
Benchmark created on

Preparation HTML

<div id="grid-container"> </div>

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
function shouldSetAsProps(el, key, value) {
  if (key === "form" && el.tagName === "INPUT") return false;
  return key in el;

function createRenderer(options) {
  const {
  } = options;

  function mountElement(vnode, container, anchor) {
    const el = (vnode.el = createElement(vnode.type));
    if (typeof vnode.children === "string") {
      setElementText(el, vnode.children);
    } else if (Array.isArray(vnode.children)) {
      vnode.children.forEach((child) => {
        patch(null, child, el);

    if (vnode.props) {
      for (const key in vnode.props) {
        patchProps(el, key, null, vnode.props[key]);

    insert(el, container, anchor);

  function patchChildren(n1, n2, container) {
    if (typeof n2.children === "string") {
      if (Array.isArray(n1.children)) {
        n1.children.forEach((c) => unmount(c));
      setElementText(container, n2.children);
    } else if (Array.isArray(n2.children)) {
      patchKeyedChildren(n1, n2, container);
    } else {
      if (Array.isArray(n1.children)) {
        n1.children.forEach((c) => unmount(c));
      } else if (typeof n1.children === "string") {
        setElementText(container, "");

   * patchKeyedChildren 双端 Diff 代码实现
   * @param n1 旧vnode
   * @param n2 新vnode
   * container 挂载点
  function patchKeyedChildren(n1, n2, container) {
    const oldChildren = n1.children;
    const newChildren = n2.children;
    // 四个索引值
    let oldStartIdx = 0;
    let oldEndIdx = oldChildren.length - 1;
    let newStartIdx = 0;
    let newEndIdx = newChildren.length - 1;
    // 四个索引指向的 vnode 节点
    let oldStartVNode = oldChildren[oldStartIdx];
    let oldEndVNode = oldChildren[oldEndIdx];
    let newStartVNode = newChildren[newStartIdx];
    let newEndVNode = newChildren[newEndIdx];

    while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
      if (!oldStartVNode) {
        oldStartVNode = oldChildren[++oldStartIdx];
      } else if (!oldEndVNode) {
        oldEndVNode = newChildren[--oldEndIdx];
      } else if (oldStartVNode.key === newStartVNode.key) {
        // 第一步 oldStartVNode 和 newStartVNode 比较
        patch(oldStartVNode, newStartVNode, container);
        oldStartVNode = oldChildren[++oldStartIdx];
        newStartVNode = newChildren[++newStartIdx];
      } else if (oldEndVNode.key === newEndVNode.key) {
        // 第二步:oldEndVNode 和 newStartVNode 比对
        patch(oldEndVNode, newEndVNode, container);
        oldEndVNode = oldChildren[--oldEndIdx];
        newEndVNode = newChildren[--newEndIdx];
      } else if (oldStartVNode.key === newEndVNode.key) {
        // 第三步:oldStartVNode 和 newEndVNode 比对
        // 仍然需要调用 patch 函数进行打补丁
        patch(oldStartVNode, newEndVNode, container);
        // 移动 DOM 操作
        // oldStartVNode.el 移动到 oldEndVNode.el.nextSibling 前面
        insert(oldStartVNode.el, container, oldEndVNode.el.nextSibling);

        oldStartVNode = oldChildren[++oldStartIdx];
        newEndVNode = newChildren[--newEndIdx];
      } else if (oldEndVNode.key === newStartVNode.key) {
        // 第四步:oldEndVNode 和 newStartVNode 比对
        // 仍然需要调用 patch 函数进行打补丁
        patch(oldEndVNode, newStartVNode, container);
        // 移动 DOM 操作
        // oldEndVNode.el 移动到 oldStartVNode.el 前面
        insert(oldEndVNode.el, container, oldStartVNode.el);
        // 移动 DOM 完成,更新索引值,并指向下一个位置
        oldEndVNode = oldChildren[--oldEndIdx];
        newStartVNode = newChildren[++newStartIdx];
      } else {
        // 遍历旧 children,试图寻找与 newStartVNode 拥有相同 key 值的元素
        // idxInOld 就是新的一组子节点的头部节点在旧的一组子节点中的索引
        const idxInOld = oldChildren.findIndex(
          (node) => node.key === newStartVNode.key
        // idxInOld 大于0,说明找到了可复用的节点,并且需要将其对应的真实DOM移动到头部
        if (idxInOld > 0) {
          // idxInOld 位置对应的 vnode 就是需要移动的节点
          const vnodeToMove = oldChildren[idxInOld];
          // 不要忘记移动操作外还应该打补丁
          patch(vnodeToMove, newStartVNode, container);
          // 将 vnodeToMove.el 移动到头部节点 oldStartVNode.el 之前,因此使用后者作为锚点
          insert(vnodeToMove.el, container, oldStartVNode.el);
          // 由于位置 idxInOld 处的节点所对应的真实 DOM 已经移动到了别处,因此将其设置为 undefined
          oldChildren[idxInOld] = undefined;
        } else {
          // 未找到可复用节点,将 newStartVNode  作为新节点挂载到头部,使用当前头部节点 oldStartVNode.el 作为锚点
          patch(null, newStartVNode, container, oldStartVNode.el);
        // 最后更新 newStartIdx 到下一个位置
        newStartVNode = newChildren[++newStartIdx];
    // 循环结束后检查索引值情况
    if (oldEndIdx < oldStartIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
      // 如果满足条件,则说明有新的节点遗留,需要挂载它们
      for (let i = newStartIdx; i <= newEndIdx; i++) {
        patch(null, newChildren[i], container, oldStartVNode.el);
    } else if (newEndIdx < newStartIdx && oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx) {
      // 如果满足条件,则说明有多余的旧节点,需要移除它们
      for (let i = oldStartIdx; i <= oldEndIdx; i++) {

  function patchElement(n1, n2) {
    const el = (n2.el = n1.el);
    const oldProps = n1.props;
    const newProps = n2.props;

    for (const key in newProps) {
      if (newProps[key] !== oldProps[key]) {
        patchProps(el, key, oldProps[key], newProps[key]);
    for (const key in oldProps) {
      if (!(key in newProps)) {
        patchProps(el, key, oldProps[key], null);

    patchChildren(n1, n2, el);

  function unmount(vnode) {
    if (vnode.type === Fragment) {
      vnode.children.forEach((c) => unmount(c));
    const parent = vnode.el.parentNode;
    if (parent) {

  function patch(n1, n2, container, anchor) {
    if (n1 && n1.type !== n2.type) {
      n1 = null;

    const { type } = n2;

    if (typeof type === "string") {
      if (!n1) {
        mountElement(n2, container, anchor);
      } else {
        patchElement(n1, n2);
    } else if (type === Text) {
      if (!n1) {
        const el = (n2.el = createText(n2.children));
        insert(el, container);
      } else {
        const el = (n2.el = n1.el);
        if (n2.children !== n1.children) {
          setText(el, n2.children);
    } else if (type === Fragment) {
      if (!n1) {
        n2.children.forEach((c) => patch(null, c, container));
      } else {
        patchChildren(n1, n2, container);

  function render(vnode, container) {
    if (vnode) {
      // 新 vnode 存在,将其与旧 vnode 一起传递给 patch 函数进行打补丁
      patch(container._vnode, vnode, container);
    } else {
      if (container._vnode) {
        // 旧 vnode 存在,且新 vnode 不存在,说明是卸载(unmount)操作
    // 把 vnode 存储到 container._vnode 下,即后续渲染中的旧 vnode
    container._vnode = vnode;

  return {

const renderer = createRenderer({
  createElement(tag) {
    return document.createElement(tag);
  setElementText(el, text) {
    el.textContent = text;
  insert(el, parent, anchor = null) {
    parent.insertBefore(el, anchor);
  createText(text) {
    return document.createTextNode(text);
  setText(el, text) {
    el.nodeValue = text;
  patchProps(el, key, prevValue, nextValue) {
    if (/^on/.test(key)) {
      const invokers = el._vei || (el._vei = {});
      let invoker = invokers[key];
      const name = key.slice(2).toLowerCase();
      if (nextValue) {
        if (!invoker) {
          invoker = el._vei[key] = (e) => {
            if (e.timeStamp < invoker.attached) return;
            if (Array.isArray(invoker.value)) {
              invoker.value.forEach((fn) => fn(e));
            } else {
          invoker.value = nextValue;
          invoker.attached = performance.now();
          el.addEventListener(name, invoker);
        } else {
          invoker.value = nextValue;
      } else if (invoker) {
        el.removeEventListener(name, invoker);
    } else if (key === "class") {
      el.className = nextValue || "";
    } else if (shouldSetAsProps(el, key, nextValue)) {
      const type = typeof el[key];
      if (type === "boolean" && nextValue === "") {
        el[key] = true;
      } else {
        el[key] = nextValue;
    } else {
      el.setAttribute(key, nextValue);

const Fragment = Symbol()
var VNode1 = {
  type: "div",
  children: []
var VNode2 = {
  type: "div",
  children: []

for (let i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
  const childNode = {
    type: "grid-item",
    children: i.toString(),
    key: i
renderer.render(VNode1, document.querySelector("#grid-container"));
function getSequence(arr) {
  const p = arr.slice()
  const result = [0]
  let i, j, u, v, c
  const len = arr.length
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const arrI = arr[i]
    if (arrI !== 0) {
      j = result[result.length - 1]
      if (arr[j] < arrI) {
        p[i] = j
      u = 0
      v = result.length - 1
      while (u < v) {
        c = ((u + v) / 2) | 0
        if (arr[result[c]] < arrI) {
          u = c + 1
        } else {
          v = c
      if (arrI < arr[result[u]]) {
        if (u > 0) {
          p[i] = result[u - 1]
        result[u] = i
  u = result.length
  v = result[u - 1]
  while (u-- > 0) {
    result[u] = v
    v = p[v]
  return result
function shouldSetAsProps(el, key, value) {
  if (key === "form" && el.tagName === "INPUT") return false;
  return key in el;

function createRenderer(options) {
  const {
  } = options;

  function mountElement(vnode, container, anchor) {
    const el = (vnode.el = createElement(vnode.type));
    if (typeof vnode.children === "string") {
      setElementText(el, vnode.children);
    } else if (Array.isArray(vnode.children)) {
      vnode.children.forEach((child) => {
        patch(null, child, el);

    if (vnode.props) {
      for (const key in vnode.props) {
        patchProps(el, key, null, vnode.props[key]);

    insert(el, container, anchor);

  function patchChildren(n1, n2, container) {
    if (typeof n2.children === "string") {
      if (Array.isArray(n1.children)) {
        n1.children.forEach((c) => unmount(c));
      setElementText(container, n2.children);
    } else if (Array.isArray(n2.children)) {
      patchKeyedChildren(n1, n2, container);
    } else {
      if (Array.isArray(n1.children)) {
        n1.children.forEach((c) => unmount(c));
      } else if (typeof n1.children === "string") {
        setElementText(container, "");

   * patchKeyedChildren 双端 Diff 代码实现
   * @param n1 旧vnode
   * @param n2 新vnode
   * container 挂载点
  function patchKeyedChildren(n1, n2, container) {
    const oldChildren = n1.children;
    const newChildren = n2.children;
    // 四个索引值
    let oldStartIdx = 0;
    let oldEndIdx = oldChildren.length - 1;
    let newStartIdx = 0;
    let newEndIdx = newChildren.length - 1;
    // 四个索引指向的 vnode 节点
    let oldStartVNode = oldChildren[oldStartIdx];
    let oldEndVNode = oldChildren[oldEndIdx];
    let newStartVNode = newChildren[newStartIdx];
    let newEndVNode = newChildren[newEndIdx];

    while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
      if (!oldStartVNode) {
        oldStartVNode = oldChildren[++oldStartIdx];
      } else if (!oldEndVNode) {
        oldEndVNode = newChildren[--oldEndIdx];
      } else if (oldStartVNode.key === newStartVNode.key) {
        // 第一步 oldStartVNode 和 newStartVNode 比较
        patch(oldStartVNode, newStartVNode, container);
        oldStartVNode = oldChildren[++oldStartIdx];
        newStartVNode = newChildren[++newStartIdx];
      } else if (oldEndVNode.key === newEndVNode.key) {
        // 第二步:oldEndVNode 和 newStartVNode 比对
        patch(oldEndVNode, newEndVNode, container);
        oldEndVNode = oldChildren[--oldEndIdx];
        newEndVNode = newChildren[--newEndIdx];
      } else if (oldStartVNode.key === newEndVNode.key) {
        // 第三步:oldStartVNode 和 newEndVNode 比对
        // 仍然需要调用 patch 函数进行打补丁
        patch(oldStartVNode, newEndVNode, container);
        // 移动 DOM 操作
        // oldStartVNode.el 移动到 oldEndVNode.el.nextSibling 前面
        insert(oldStartVNode.el, container, oldEndVNode.el.nextSibling);

        oldStartVNode = oldChildren[++oldStartIdx];
        newEndVNode = newChildren[--newEndIdx];
      } else if (oldEndVNode.key === newStartVNode.key) {
        // 第四步:oldEndVNode 和 newStartVNode 比对
        // 仍然需要调用 patch 函数进行打补丁
        patch(oldEndVNode, newStartVNode, container);
        // 移动 DOM 操作
        // oldEndVNode.el 移动到 oldStartVNode.el 前面
        insert(oldEndVNode.el, container, oldStartVNode.el);
        // 移动 DOM 完成,更新索引值,并指向下一个位置
        oldEndVNode = oldChildren[--oldEndIdx];
        newStartVNode = newChildren[++newStartIdx];
      } else {
        // 遍历旧 children,试图寻找与 newStartVNode 拥有相同 key 值的元素
        // idxInOld 就是新的一组子节点的头部节点在旧的一组子节点中的索引
        const idxInOld = oldChildren.findIndex(
          (node) => node.key === newStartVNode.key
        // idxInOld 大于0,说明找到了可复用的节点,并且需要将其对应的真实DOM移动到头部
        if (idxInOld > 0) {
          // idxInOld 位置对应的 vnode 就是需要移动的节点
          const vnodeToMove = oldChildren[idxInOld];
          // 不要忘记移动操作外还应该打补丁
          patch(vnodeToMove, newStartVNode, container);
          // 将 vnodeToMove.el 移动到头部节点 oldStartVNode.el 之前,因此使用后者作为锚点
          insert(vnodeToMove.el, container, oldStartVNode.el);
          // 由于位置 idxInOld 处的节点所对应的真实 DOM 已经移动到了别处,因此将其设置为 undefined
          oldChildren[idxInOld] = undefined;
        } else {
          // 未找到可复用节点,将 newStartVNode  作为新节点挂载到头部,使用当前头部节点 oldStartVNode.el 作为锚点
          patch(null, newStartVNode, container, oldStartVNode.el);
        // 最后更新 newStartIdx 到下一个位置
        newStartVNode = newChildren[++newStartIdx];
    // 循环结束后检查索引值情况
    if (oldEndIdx < oldStartIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
      // 如果满足条件,则说明有新的节点遗留,需要挂载它们
      for (let i = newStartIdx; i <= newEndIdx; i++) {
        patch(null, newChildren[i], container, oldStartVNode.el);
    } else if (newEndIdx < newStartIdx && oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx) {
      // 如果满足条件,则说明有多余的旧节点,需要移除它们
      for (let i = oldStartIdx; i <= oldEndIdx; i++) {

  function patchElement(n1, n2) {
    const el = (n2.el = n1.el);
    const oldProps = n1.props;
    const newProps = n2.props;

    for (const key in newProps) {
      if (newProps[key] !== oldProps[key]) {
        patchProps(el, key, oldProps[key], newProps[key]);
    for (const key in oldProps) {
      if (!(key in newProps)) {
        patchProps(el, key, oldProps[key], null);

    patchChildren(n1, n2, el);

  function unmount(vnode) {
    if (vnode.type === Fragment) {
      vnode.children.forEach((c) => unmount(c));
    const parent = vnode.el.parentNode;
    if (parent) {

  function patch(n1, n2, container, anchor) {
    if (n1 && n1.type !== n2.type) {
      n1 = null;

    const { type } = n2;

    if (typeof type === "string") {
      if (!n1) {
        mountElement(n2, container, anchor);
      } else {
        patchElement(n1, n2);
    } else if (type === Text) {
      if (!n1) {
        const el = (n2.el = createText(n2.children));
        insert(el, container);
      } else {
        const el = (n2.el = n1.el);
        if (n2.children !== n1.children) {
          setText(el, n2.children);
    } else if (type === Fragment) {
      if (!n1) {
        n2.children.forEach((c) => patch(null, c, container));
      } else {
        patchChildren(n1, n2, container);

  function render(vnode, container) {
    if (vnode) {
      // 新 vnode 存在,将其与旧 vnode 一起传递给 patch 函数进行打补丁
      patch(container._vnode, vnode, container);
    } else {
      if (container._vnode) {
        // 旧 vnode 存在,且新 vnode 不存在,说明是卸载(unmount)操作
    // 把 vnode 存储到 container._vnode 下,即后续渲染中的旧 vnode
    container._vnode = vnode;

  return {

const renderer = createRenderer({
  createElement(tag) {
    return document.createElement(tag);
  setElementText(el, text) {
    el.textContent = text;
  insert(el, parent, anchor = null) {
    parent.insertBefore(el, anchor);
  createText(text) {
    return document.createTextNode(text);
  setText(el, text) {
    el.nodeValue = text;
  patchProps(el, key, prevValue, nextValue) {
    if (/^on/.test(key)) {
      const invokers = el._vei || (el._vei = {});
      let invoker = invokers[key];
      const name = key.slice(2).toLowerCase();
      if (nextValue) {
        if (!invoker) {
          invoker = el._vei[key] = (e) => {
            if (e.timeStamp < invoker.attached) return;
            if (Array.isArray(invoker.value)) {
              invoker.value.forEach((fn) => fn(e));
            } else {
          invoker.value = nextValue;
          invoker.attached = performance.now();
          el.addEventListener(name, invoker);
        } else {
          invoker.value = nextValue;
      } else if (invoker) {
        el.removeEventListener(name, invoker);
    } else if (key === "class") {
      el.className = nextValue || "";
    } else if (shouldSetAsProps(el, key, nextValue)) {
      const type = typeof el[key];
      if (type === "boolean" && nextValue === "") {
        el[key] = true;
      } else {
        el[key] = nextValue;
    } else {
      el.setAttribute(key, nextValue);

const Fragment = Symbol()
var VNode1 = {
  type: "div",
  children: []
var VNode2 = {
  type: "div",
  children: []

for (let i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
  const childNode = {
    type: "grid-item",
    children: i.toString(),
    key: i
renderer.render(VNode1, document.querySelector("#grid-container"));



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