jQuery .find() vs. context selector vs non-context selector (v113)

Revision 113 of this benchmark created by Miles on


comparing selector speed

Preparation HTML

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div class="wrap">
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  <div class="list2">
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var $wrap = $('.wrap');

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
find method (node context)
var $items = $($wrap[0]).find('.list2 .item');
find method (jquery context)
var $items = $wrap.find('.list2 .item');
context node
var $items = $('.list2 .item', $wrap[0]);
context jquery
var $items = $('.list2 .item', $wrap);
find nested class
var $items = $wrap.find('.list2 .item');
find find class
var $items = $wrap.find('.list2').find('.item');
fint nested tag
var $items = $wrap.find('.list2 a');
find class find tag
var $items = $wrap.find('.list2').find('a');


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