Multiplication (int) vs Bit-Shifting (left) (v4)

Revision 4 of this benchmark created by Hank Schultz on


A friend of mine was pretty excited to learn that there are possible speed increases associated with shifting bits over the multiplication operator, or by using multiplication over the division operator. However, I wonder if a good compiler or interpreter wouldn't make these optimization choices for you! Let's find out with JS!

This test is more effective than earlier versions of this test. On the other versions, the function calls and calls to console.log have significantly more overhead than simply doing the math. However, the values must be stored, as any reasonable smart optimizer will see that code not stored is irrelevant and therefore won't run it.


var i = 10.0;
    var j = 10.0;
    var k = 10.0;

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Multiplication (int)
i = i * 2.0;
i = i * 4.0;
k = k * 65536.0;
Bit-Shifting (left)
i = i << 1;
j = j << 2;
k = k << 16;
Division Operator
i = i / 2.0;
j = j / 4.0;
k = k / 8.0;
Division through Multiplying by a Float
i = i * 0.5;
j = j * 0.25;
k = k * 0.125;
Division through bit-shifting right.
i = i >> 1;
j = j >> 2;
k = k >> 3;


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