for vs for in performance with strings (v2)

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Testing in WebKit 537.36 / undefined
for normal
// Testing 'for' performance
var myArr = [ 'En', 'un', 'lugar', 'de', 'la', 'Mancha', 'de', 'cuyo', 'nombre', 'no', 'quiero', 'acordarme' ],
    myArrClone = [];

var l = myArr.length;
// Preparo un array de pruebas
for( var x = 0, i = l; x < i; x++ ){
    myArrClone.push( myArr[x] );
for in variant
var myArr = [ 'En', 'un', 'lugar', 'de', 'la', 'Mancha', 'de', 'cuyo', 'nombre', 'no', 'quiero', 'acordarme' ],
    myArrClone = [];

for( var element in myArr ){
  myArrClone.push( myArr[element] );


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