Property Getter / Setter Techniques (v24)

Revision 24 of this benchmark created on


Testing various techniques for creating getters / setters in JavaScript.

Testing a variation of 'Combined getter / setter method'. I had heard that using the 'arguments' object requires a heavy performance hit

Preparation HTML

  var global = this;
  (function() {
    global.obj = {
      prop: 0
    global.obj1 = {
      _prop: 0,
      getProp: function() {
        return this._prop;
      setProp: function(value) {
        this._prop = value;
    global.obj2 = {
      _prop: 0,
      get prop() {
        return this._prop;
      set prop(value) {
        this._prop = value;
    global.obj3 = {
      _prop: 0
    Object.defineProperty(global.obj3, "prop", {
      get: function() {
        return this._prop;
      set: function(val) {
        this._prop = val;
    global.obj4 = {
      _prop: 0
    global.obj4.__defineGetter__("prop", function() {
      return this._prop;
    global.obj4.__defineSetter__("prop", function(val) {
      this._prop = val;
    global.obj5 = {
      _prop: 0,
      prop: function(value) {
        if (value !== void 0)
          this._prop = value;
          return this._prop;
    global.obj6 = {
      attributes: {
        prop: 0
      get: function(name) {
        return this.attributes[name];
      set: function(name, value) {
        this.attributes[name] = value;

    global.obj7 = {
      _prop: 0,
      get: function(key) {
        return this[key];
      set: function(key, value) {
        this[key] = value;

global.obj8 = {};
  Object.defineProperty(global.obj8, "getProp", {
   value: function() {
    return this._prop;
  Object.defineProperty(global.obj8, "setProp", {
   value: function(val) {
    this._prop = val;

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Getter / setter methods
global.obj1.setProp(global.obj1.getProp() + 1);
get / set syntax
global.obj2.prop = global.obj2.prop + 1;
global.obj3.prop = global.obj3.prop + 1;
global.obj4.prop = global.obj4.prop + 1;


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