jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
jsperf.com URLs are mirrored at the same path, e.g:
Can be accessed at:
var target_string_left = 10000;
var createStringSearchCache = (function() {
//- uses a moving window around the last referenced index
//- returns cached found indices for any value searched for
//- when searching from index beyond cache, moves window and finds new values.
function createStringSearchCache(string) {
var data = { string: string, cache: {} };
return new Proxy(data, proxy_handler);
var DATA = Symbol("string_search_cache_data");
//! holds relevant cache from current proxy running
// never recursive, so should be okay
var c, search_from;
var UNSET = -2, UNFOUND = -1;
var proxy_handler = {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (prop === "string") { return target.string; }
else if (prop === DATA) { return target; }
else if (prop in this.proto) { return this.proto[prop]; }
else { throw new Error(`Cannot access property ${JSON.stringify(prop)}.`); }
set(target, prop, value, receiver) {
//* allow adding to start/end of string?
throw new Error(`Cannot set properties on StringSearchCache.`);
proto: {
findClosest: function findClosest(index, direction, find) {
//* if -1 found, find earliest
// to avoid ever making that (more expensive) check again?
if (typeof direction !== "number" || isNaN(direction)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid direction ${JSON.stringify(direction)}.`);
else if (find === "") {
if (index < 0) { return 0; }
else if (index >= this.string.length) { return string.length; }
else { return index; }
else {
c = ensure_cache(this[DATA], find);
if (c.none) { return -1; }
if (direction === 0) {
if (this.string[index] === find) {
c.previous = index; c.next = index;
return index;
else {
return -1;
// can only be -1 (unfound) or 0+ (found)
// creating ranges checks are unecessary
// searching prev, prev -> prev_from, send prev
// searching next, next_from -> next, send next
// when to find these?
// first time check unfound to avoid ever making that check again?
// searching prev, index < first, send -1
// searching next, index > last, send -1
// within other range, search from closest of that range.
// otherwise, search.
// searching prev, next_from < index < found next, search from next_from
// - else, search from index
// searching next, found prev < index < prev_from, search from prev_from
// - else, search from index
// >= (can find same index)
else if (direction > 0) {
if (index === c.last) { return index; }
else if (index > c.last) { return -1; }
else if ((index === c.next) || (index >= c.next_from && index < c.next)) {
return c.next;
else {
c.next_from = index;
if (c.prev !== -1 && index >= c.prev && index <= c.prev_from) {
return (c.next = this.string.indexOf(find, c.prev_from));
else {
return (c.next = this.string.indexOf(find, index));
// < (cannot find same index)
else if (direction < 0) {
if (index === c.first) { return index; }
else if (index < c.first) { return -1; }
else if ((index === c.prev) || (index >= c.prev && index <= c.prev_from)) {
return c.prev;
else {
c.prev_from = index;
if (c.next !== -1 && index >= c.next_from && index <= c.next) {
return (c.prev = this.string.lastIndexOf(find, c.next_from));
else {
return (c.prev = this.string.lastIndexOf(find, index));
else {
// FAILSAFE should not happen
throw new Error(`Direction ${JSON.stringify(direction)} not matched.`);
hasClosest: function hasClosest(index, direction, find) {
return this.findClosest(...arguments) !== -1;
// -2: unset
// -1: none found
// 0+: index of find
var none, first, last;
function ensure_cache(data, substr) {
if (substr in data.cache) { return data.cache[substr]; }
else {
none = false; last = -1;
first = data.string.indexOf(substr);
if (first === -1) { none = true; }
else { last = data.string.lastIndexOf(substr); }
return (data.cache[substr] = {
first:first, prev:-1, prev_from:0,
next_from:data.string.length, next:-1, last:last
return createStringSearchCache;
var per_random = 18;
var randoms = Math.ceil((target_string_left-2)/per_random);
var string = "x" + Array(randoms).fill(1).map(function() {
var r = Math.random();
return r < 0.001 ? "I" : r.toString().substr(2); }).join("") + "x";
var string_search_cache = createStringSearchCache(string);
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
indexOf / lastIndexOf |
| ready |
StringSearchCache |
| ready |
You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.