mustache vs supplanter (v3)

Revision 3 of this benchmark created on


Comparing mustache.js and supplanter.js

Preparation HTML

  mustache.js — Logic-less templates in JavaScript

  See for more info.

var Mustache = function () {
  var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;

  Array.isArray = Array.isArray || function (obj) {
    return == "[object Array]";

  var _trim = String.prototype.trim, trim;

  if (_trim) {
    trim = function (text) {
      return text == null ? "" :;
  } else {
    var trimLeft, trimRight;

    // IE doesn't match non-breaking spaces with \s.
    if ((/\S/).test("\xA0")) {
      trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/;
      trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/;
    } else {
      trimLeft = /^\s+/;
      trimRight = /\s+$/;

    trim = function (text) {
      return text == null ? "" :
        text.toString().replace(trimLeft, "").replace(trimRight, "");

  var escapeMap = {
    "&": "&amp;",
    "<": "&lt;",
    ">": "&gt;",
    '"': '&quot;',
    "'": '&#39;'

  function escapeHTML(string) {
    return String(string).replace(/&(?!\w+;)|[<>"']/g, function (s) {
      return escapeMap[s] || s;

  var regexCache = {};
  var Renderer = function () {};

  Renderer.prototype = {
    otag: "{{",
    ctag: "}}",
    pragmas: {},
    buffer: [],
    pragmas_implemented: {
    context: {},

    render: function (template, context, partials, in_recursion) {
      // reset buffer & set context
      if (!in_recursion) {
        this.context = context;
        this.buffer = []; // TODO: make this non-lazy

      // fail fast
      if (!this.includes("", template)) {
        if (in_recursion) {
          return template;
        } else {

      // get the pragmas together
      template = this.render_pragmas(template);

      // render the template
      var html = this.render_section(template, context, partials);

      // render_section did not find any sections, we still need to render the tags
      if (html === false) {
        html = this.render_tags(template, context, partials, in_recursion);

      if (in_recursion) {
        return html;
      } else {

      Sends parsed lines
    send: function (line) {
      if (line !== "") {

    sendLines: function (text) {
      if (text) {
        var lines = text.split("\n");
        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {

      Looks for %PRAGMAS
    render_pragmas: function (template) {
      // no pragmas
      if (!this.includes("%", template)) {
        return template;

      var that = this;
      var regex = this.getCachedRegex("render_pragmas", function (otag, ctag) {
        return new RegExp(otag + "%([\\w-]+) ?([\\w]+=[\\w]+)?" + ctag, "g");

      return template.replace(regex, function (match, pragma, options) {
        if (!that.pragmas_implemented[pragma]) {
            "This implementation of mustache doesn't understand the '" +
            pragma + "' pragma"});
        that.pragmas[pragma] = {};
        if (options) {
          var opts = options.split("=");
          that.pragmas[pragma][opts[0]] = opts[1];
        return "";
        // ignore unknown pragmas silently

      Tries to find a partial in the curent scope and render it
    render_partial: function (name, context, partials) {
      name = trim(name);
      if (!partials || partials[name] === undefined) {
        throw({message: "unknown_partial '" + name + "'"});
      if (!context || typeof context[name] != "object") {
        return this.render(partials[name], context, partials, true);
      return this.render(partials[name], context[name], partials, true);

      Renders inverted (^) and normal (#) sections
    render_section: function (template, context, partials) {
      if (!this.includes("#", template) && !this.includes("^", template)) {
        // did not render anything, there were no sections
        return false;

      var that = this;

      var regex = this.getCachedRegex("render_section", function (otag, ctag) {
        // This regex matches _the first_ section ({{#foo}}{{/foo}}), and captures the remainder
        return new RegExp(
          "^([\\s\\S]*?)" +         // all the crap at the beginning that is not {{*}} ($1)

          otag +                    // {{
          "(\\^|\\#)\\s*(.+)\\s*" + //  #foo (# == $2, foo == $3)
          ctag +                    // }}

          "\n*([\\s\\S]*?)" +       // between the tag ($2). leading newlines are dropped

          otag +                    // {{
          "\\/\\s*\\3\\s*" +        //  /foo (backreference to the opening tag).
          ctag +                    // }}

          "\\s*([\\s\\S]*)$",       // everything else in the string ($4). leading whitespace is dropped.


      // for each {{#foo}}{{/foo}} section do...
      return template.replace(regex, function (match, before, type, name, content, after) {
        // before contains only tags, no sections
        var renderedBefore = before ? that.render_tags(before, context, partials, true) : "",

        // after may contain both sections and tags, so use full rendering function
            renderedAfter = after ? that.render(after, context, partials, true) : "",

        // will be computed below

            value = that.find(name, context);

        if (type === "^") { // inverted section
          if (!value || Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) {
            // false or empty list, render it
            renderedContent = that.render(content, context, partials, true);
          } else {
            renderedContent = "";
        } else if (type === "#") { // normal section
          if (Array.isArray(value)) { // Enumerable, Let's loop!
            renderedContent =, function (row) {
              return that.render(content, that.create_context(row), partials, true);
          } else if (that.is_object(value)) { // Object, Use it as subcontext!
            renderedContent = that.render(content, that.create_context(value),
              partials, true);
          } else if (typeof value == "function") {
            // higher order section
            renderedContent =, content, function (text) {
              return that.render(text, context, partials, true);
          } else if (value) { // boolean section
            renderedContent = that.render(content, context, partials, true);
          } else {
            renderedContent = "";

        return renderedBefore + renderedContent + renderedAfter;

      Replace {{foo}} and friends with values from our view
    render_tags: function (template, context, partials, in_recursion) {
      // tit for tat
      var that = this;

      var new_regex = function () {
        return that.getCachedRegex("render_tags", function (otag, ctag) {
          return new RegExp(otag + "(=|!|>|\\{|%)?([^\\/#\\^]+?)\\1?" + ctag + "+", "g");

      var regex = new_regex();
      var tag_replace_callback = function (match, operator, name) {
        switch(operator) {
        case "!": // ignore comments
          return "";
        case "=": // set new delimiters, rebuild the replace regexp
          regex = new_regex();
          return "";
        case ">": // render partial
          return that.render_partial(name, context, partials);
        case "{": // the triple mustache is unescaped
          return that.find(name, context);
        default: // escape the value
          return escapeHTML(that.find(name, context));
      var lines = template.split("\n");
      for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
        lines[i] = lines[i].replace(regex, tag_replace_callback, this);
        if (!in_recursion) {

      if (in_recursion) {
        return lines.join("\n");

    set_delimiters: function (delimiters) {
      var dels = delimiters.split(" ");
      this.otag = this.escape_regex(dels[0]);
      this.ctag = this.escape_regex(dels[1]);

    escape_regex: function (text) {
      // thank you Simon Willison
      if (!arguments.callee.sRE) {
        var specials = [
          '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|',
          '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'
        arguments.callee.sRE = new RegExp(
          '(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g'
      return text.replace(arguments.callee.sRE, '\\$1');

      find `name` in current `context`. That is find me a value
      from the view object
    find: function (name, context) {
      name = trim(name);

      // Checks whether a value is thruthy or false or 0
      function is_kinda_truthy(bool) {
        return bool === false || bool === 0 || bool;

      var value;

      // check for dot notation eg.
      if (name.match(/([a-z_]+)\./ig)) {
        var childValue = this.walk_context(name, context);
        if (is_kinda_truthy(childValue)) {
          value = childValue;
      } else {
        if (is_kinda_truthy(context[name])) {
          value = context[name];
        } else if (is_kinda_truthy(this.context[name])) {
          value = this.context[name];

      if (typeof value == "function") {
        return value.apply(context);
      if (value !== undefined) {
        return value;
      // silently ignore unkown variables
      return "";

    walk_context: function (name, context) {
      var path = name.split('.');
      // if the var doesn't exist in current context, check the top level context
      var value_context = (context[path[0]] != undefined) ? context : this.context;
      var value = value_context[path.shift()];
      while (value != undefined && path.length > 0) {
        value_context = value;
        value = value[path.shift()];
      // if the value is a function, call it, binding the correct context
      if (typeof value == "function") {
        return value.apply(value_context);
      return value;

    // Utility methods

    /* includes tag */
    includes: function (needle, haystack) {
      return haystack.indexOf(this.otag + needle) != -1;

    // by @langalex, support for arrays of strings
    create_context: function (_context) {
      if (this.is_object(_context)) {
        return _context;
      } else {
        var iterator = ".";
        if (this.pragmas["IMPLICIT-ITERATOR"]) {
          iterator = this.pragmas["IMPLICIT-ITERATOR"].iterator;
        var ctx = {};
        ctx[iterator] = _context;
        return ctx;

    is_object: function (a) {
      return a && typeof a == "object";

      Why, why, why? Because IE. Cry, cry cry.
    map: function (array, fn) {
      if (typeof == "function") {
      } else {
        var r = [];
        var l = array.length;
        for(var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        return r;

    getCachedRegex: function (name, generator) {
      var byOtag = regexCache[this.otag];
      if (!byOtag) {
        byOtag = regexCache[this.otag] = {};

      var byCtag = byOtag[this.ctag];
      if (!byCtag) {
        byCtag = byOtag[this.ctag] = {};

      var regex = byCtag[name];
      if (!regex) {
        regex = byCtag[name] = generator(this.otag, this.ctag);

      return regex;

    name: "mustache.js",
    version: "0.4.0-dev",

      Turns a template and view into HTML
    to_html: function (template, view, partials, send_fun) {
      var renderer = new Renderer();
      if (send_fun) {
        renderer.send = send_fun;
      renderer.render(template, view || {}, partials);
      if (!send_fun) {
        return renderer.buffer.join("\n");

 * Supplanter is JavaScript API, which when given a JavaScript Mustache template
 * array and a data object returns the data binded HTML markup. It uses two 
 * effective programming techniques
 * 1. Recursion
 * 2. Regular Expression
 * @class Supplanter
 * @singleton
var Supplanter = function(){
     * Private static variable to hold the RegEx pattern 
     * @property PATTERN
     * @type RegExp
     * @private
     * @static
        var PATTERN = /{{([^{}]*)}}/g;
        return {                
             * The secondary interface which is more for detailed handling of the compiled mustahce
             * JS which various inputs
             * @method substitute
             * @param {String} mustacheJSStr The Mustache JS string which needs to be parsed and data binded
             * @param {Object|Array} dataObj The data model which encapsulates the data set to bind with the mustache JS string
             * @param {Object|Array} formatters The formatters associative array object which holds the formatter functions
             * @param {Array} args The argument array for the formatter function
             * @param {Array} strings The strings array to hold the localized string ID mapping
             * @param {Array} mustacheJSArray The compiled JS array representation of the mustache template
             * @param {Object} overrideObj The override object which overrides all the above values           
             * @public
             * @static
                substitute: function (mustacheJSStr, dataObj, formatters, args, strings, mustacheJSArray, overrideObj) {
                // Return immediately if input mustache JS string is not of type string 
                        if (typeof mustacheJSStr !== "string") {
                   // Reset based overrides, the override object takes precedence
               if (overrideObj) {
                           mustacheJSStr = overrideObj.mustacheJSStr || mustacheJSStr;
                           dataObj = overrideObj.obj || dataObj;
                           formatters = overrideObj.formatters || formatters;
                           args = overrideObj.args || args;
                           strings = overrideObj.strings || strings;
                           mustacheJSArray = overrideObj.templates || mustacheJSArray;
               // Applying the RegEx to the input string
                   return mustacheJSStr.replace(PATTERN, function (origStr, token) {
                           var formatterFunc, data, sub = Supplanter.substitute;
                           // Check if token is a formatter function and call it 
                           if (formatters && (formatterFunc = (overrideObj && overrideObj.formatters) ? overrideObj.formatters[token] : formatters[token])) {
                               return (formatterFunc(dataObj, args, overrideObj)) || "";
                           } else {
                                   // Check if token is a part of input data object
                               if (dataObj && token in dataObj) {
                                   data = dataObj[token];
                                   // If there is a pattern match then recursively call the substitute function else return data
                                   return typeof data === "string" && data.match(PATTERN) ? sub(data, dataObj, formatters, args, strings, mustacheJSArray, overrideObj) : data;
                               } else {
                                   // Check if token is a part of strings array
                                           if (strings && token in strings) {
                                               data = strings[token];
                                           // If there is a pattern match then recursively call the substitute function else return the localized string
                                               return data.match(PATTERN) ? sub(data, dataObj, formatters, args, strings, mustacheJSArray, overrideObj) : data;
                                           } else {
                                                   // Check if token is part of the mustache JS Array and recursively call the substitute function 
                                               if (mustacheJSArray && token in mustacheJSArray) {
                                                   return sub(mustacheJSArray[token].base || mustacheJSArray[token], dataObj, formatters, args, strings, mustacheJSArray, overrideObj);
                                               } else {
                                                   return "";
             * The primary interface which parses the supplied pre-compiled mustache JS template and binds 
             * the given data object and returns the HTML markup. Internally calls the substitute method with
             * appropriate parameters 
             * @method render
             * @param {Array} template The compiles JS array representation of the mustache template
             * @param {Object|Array} model The data model which encapsulates the data set to bind with the mustache JS string
             * @public
             * @static
                render: function(template, model) {
                        return this.substitute(template.base, model, null, null, null, template);

var template = '<br/><div>What: {{name}}</div><br/><div>Why:{{description}}</div><br/>{{#launch}}<div style="background-color:gold;">When: {{launchDate}}</div><br/>{{/launch}}',
    jsTemplate = {
        base:"<br/><div>What: {{name}}</div><br/><div>Why: {{description}}</div><br/>{{launch}}",
        launch: "<div style=\"background-color:gold;\">When: {{launchDate}}</div><br/>"
model = {
                                "name": "Raptor",
                                "description":"New easy presentation framework",
                                "launchDate": "October 16, 2011"


Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Supplanter.render(jsTemplate, model);
Mustache.to_html(template, model);


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