Lawnchair: webkitsqlite vs domStorage (v7)

Revision 7 of this benchmark created on


Comparing the speed of using a local SQLite database versus window.localStorage to store key/value pairs using Lawnchair.

Preparation HTML

 * Lawnchair!
 * --- 
 * clientside json store 
var Lawnchair = function (options, callback) {
    // ensure Lawnchair was called as a constructor
    if (!(this instanceof Lawnchair)) return new Lawnchair(options, callback);

    // lawnchair requires json 
    if (!JSON) throw 'JSON unavailable! Include to fix.'
    // options are optional; callback is not
    if (arguments.length <= 2 && arguments.length > 0) {
        callback = (typeof arguments[0] === 'function') ? arguments[0] : arguments[1];
        options  = (typeof arguments[0] === 'function') ? {} : arguments[0];
    } else {
        throw 'Incorrect # of ctor args!'
    // TODO perhaps allow for pub/sub instead?
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw 'No callback was provided';
    // default configuration 
    this.record = options.record || 'record'  // default for records   =   || 'records' // default name for underlying store
    // mixin first valid  adapter
    var adapter
    // if the adapter is passed in we try to load that only
    if (options.adapter) {
        for (var i = 0, l = Lawnchair.adapters.length; i < l; i++) {
            if (Lawnchair.adapters[i].adapter === options.adapter) {
              adapter = Lawnchair.adapters[i].valid() ? Lawnchair.adapters[i] : undefined;
    // otherwise find the first valid adapter for this env
    else {
        for (var i = 0, l = Lawnchair.adapters.length; i < l; i++) {
            adapter = Lawnchair.adapters[i].valid() ? Lawnchair.adapters[i] : undefined
            if (adapter) break 
    // we have failed 
    if (!adapter) throw 'No valid adapter.' 
    // yay! mixin the adapter 
    for (var j in adapter)  
        this[j] = adapter[j]
    // call init for each mixed in plugin
    for (var i = 0, l = Lawnchair.plugins.length; i < l; i++) 

    // init the adapter 
    this.init(options, callback)

Lawnchair.adapters = [] 

 * queues an adapter for mixin
 * ===
 * - ensures an adapter conforms to a specific interface
Lawnchair.adapter = function (id, obj) {
    // add the adapter id to the adapter obj
    // ugly here for a  cleaner dsl for implementing adapters
    obj['adapter'] = id
    // methods required to implement a lawnchair adapter 
    var implementing = 'adapter valid init keys save batch get exists all remove nuke'.split(' ')
    ,   indexOf = this.prototype.indexOf
    // mix in the adapter   
    for (var i in obj) {
        if (indexOf(implementing, i) === -1) throw 'Invalid adapter! Nonstandard method: ' + i
    // if we made it this far the adapter interface is valid 
  // insert the new adapter as the preferred adapter

Lawnchair.plugins = []

 * generic shallow extension for plugins
 * ===
 * - if an init method is found it registers it to be called when the lawnchair is inited 
 * - yes we could use hasOwnProp but nobody here is an asshole
Lawnchair.plugin = function (obj) {
    for (var i in obj) 
        i === 'init' ? Lawnchair.plugins.push(obj[i]) : this.prototype[i] = obj[i]

 * helpers
Lawnchair.prototype = {

    isArray: Array.isArray || function(o) { return === '[object Array]' },
     * this code exists for ie8... for more background see:
    indexOf: function(ary, item, i, l) {
        if (ary.indexOf) return ary.indexOf(item)
        for (i = 0, l = ary.length; i < l; i++) if (ary[i] === item) return i
        return -1

    // awesome shorthand callbacks as strings. this is shameless theft from dojo.
    lambda: function (callback) {
        return this.fn(this.record, callback)

    // first stab at named parameters for terse callbacks; dojo: first != best // ;D
    fn: function (name, callback) {
        return typeof callback == 'string' ? new Function(name, callback) : callback

    // returns a unique identifier (by way of Backbone.localStorage.js)
    // TODO investigate smaller UUIDs to cut on storage cost
    uuid: function () {
        var S4 = function () {
            return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
        return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4());

    // a classic iterator
    each: function (callback) {
        var cb = this.lambda(callback)
        // iterate from chain
        if (this.__results) {
            for (var i = 0, l = this.__results.length; i < l; i++), this.__results[i], i) 
        // otherwise iterate the entire collection 
        else {
            this.all(function(r) {
                for (var i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++), r[i], i)
        return this
// --

Lawnchair.adapter('webkit-sqlite', (function () {
    // private methods 
    var fail = function (e, i) { console.log('error in sqlite adaptor!', e, i) }
    ,   now  = function () { return new Date() } // FIXME need to use better date fn
  // not entirely sure if this is needed...
    if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
        Function.prototype.bind = function( obj ) {
            var slice = [].slice
            ,   args  =, 1) 
            ,   self  = this
            ,   nop   = function () {} 
            ,   bound = function () {
                    return self.apply(this instanceof nop ? this : (obj || {}), args.concat( 
            nop.prototype   = self.prototype
            bound.prototype = new nop()
            return bound

    // public methods
    return {
        valid: function() { return !!(window.openDatabase) },

        init: function (options, callback) {
            var that   = this
            ,   cb     = that.fn(, callback)
            ,   create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + this.record + " (id NVARCHAR(32) UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT, timestamp REAL)"
            ,   win    = function(){ return, that); }
            // open a connection and create the db if it doesn't exist 
            this.db = openDatabase(, '1.0.0',, 65536)
            this.db.transaction(function (t) { 
                t.executeSql(create, [], win, fail) 

        keys:  function (callback) {
            var cb   = this.lambda(callback)
            ,   that = this
            ,   keys = "SELECT id FROM " + this.record + " ORDER BY timestamp DESC"

            this.db.transaction(function(t) {
                var win = function (xxx, results) {
                    if (results.rows.length == 0 ) {
              , [])
                    } else {
                        var r = [];
                        for (var i = 0, l = results.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
              , r)
                t.executeSql(keys, [], win, fail)
            return this
        // you think thats air you're breathing now?
        save: function (obj, callback) {
            var that = this
            ,   id   = obj.key || that.uuid()
            ,   ins  = "INSERT INTO " + this.record + " (value, timestamp, id) VALUES (?,?,?)"
            ,   up   = "UPDATE " + this.record + " SET value=?, timestamp=? WHERE id=?"
            ,   win  = function () { if (callback) { obj.key = id; that.lambda(callback).call(that, obj) }}
            ,   val  = [now(), id]
      // existential 
            that.exists(obj.key, function(exists) {
                // transactions are like condoms
                that.db.transaction(function(t) {
          // TODO move timestamp to a plugin
                    var insert = function (obj) {
                        t.executeSql(ins, val, win, fail)
          // TODO move timestamp to a plugin
                    var update = function (obj) {
                        t.executeSql(up, val, win, fail)
          // pretty
                    exists ? update(obj) : insert(obj)
            return this

    // FIXME this should be a batch insert / just getting the test to pass...
        batch: function (objs, cb) {

      var results = []
      ,   done = false
      ,   that = this

      var updateProgress = function(obj) {
        done = results.length === objs.length

      var checkProgress = setInterval(function() {
        if (done) {
          if (cb) that.lambda(cb).call(that, results)
      }, 200)

      for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; i++)[i], updateProgress)

            return this

        get: function (keyOrArray, cb) {
      var that = this
      ,   sql  = ''
            // batch selects support
      if (this.isArray(keyOrArray)) {
        sql = 'SELECT id, value FROM ' + this.record + " WHERE id IN ('" + keyOrArray.join("','") + "')"
      } else {
        sql = 'SELECT id, value FROM ' + this.record + " WHERE id = '" + keyOrArray + "'"
      // FIXME
            // will always loop the results but cleans it up if not a batch return at the end..
      // in other words, this could be faster
      var win = function (xxx, results) {
        var o = null
        ,   r = []
        if (results.rows.length) {
          for (var i = 0, l = results.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
            o = JSON.parse(results.rows.item(i).value)
            o.key = results.rows.item(i).id
        if (!that.isArray(keyOrArray)) r = r.length ? r[0] : null
        if (cb) that.lambda(cb).call(that, r)
            this.db.transaction(function(t){ t.executeSql(sql, [], win, fail) })
            return this 

    exists: function (key, cb) {
      var is = "SELECT * FROM " + this.record + " WHERE id = ?"
      ,   that = this
      ,   win = function(xxx, results) { if (cb) that.fn('exists', cb).call(that, (results.rows.length > 0)) }
      this.db.transaction(function(t){ t.executeSql(is, [key], win, fail) })
      return this

    all: function (callback) {
      var that = this
      ,   all  = "SELECT * FROM " + this.record
      ,   r    = []
      ,   cb   = this.fn(, callback) || undefined
      ,   win  = function (xxx, results) {
        if (results.rows.length != 0) {
          for (var i = 0, l = results.rows.length; i < l; i++) {
            var obj = JSON.parse(results.rows.item(i).value)
            obj.key = results.rows.item(i).id
        if (cb), r)

      this.db.transaction(function (t) { 
        t.executeSql(all, [], win, fail) 
      return this

    remove: function (keyOrObj, cb) {
      var that = this
      ,   key  = typeof keyOrObj === 'string' ? keyOrObj : keyOrObj.key
      ,   del  = "DELETE FROM " + this.record + " WHERE id = ?"
      ,   win  = function () { if (cb) that.lambda(cb).call(that) }

      this.db.transaction( function (t) {
        t.executeSql(del, [key], win, fail);

      return this;

    nuke: function (cb) {
      var nuke = "DELETE FROM " + this.record
      ,   that = this
      ,   win  = cb ? function() { that.lambda(cb).call(that) } : function(){}
        this.db.transaction(function (t) { 
        t.executeSql(nuke, [], win, fail) 
      return this

Lawnchair.adapter('memory', (function(){

    var storage = {}, index = []

    return {
        valid: function() { return true },

        init: function(opts, cb) {
            this.fn(, cb).call(this, this)
            return this

        keys: function (callback) {
            this.fn('keys', callback).call(this, index)
            return this

        save: function(obj, cb) {
            var key = obj.key || this.uuid()
            this.exists(key, function(exists) {
                if (!exists) {
                    if (obj.key) delete obj.key

                storage[key] = obj
                if (cb) {
                    obj.key = key
                    this.lambda(cb).call(this, obj)

            return this

        batch: function (objs, cb) {
            var r = []
            for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; i++) {
      [i], function(record) {
            if (cb) this.lambda(cb).call(this, r)
            return this

        get: function (keyOrArray, cb) {
            var r;
            if (this.isArray(keyOrArray)) {
                r = []
                for (var i = 0, l = keyOrArray.length; i < l; i++) {
            } else {
                r = storage[keyOrArray]
                if (r) r.key = keyOrArray
            if (cb) this.lambda(cb).call(this, r)
            return this 

        exists: function (key, cb) {
            this.lambda(cb).call(this, !!(storage[key]))
            return this

        all: function (cb) {
            var r = []
            for (var i = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i++) {
                var obj = storage[index[i]]
                obj.key = index[i]
            this.fn(, cb).call(this, r)
            return this

        remove: function (keyOrArray, cb) {
            var del = this.isArray(keyOrArray) ? keyOrArray : [keyOrArray]
            for (var i = 0, l = del.length; i < l; i++) {
                delete storage[del[i]]
                index.splice(this.indexOf(index, del[i]), 1)
            if (cb) this.lambda(cb).call(this)
            return this

        nuke: function (cb) {
            storage = {}
            index = []
            if (cb) this.lambda(cb).call(this)
            return this

 * dom storage adapter 
 * === 
 * - originally authored by Joseph Pecoraro
// TODO does it make sense to be chainable all over the place?
// chainable: nuke, remove, all, get, save, all    
// not chainable: valid, keys
Lawnchair.adapter('dom', (function() {
    var storage = window.localStorage
    // the indexer is an encapsulation of the helpers needed to keep an ordered index of the keys
    var indexer = function(name) {
        return {
            // the key
            key: name + '._index_',
            // returns the index
            all: function() {
        var a  = storage.getItem(this.key)
        if (a) {
          a = JSON.parse(a)
                if (a === null) storage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify([])) // lazy init
                return JSON.parse(storage.getItem(this.key))
            // adds a key to the index
            add: function (key) {
                var a = this.all()
                storage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(a))
            // deletes a key from the index
            del: function (key) {
                var a = this.all(), r = []
                // FIXME this is crazy inefficient but I'm in a strata meeting and half concentrating
                for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
                    if (a[i] != key) r.push(a[i])
                storage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(r))
            // returns index for a key
            find: function (key) {
                var a = this.all()
                for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
                    if (key === a[i]) return i 
                return false
    // adapter api 
    return {
        // ensure we are in an env with localStorage 
        valid: function () {
            return !!storage && function() {
              // in mobile safari if safe browsing is enabled,
              // is defined but setItem calls throw exceptions.
              var success = true
              var value = Math.random()
              try {
                storage.setItem(value, value)
              } catch (e) {
                success = false
              return success

        init: function (options, callback) {
            this.indexer = indexer(
            if (callback) this.fn(, callback).call(this, this)  
        save: function (obj, callback) {
            var key = obj.key ? + '.' + obj.key : + '.' + this.uuid()
            // if the key is not in the index push it on
            if (this.indexer.find(key) === false) this.indexer.add(key)
            // now we kil the key and use it in the store colleciton    
            delete obj.key;
            storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(obj))
            obj.key = key.slice( + 1)
            if (callback) {
                this.lambda(callback).call(this, obj)
            return this

        batch: function (ary, callback) {
            var saved = []
            // not particularily efficient but this is more for sqlite situations
            for (var i = 0, l = ary.length; i < l; i++) {
      [i], function(r){
            if (callback) this.lambda(callback).call(this, saved)
            return this
        // accepts [options], callback
        keys: function(callback) {
            if (callback) { 
                var name =
                ,   keys = this.indexer.all().map(function(r){ return r.replace(name + '.', '') })
                this.fn('keys', callback).call(this, keys)
            return this // TODO options for limit/offset, return promise
        get: function (key, callback) {
            if (this.isArray(key)) {
                var r = []
                for (var i = 0, l = key.length; i < l; i++) {
                    var k = + '.' + key[i]
                    var obj = storage.getItem(k)
                    if (obj) {
            obj = JSON.parse(obj)
                        obj.key = key[i]
                if (callback) this.lambda(callback).call(this, r)
            } else {
                var k = + '.' + key
                var  obj = storage.getItem(k)
                if (obj) {
          obj = JSON.parse(obj)
          obj.key = key
                if (callback) this.lambda(callback).call(this, obj)
            return this

        exists: function (key, cb) {
            var exists = this.indexer.find('.'+key) === false ? false : true ;
            this.lambda(cb).call(this, exists);
            return this;
        // NOTE adapters cannot set this.__results but plugins do
        // this probably should be reviewed
        all: function (callback) {
            var idx = this.indexer.all()
            ,   r   = []
            ,   o
            ,   k
            for (var i = 0, l = idx.length; i < l; i++) {
                k     = idx[i] //v
                o     = JSON.parse(storage.getItem(k))
                o.key = k.replace( + '.', '')
            if (callback) this.fn(, callback).call(this, r)
            return this
        remove: function (keyOrObj, callback) {
            var key = + '.' + ((keyOrObj.key) ? keyOrObj.key : keyOrObj)
            if (callback) this.lambda(callback).call(this)
            return this
        nuke: function (callback) {
            this.all(function(r) {
                for (var i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++) {
                if (callback) this.lambda(callback).call(this)
            return this 

  // data
  var someData = {
   'key': 'my-uuid',
   'name': 'Fugly McFunston',
   'rank': 'Junior Leftenant',
   'serial-number': 'ABC123'
  var lawnchair_dom = new Lawnchair({
   adaptor: 'dom'

  var lawnchair_sql = new Lawnchair({
   table: 'segdeha',
   adaptor: 'webkit-sqlite'

  var lawnchair_memory = new Lawnchair({
   adaptor: 'memory'


Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
var myData;
lawnchair_dom.nuke();, function() {
 lawnchair_dom.get('my-uuid', function(r) {
  myData = r;
var myData;
lawnchair_sql.nuke();, function() {
 lawnchair_sql.get('my-uuid', function(r) {
  myData = r;
var myData;
lawnchair_memory.nuke();, function() {
 lawnchair_memory.get('my-uuid', function(r) {
  myData = r;


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