2024 day 4 javascript (v130)

Revision 130 of this benchmark created on

Test runner

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function createXmasTree(height, ornament) {
  let tree = "";

  const underscores = "_".repeat(height);
  const ornaments = ornament.repeat(height * 2 - 1);

  for (let i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
    const padding = underscores.slice(0, height - i);
    const ornamentsLine = ornaments.slice(0, i * 2 - 1);
    tree += padding + ornamentsLine + padding + "\n";

  const trunk = underscores.slice(0, height - 1) + "#" + underscores.slice(0, height - 1);
  tree += trunk + "\n" + trunk;

  return tree;
const tree1 = createXmasTree(5, '*')
const tree2 = createXmasTree(3, '+')
const tree3 = createXmasTree(6, '@')
const tree4 = createXmasTree(200, '*')
const tree5 = createXmasTree(4000, '+')
function createXmasTree(height, ornament) {
  let tree = "";

  let _ = "_".repeat(height - 1);

  for (let i = 1; i <= height; i++) {
    const padding = _.slice(0, height - i);
    const leaves = ornament.repeat(i * 2 - 1);

    tree += `${padding}${leaves}${padding}\n`;

  tree += `${_}#${_}\n${_}#${_}`;

  return tree;
const tree1 = createXmasTree(5, '*')
const tree2 = createXmasTree(3, '+')
const tree3 = createXmasTree(6, '@')
const tree4 = createXmasTree(200, '*')
const tree5 = createXmasTree(4000, '+')


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