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     * Teoria.js - Music Theory for JavaScript
     * Jakob Miland - Copyleft 2011
    (function() {
      var teoria = {};
      var NOTES = {
          'c': {
            name: 'c',
            distance: 0,
            index: 0
          'd': {
            name: 'd',
            distance: 2,
            index: 1
          'e': {
            name: 'e',
            distance: 4,
            index: 2
          'f': {
            name: 'f',
            distance: 5,
            index: 3
          'g': {
            name: 'g',
            distance: 7,
            index: 4
          'a': {
            name: 'a',
            distance: 9,
            index: 5
          'b': {
            name: 'b',
            distance: 11,
            index: 6
          'h': {
            name: 'h',
            distance: 11,
            index: 6
      var NOTES_INDEX = ['c','d','e','f','g','a','b'];
      var DURATIONS = {
          '0.25': 'longa',
          '0.5': 'breve',
          '1': 'whole',
          '2': 'half',
          '4': 'quarter',
          '8': 'eighth',
          '16': 'sixteenth',
          '32': 'thirty-second',
          '64': 'sixty-fourth',
          '128': 'hundred-twenty-eighth'
      var INTERVALS = [{
        name: 'unison',
        quality: 'perfect',
        size: 0
      }, {
        name: 'second',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 1
      }, {
        name: 'third',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 3
      }, {
        name: 'fourth',
        quality: 'perfect',
        size: 5
      }, {
        name: 'fifth',
        quality: 'perfect',
        size: 7
      }, {
        name: 'sixth',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 8
      }, {
        name: 'seventh',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 10
      }, {
        name: 'octave',
        quality: 'perfect',
        size: 12
      }, {
        name: 'ninth',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 13
      }, {
        name: 'tenth',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 15
      }, {
        name: 'eleventh',
        quality: 'perfect',
        size: 17
      }, {
        name: 'twelfth',
        quality: 'perfect',
        size: 19
      }, {
        name: 'thirteenth',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 20
      }, {
        name: 'fourteenth',
        quality: 'minor',
        size: 22
      }, {
        name: 'fifteenth',
        quality: 'perfect',
        size: 24
      var INTERVAL_INDEX = {'unison':0, 'second':1, 'third':2, 'fourth':3, 'fifth':4, 'sixth':5, 'seventh':6, 'octave':7, 'ninth':8,
                            'tenth': 9,'eleventh':10, 'twelfth':11, 'thirteenth':12, 'fourteenth':13, 'fifteenth':14};
      var QUALITY_STRING = {
          'P': 'perfect', 
          'M': 'major', 
          'm': 'minor', 
          'A': 'augmented', 
          'd': 'diminished',
          'perf': 'perfect',
          'maj': 'major',
          'min': 'minor',
          'aug': 'augmented',
          'dim': 'diminished'
          'P': 'P',
          'M': 'm',
          'm': 'M',
          'A': 'd',
          'd': 'A'
      var ALTERATIONS = {
          perfect: ['diminished', 'perfect', 'augmented'],
          minor: ['diminished', 'minor', 'major', 'augmented']
      var CHORDS = {
          'major':            ['M3', 'P5'],
          'minor':            ['m3', 'P5'],
          'augmented':        ['M3', 'A5'],
          'diminished':       ['m3', 'd5'],
          'sus2':             ['M2', 'P5'],
          'sus4':             ['P4', 'P5'],
          'power':            ['P5']
      var CHORDLOOKUP = {
          'major': 'M',
          'minor': 'm',
          'augmented': 'aug',
          'diminished': 'dim',
          'power': '5'
        '-2': 'bb',
        '-1': 'b',
        '0': '',
        '1': '#',
        '2': '##'
       * getDistance, returns the distance in semitones between two notes
      function getDistance(from, to) {
        from = NOTES[from];
        to = NOTES[to];
        if(from.distance > to.distance) {
          return (to.distance+12)-from.distance;
        } else {
          return to.distance-from.distance;
      function pad(str, ch, len) {
        for(; len > 0; len--) {
          str += ch;
        return str;
      function TeoriaNote(name, duration) {
        if(typeof name !== 'string') {
          return null;
        = name;
        this.duration = duration || 4;
        this.accidental = {value: 0, sign: ''};
        var parser = name.match(/^([abcdefgh])(##|#|bb|b?)(-?\d*)/i); // 1 = note, 2 = accidentals, 3 = octave
        if(parser && name === parser[0] && parser[3].length !== 0) { // Scientific Notation
 = parser[1].toLowerCase();
          this.octave = parseFloat(parser[3]);
          if(parser[2].length !== 0) {
            this.accidental.sign = parser[2].toLowerCase();
            this.accidental.value = (parser[2][0] === 'b') ? (-parser[2].length) : (parser[2].length);
        } else { // Helmholtz Notation
          name = name.replace(/\u2032/g, "'").replace(/\u0375/g, ',');
          var info = name.match(/^(,*)([abcdefgh])(##|#|bb|b?)([,\']*)$/i); // 1 = pre, 2 = note, 3 = accidentals, 4 = pro
          if(!info || info.length !== 5 || name !== info[0]) {
            throw "Invalid note format";
          } else if(info[1] === '' && info[4] === '') { // Only note name
            this.octave = (info[2] === info[2].toLowerCase()) ? 3 : 2;
          } else if(info[1] !== '' && info[4] === '') { // Pre
            if(info[2] === info[2].toLowerCase()) { // If lower-case
              throw "Invalid note format. Format must respect the Helmholtz notation.";
            this.octave = 2 - info[1].length;
          } else if(info[1] === '' && info[4] !== '') { // Pro       
            if(info[4].match(/^'+$/)) { // Up
              if(info[2] === info[2].toUpperCase()) { // If upper-case
                throw "Invalid note format. Format must respect the Helmholtz notation";
              this.octave = 3 + info[4].length;
            } else if(info[4].match(/^,+$/)) {
              if(info[2] === info[2].toLowerCase()) { // If lower-case
                throw "Invalid note format. Format must respect the Helmholtz notation";
              this.octave = 2 - info[4].length;
            } else {
              throw "Invalid characters after note name.";
          } else {
            throw "Invalid note format";
 = info[2].toLowerCase();
          if(info[3].length !== 0) {
            this.accidental.sign = info[3].toLowerCase();
            this.accidental.value = (info[3][0] === 'b') ? (-info[3].length) : (info[3].length);
      TeoriaNote.prototype = {
           * Returns the key number of the note
          key: function(whitenotes) {
            if(whitenotes) {
              return (this.octave-1) * 7 + 3 + Math.ceil(NOTES[].distance/2);
            } else {
              return (this.octave-1) * 12 + 4 + NOTES[].distance + this.accidental.value;
           * Calculates and returns the frequency of the note, with an optional concert pitch (def. 440)
          fq: function(concertPitch) {
            concertPitch = concertPitch || 440;
            return concertPitch * Math.pow(2, (this.key()-49)/12);
          scale: function(scale, simple) {
            return teoria.scale.list(this, scale, simple);
          interval: function(interval, direction) {
            return teoria.interval(this, interval, direction);
          chord: function(chord) {
            if(chord in CHORDLOOKUP) {
              chord = CHORDLOOKUP[chord];
            return teoria.chord.notes( + this.accidental.sign + chord);
          helmholtz: function() {
            var name = (this.octave < 3) ? :;
            var padding;
            if(this.octave <= 2) {
              padding = pad('', ',', 2-this.octave);
              return padding + name + this.accidental.sign;
            } else {
              padding = pad('', '\'', this.octave-3);
              return name + this.accidental.sign + padding;
          scientific: function() {
            return + this.accidental.sign + ((typeof this.octave === 'number') ? this.octave :  '');
          enharmonics: function() {
            var enharmonics = [], key = this.key(), upper = this.interval('m2', 'up'), lower = this.interval('m2', 'down');
            var upperKey = upper.key() - upper.accidental.value;
            var lowerKey = lower.key() - lower.accidental.value;
            var diff = key - upperKey;
            if(diff < 3 && diff > -3) {
              upper.accidental = {value: diff, sign: ACCIDENTALTOSIGN[diff]};
            diff = key - lowerKey;
            if(diff < 3 && diff > -3) {
              lower.accidental = {value: diff, sign: ACCIDENTALTOSIGN[diff]};
            return enharmonics;
           * Returns the name of the value, such as 'whole', 'quarter', 'sixteenth' etc.
          valueName: function() {
            return DURATIONS[this.duration];
           * Returns the name of the note, with an optional dipsplay of octave number
          toString: function(dontShow) {
            dontShow = (typeof dontShow === 'boolean') ? dontShow : ((typeof this.octave === 'number') ? false : true);
            return + this.accidental.sign + ((!dontShow) ? this.octave : '');
       * teoria.note - the note object
       * This object is the representation of a note.
       * The constructor must be called with a name, and optionally a value argument.
       * The first parameter (name) can be specified in either scientific notation (name+accidentals+octave). Fx:
       *    A4 - Cb3 - D#8 - Hbb - etc.
       * Or in the Helmholtz notation:
       *    ,,C - F#'' - d - Eb  - etc.
      teoria.note = function(name, value) {
        return (new TeoriaNote(name, value));
      teoria.note.fromKey = function(key) {
        var fq = 440 * Math.pow(2, (key-49)/12);
        return teoria.frequency.note(fq).note;
       * teoria.chord contains Chord functionality
      teoria.chord  = {
           * Returns the contained notes of the chord
           * @param name        string  Chord name (European style)
           * @param inversion   number  Optional inversion
          notes: function(name, inversion) {
            if(typeof name !== 'string' || (name = name.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '')) === '') { // Replace stuff is just .trim()
              return null;
            inversion = (inversion && inversion > 0) ? inversion-1 : 0;
            name = name.replace(/\u266D/g, 'b').replace(/\u266F/g, '#'); // replace unicode sharp and flat with ASCII characters
            var chord = {notes: [], quality: 'major', type: 'major'}, c, code, strQuality, parsing = 'name',
            extensions = [], alterations = [], i, length;
            for(i = 0, length = name.length; i < length; i++) {
              c = name[i];
              while(c === ' ') {
                c = name[++i];
              code = c.charCodeAt(0);
              strQuality = ((i+3) <= length) ? name.substr(i, 3) : '';
              if(parsing === 'name') {
                c = name.match(/^([abcdefgh])(##|#|bb|b?)/i)[0].toLowerCase();
                chord.root = c;
                parsing = 'quality';
                i += c.length-1;
              } else if(parsing === 'quality') {
                if(c === 'M') {
                  // A Major chord is default
                } else if(strQuality === 'maj' || code === 916) { // Maj7 chord
                  chord.type = 'major';
                  extensions.push('M7'); // Maj7
                  if(name[i+3] && name[i+3] === '7') {
                    i++; // Jump over '7'
                } else if(c === 'm' || c === '-' || strQuality === 'min') {
                  chord.quality = chord.type = 'minor';
                } else if(code === 111 || code === 176 || strQuality === 'dim') { // Diminished
                  chord.quality = 'minor';
                  chord.type = 'diminished';
                } else if(c === '+' || strQuality === 'aug') {
                  chord.type = 'augmented';
                } else if(code === 216 || code === 248) { // Half-diminished
                  chord.quality = 'minor';
                  chord.type = 'diminished';
                  extensions.push('m7'); // Minor 7
                } else if(strQuality === 'sus') {
                  chord.quality = 'sus';
                  chord.type = (name[i+3] && name[i+3] === '2') ? 'sus2' : 'sus4';
                } else if(c === '5') {
                  chord.quality = 'power';
                  chord.type = 'power';
                } else {
                  parsing = '';
                  i -= 1;
                if(strQuality === 'min' || strQuality === 'maj' || strQuality === 'sus' || strQuality === 'aug' || strQuality === 'dim') {
                  i += 2;
                parsing = '';
              } else {
                if(c === '6') {
                } else if(c === '7') {
                  if(chord.type === 'diminished') {
                  } else {
                } else if(c === '9') {
                } else if(c === '1') {
                } else {
                  throw "Unexpected character: '"+c+"' in chord name";
            for(var x = 0, start = new teoria.note(chord.root), xLength = CHORDS[chord.type].length; x < xLength; x++) {
              chord.notes.push(teoria.interval(start, CHORDS[chord.type][x]).toString(true));
            for(x = 0, xLength = extensions.length; x < xLength; x++) {
              chord.notes.push(teoria.interval(start, extensions[x]).toString(true));
            if(inversion >= chord.notes.length) {
              throw "Invalid inversion";
            // Simple inversion algorithm
            for(x = 0; x < inversion; x++) {
            return chord;
       * teoria.frequency
       * Frequence functionalty
      teoria.frequency = {
          note: function(fq, concertPitch) {
            concertPitch = concertPitch || 440;
            var key, octave, distance, note, name, cents, originalFq;
            key = Math.round(49 + 12 * ((Math.log(fq) - Math.log(concertPitch)) / Math.log(2)));
            originalFq = concertPitch * Math.pow(Math.pow(2, 1/12), key-49);
            cents = 1200 * (Math.log(fq/originalFq)/Math.log(2));
            octave = Math.floor((key - 4)/12); // Actually this is octave-1
            distance = key - (octave*12) - 4;
            note = NOTES[NOTES_INDEX[Math.round(distance/2)]];
            name =;
            if(note.distance < distance) {
              name += '#';
            } else if(note.distance > distance) {
              name += 'b';
            return {note: new teoria.note(name+(octave+1)), cents: cents};
       * teoria.interval
       * Sugar function for #from and #between methods, with the possibility to
       * declare a interval by its string name: P8, M3, m7 etc.
       * @param from  teoria.note                     Must be an instance of teoria.note
       * @param to    [string | teoria.note] The to parameter
      teoria.interval = function(from, to, direction) {
        var typeofTo = typeof to;
        if(typeofTo === 'string') {
          if(direction === 'down') {
            to = teoria.interval.invert(to);
          var quality = QUALITY_STRING[to[0]];
          var interval = parseFloat(to.substr(1));
          if(!quality || isNaN(interval)) {
            throw "Invalid string-interval format";
          return teoria.interval.from(from, {quality:quality, interval:INTERVALS[interval-1].name}, direction);    
        } else if(to instanceof TeoriaNote && from instanceof TeoriaNote) {
          return teoria.interval.between(from, to);
        } else {
          throw "Invalid parameters";
       * Returns the note from a given note (from), with a given interval (to)
      teoria.interval.from = function(from, to, direction) {
        to.direction = direction || to.direction || 'up';
        var note, accDiff, diff, octave, index, interval;
        index = INTERVAL_INDEX[to.interval];
        interval = INTERVALS[index];
        if(index > 7) index -= 7;
        index = NOTES[].index + index;
        if(index > NOTES_INDEX.length-1) {
          index = index - NOTES_INDEX.length;
        note = NOTES_INDEX[index];
        if(ALTERATIONS[interval.quality].indexOf(to.quality) === -1 || ALTERATIONS[interval.quality].indexOf(interval.quality) === -1) {
          throw "Invalid interval quality";
        accDiff = ALTERATIONS[interval.quality].indexOf(to.quality)-ALTERATIONS[interval.quality].indexOf(interval.quality);
        diff = (interval.size+accDiff)-getDistance(, note);
        if(from.octave) {
          octave = Math.floor(((from.key()-from.accidental.value)+getDistance(, note)-4)/12)+1 + Math.floor(INTERVAL_INDEX[to.interval] / 7);
        diff += from.accidental.value;
        if(diff >= 11) {
          diff -= 12;
        if(diff > -3 && diff < 3) {
          note += ACCIDENTALTOSIGN[diff];
        if(direction === 'down') {
        return new teoria.note(note + (octave || ''));
       * Returns the interval between two instances of teoria.note
      teoria.interval.between = function(from, to) {
        var fromKey = from.key(), toKey = to.key(), semitones, interval, tmp;
        semitones = toKey - fromKey;
        if(semitones > 24 || semitones < -25) {
          throw "Too big interval. Highest interval is a augmented fifteenth (25 semitones)";
        } else if(semitones < 0) {
          tmp = from;
          from = to;
          to = tmp;
        interval = NOTES[].index - NOTES[].index + (7 * (to.octave - from.octave));
        interval = INTERVALS[interval];
        return {name:, quality: ALTERATIONS[interval.quality][Math.abs(semitones)-interval.size+1], direction: (semitones > 0 ? 'up' : 'down')};
      teoria.interval.invert = function(sInterval) {
        if(sInterval.length !== 2) {
          return false;
        var quality = INTERVAL_INVERSION[sInterval[0]];
        var inverse = parseFloat(sInterval[1]);
        if(inverse !== 8 && inverse !== 1) {
          inverse = 9 - inverse;
        return quality + inverse.toString();
       * teoria.scale namespace.
       * This object contains functionality with scales.
      teoria.scale = {
         * List a given scale in either teoria.note's or plain strings
        list: function(root, scale, simple) {
          var notes = [], sNotes = [], i, length;
          if(!(root instanceof TeoriaNote)) {
            return false;
          if(typeof scale === 'string') {
            scale = teoria.scale.scales[scale];
            if(!scale) {
              return false;
          if(simple) {
            sNotes.push( + (root.accidental.sign || ''));
          for(i = 0, length = scale.length; i < length; i++) {
            notes.push(teoria.interval(notes[i], scale[i]));
            if(simple && notes.length > i+1) {
              sNotes.push(notes[i+1].name + (notes[i+1].accidental.sign || ''));
          return (simple) ? sNotes : notes;
         * A list of scales, used internally in the #list function.
         * Scales are written in interval format. (M2 = Major second, m2 = Minor second, etc.)
         * Note that the root note is not listed.
        scales: {
            // Modal Scales
            major:      ['M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2', 'M2'],
            ionian:     ['M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2', 'M2'],
            dorian:     ['M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2'],
            phrygian:   ['m2', 'M2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2'],
            lydian:     ['M2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2'],
            mixolydian: ['M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2'],
            minor:      ['M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2'],
            aeolian:    ['M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2'],
            locrian:    ['m2', 'M2', 'M2', 'm2', 'M2', 'M2'],
            // Pentatonic
            majorpentatonic: ['M2', 'M2', 'm3', 'M2'],
            minorpentatonic: ['m3', 'M2', 'M2', 'm3']
      window.teoria = teoria;
    var tNote = teoria.note('A4');
    var mNote = Note.fromLatin('A4');

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Teoria.js - Create note
var n = teoria.note('A4');
Music.js - Create note
var n = Note.fromLatin('A4');
Teoria.js - Frequency
Music.js - Frequency
Teoria.js - Octave
Music.js - Octave
Teoria.js - Scale
Music.js - Scale


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