jQuery cache

Benchmark created by asdluki on

Preparation HTML

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul id="1"></ul>
<ul id="2"></ul>
<ul id="3"></ul>
<ul id="4"></ul>
<ul id="5"></ul>
<ul id="6"></ul>
<ul id="7"></ul>
<ul id="8"></ul>
<ul id="9"></ul>
<ul id="10"></ul>

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
No cache
for (var i = 0, max = 30; i < max; i++) {
 for (var j = 1, max1 = 10; j <= max1; j++) {
  jQuery('#' + j).addClass("class-" + i + "-" + j);
Cached element
var cache = {}
cache._cache = {}
cache.elementCache = function(name, selector) {
 if (this._cache[name] === undefined) {
  this._cache[name] = $(selector);
 return this._cache[name];

for (var i = 0, max = 30; i < max; i++) {
 for (var j = 1, max1 = 10; j <= max1; j++) {
  var element = cache.elementCache(j, '#' + j);
  element.addClass("class-" + i + "-" + j);


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