μMath Convenience Class Performance Comparison

Benchmark created on


A comparison between the performance of μMath's raw functions, convenience methods with self-output, and convenience functions without existing output arrays.

Preparation HTML

<!-- Need to use another script to import modules since the default environment does not support them. -->
<script type="module">
	import Matrix4, { createMatrix4Like, identity, multiply, scale, translate} from "https://esm.sh/@lakuna/umath/Matrix4";
	import { createVector3Like, fromValues } from "https://esm.sh/@lakuna/umath/Vector3";
	// Add imported values to `globalThis` so that they can be accessed outside of this script.
	globalThis.Matrix4 = Matrix4;
	globalThis.createMatrix4Like = createMatrix4Like;
	globalThis.identity = identity;
	globalThis.multiply = multiply;
	globalThis.scale = scale;
	globalThis.translate = translate;
	globalThis.createVector3Like = createVector3Like;
	globalThis.fromValues = fromValues;


const half = fromValues(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, createVector3Like());
const other = createMatrix4Like();

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Raw Functions
const matrix = createMatrix4Like();
translate(matrix, half, matrix);
scale(matrix, half, matrix);
multiply(matrix, other, matrix);
Convenience Methods with Self-Output
const matrix = new Matrix4();
matrix.translate(half, matrix).scale(half, matrix).multiply(other, matrix);
Convenience Methods with New Output
new Matrix4().translate(half).scale(half).multiply(other);


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