_html(mustacheTemplate, sharedVariables);


You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.