Multiple Regexp Replace versus Replace Loop

Benchmark created by Jeffrey on


Is it faster to loop through an array of strings and call replace on each one? Or is it faster to call a large regexp with all of the strings at once.


function stripBusinessName1(business_name) {
      //TODO: find original parser, I had a very good function for this
      business_name = business_name.toLowerCase();
      return business_name.replace(/corporation|\sand\s|\sllc|\sdba|\sbros|\sbrothers|\ssons|\scompany|\sincorporated/g, '').replace(/co$|inc$|corp$/g, '');
    function stripBusinessName2(business_name) {
      business_name = business_name.toLowerCase();
      var remove_these = ['corporation', ' and ', ' llc', ' dba', ' bros', ' brothers', ' sons', ' company', ' incorporated'];
      //co and inc can't be reliably removed through traditionally means, they must be at the end
      var len = remove_these.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        business_name = business_name.replace(remove_these[i], '');
      return business_name.replace(/co$|inc$|corp$/g, '');
    function stripBusinessName3(business_name) {
        //TODO: find original parser, I had a very good function for this
        business_name = business_name.toLowerCase();
     return business_name.replace(/corporation|\sand\s|\sllc|\sdba|\sbros|\sbrothers|\ssons|\scompany|\sincorporated|co$|inc$|corp$/g, '');

Test runner

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Testing in
stripBusinessName1('Mario and Luigi Brothers aka Super Mario Bros and Nintendo and Sons Incorporated Company Corporation Inc');
stripBusinessName2('Mario and Luigi Brothers aka Super Mario Bros and Nintendo and Sons Incorporated Company Corporation Inc');
RegExp Unchained
stripBusinessName3('Mario and Luigi Brothers aka Super Mario Bros and Nintendo and Sons Incorporated Company Corporation Inc');


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