Javascript multiline regexp workarounds (v3)

Revision 3 of this benchmark created on


var pattern = '<h2>What is jsPerf?</h2>\
  <p>jsPerf aims to provide an easy way to create and share <a href="/browse" title="View some examples by browsing the jsPerf test cases">test cases</a>, comparing the performance of different JavaScript snippets by running benchmarks. For more information, see <a href="/faq" title="Frequently asked questions">the FAQ</a>.</p>\
  <h2>Create a test case</h2>\
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  		<h3>Test case details</h3>\
  		<div><label for="title">Title <em title="This field is required">*</em> </label><input type="text" name="title" id="title" required></div>\
  			<label for="slug">Slug <em title="This field is required">*</em> </label><input type="text" name="slug" id="slug" pattern="[a-z0-9](?:-?[a-z0-9])*" required>			<p class="preview">Test case URL will be <samp><mark>slug</mark></samp></p>\
  		<div><label for="visible">Published </label><label class="inline"><input type="checkbox" value="y" name="visible" id="visible" checked> (uncheck if you want to fiddle around before making the page public)</label></div>\
  		<div><label for="info">Description <span>(in case you feel further explanation is needed)</span><span>(Markdown syntax is allowed)</span> </label><textarea name="info" id="info"></textarea></div>\
  		<div class="question"><label for="question">Are you a spammer? <span>(just answer the question)</span> </label><input type="text" name="question" id="question"></div>\
  			BEWARE! Regexp on HTML is Evil but sometimes it is the only way when you cannot parse DOM.\
  			<h3>Preparation code</h3>\
  				<label for="prep-html">Preparation code HTML <span>(this will be inserted in the <code>&lt;body></code> of a valid HTML5 document in standards mode)</span> <span>(useful when testing DOM operations or including libraries)</span> </label><textarea name="prep-html" id="prep-html"></textarea>				<p id="add-libraries">Include JavaScript libraries as follows: <code>&lt;script src="//cdn.ext/library.js">&lt;/script></code></p>\
  			<div><label for="setup">Define <code>setup</code> for all tests <span>(variables, functions, arrays or other objects that will be used in the tests)</span> <span>(runs before each clocked test loop, outside of the timed code region)</span> <span>(e.g. define local test variables, reset global variables, clear <code>canvas</code>, etc.)</span> <span>(<a href="/faq#setup-teardown">see FAQ</a>)</span> </label><textarea name="setup" id="setup"></textarea></div>\
  			<div><label for="teardown">Define <code>teardown</code> for all tests <span>(runs after each clocked test loop, outside of the timed code region)</span> <span>(<a href="/faq#setup-teardown">see FAQ</a>)</span> </label><textarea name="teardown" id="teardown"></textarea></div>\
  		<fieldset id="tests">\
  			<h3>Code snippets to compare</h3>\
  				<h4>Code snippet 1</h4>\
  				<div><label for="test[1][title]">Title <em title="This field is required">*</em> </label><input type="text" name="test[1][title]" id="test[1][title]" required></div>\
  				<div><label for="test[1][defer]">Async</label><label class="inline"><input type="checkbox" value="y" name="test[1][defer]" id="test[1][defer]"> (check if this is an <a href="/faq#async">asynchronous test</a>)</label></div>\
  				<div><label for="test[1][code]">Code <em title="This field is required">*</em> <span>(No need for loops in the test code; we’ll take care of that for you)</span></label><textarea name="test[1][code]" id="test[1][code]" class="code-js" required></textarea></div>\
  				<h4>Code snippet 2</h4>\
  				<div><label for="test[2][title]">Title <em title="This field is required">*</em> </label><input type="text" name="test[2][title]" id="test[2][title]" required></div>\
  				<div><label for="test[2][defer]">Async </label><label class="inline"><input type="checkbox" value="y" name="test[2][defer]" id="test[2][defer]"> (check if this is an <a href="/faq#async">asynchronous test</a>)</label></div>\
  				<div><label for="test[2][code]">Code <em title="This field is required">*</em> </label><textarea name="test[2][code]" id="test[2][code]" class="code-js" required></textarea></div>\
  		<div class="buttons"><input type="submit" class="submit" value="Save test case" title="Save and view test case"></div>\

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Using [^] non-greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can[^]*?<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);
Using [\s\S] non-greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can[\s\S]*?<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);
Using (?:.|\r|\n) non-greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can(?:.|\r|\n)*?<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);
Using (?:.|[\r\n]) non-greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can(?:.|[\r|\n])*?<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);
Using [^] greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can[^]*<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);
Using ([^]) non-greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can([\s\S)]*?)<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);
Using [\w\W] non-greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can[\w\W]*?<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);
Using [\d\D] non-greedy
var regexp = /<p>Can[\d\D]*?<\/p>/;
var test = pattern.match(regexp);


You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.

  • Revision 1: published by KrisWebDev on
  • Revision 3: published on
  • Revision 4: published by Dru Nelson on
  • Revision 5: published by oeuhsonaeuth\snh on
  • Revision 6: published by Eddie Kohler on