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This is a quick experiment to see what the run-time performance difference is between formatted and commented development code (Point) and minimized production code (Boint). Barring the obvious difference of minimized vs formatted, the classes are identical except for the first letter of the constructor.
Point *a coordinate pair geometry object
Point(float x, float y)
function Point(X, Y) {
this.x = X;
this.y = Y;
Point.prototype = {
point.clone *create clone of this point
point.clone() returns Point
clone: function clone() {
return new Point(this.x, this.y);
Point.move *move the point's coordinates by x and y or by adding another point's coordinates to this point
Point.move(float x, float y) returns this
Point.move(Point p) returns this
move: function move(a1, a2) {
if (a2) {
this.x += a1;
this.y += a2;
} else {
this.x += a1.x;
this.y += a1.y;
return this;
Point.moveTo *move this point to a set of coordinates
Point.moveTo(Point p) returns this
Point.moveTo(float x, float y) returns this
moveTo: function moveTo(a1, a2) {
if (a2) {
this.x = a1;
this.y = a2;
} else {
this.x = a1.x;
this.y = a2.y;
return this;
Point.equalTo *test to see if a point shares the same coordinates as this
Point.equalTo(Point p) returns bool
equalTo: function equals(p) {
return this.x === p.x && this.y === p.y;
Point.atOrigin *test if this is at the origin coordinates (0,0)
Point.atOrigin() returns bool
atOrigin: function atOrigin() {
return this.x === 0 && this.y === 0;
Point.toOrigin *move this to origin coordinates (0,0)
Point.toOrigin() returns bool
toOrigin: function toOrigin() {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
return this;
Point.distance *get the distance between this and another point
Point.distance(Point p) returns float
distance: function distance(p) {
var a, b = 0,
m = Math,
x1 = p.x,
x2 = this.x,
y1 = p.y,
y2 = this.y;
a = m.max(x1, x2) - m.min(x1, x2);
b = m.max(y1, y2) - m.min(y1, y2);
return m.sqrt(m.pow(a, 2) + m.pow(b, 2));
Point.snapToInt *round coordinates to the nearest corresponding integers
Point.snapToInt() returns this
snapToInt: function snapToInt() {
var r = Math.round;
this.x = r(this.x);
this.y = r(this.y);
return this;
function Boint(X,Y){this.x=X;this.y=Y;}Boint.prototype={clone:function clone(){return new Boint(this.x,this.y);},move:function move(a1,a2){if(a2){this.x+=a1;this.y+=a2;}else{this.x+=a1.x;this.y+=a1.y;}return this;},moveTo:function moveTo(a1,a2){if(a2){this.x=a1;this.y=a2;}else{this.x=a1.x;this.y=a2.y;}return this;},equalTo:function equals(p){return this.x===p.x&&this.y===p.y;},atOrigin:function atOrigin(){return this.x===0&&this.y===0;},toOrigin:function toOrigin(){this.x=0;this.y=0;return this;},distance:function distance(p){var a,b=0,m=Math,x1=p.x,x2=this.x,y1=p.y,y2=this.y;a=m.max(x1,x2)-m.min(x1,x2);b=m.max(y1,y2)-m.min(y1,y2);return m.sqrt(m.pow(a,2)+m.pow(b,2));},snapToInt:function snapToInt(){var r=Math.round;this.x=r(this.x);this.y=r(this.y);return this;}};
var p1 = new Point();
var p2 = new Point(2,2);
var b1 = new Boint();
var b2 = new Boint(2,2);
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
Formatted Constructor |
| ready |
Minimized Constructor |
| ready |
formatted function |
| ready |
minimized function |
| ready |
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