RC-Simple (v11)

Revision 11 of this benchmark created by Samuel Rouse on

Preparation HTML

 * rowcol - a library for row-column data manipulation
 * @module rowcol
 * @author Samuel Rouse <samuel.rouse@gmail.com>
 * @license MIT http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

(function() {

    "use strict";

     * Constants and basic settings
     * Structure and code from Lo-Dash 2.4.1 <http://lodash.com/>

    var version = "1.0.1";

    /** Used to determine if values are of the language type Object */
    var objectTypes = {
        'function': true,
        'object': true

    /** Used as a reference to the global object */
    var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this;

    /** Detect free variable `exports` */
    var freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;

    /** Detect free variable `module` */
    var freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module;

    /** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js or Browserified code and use it as `root` */
    var freeGlobal = freeExports && freeModule && typeof global === 'object' && global;
    if (freeGlobal && (freeGlobal.global === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.self === freeGlobal)) {
        root = freeGlobal;

    /** Detect the popular CommonJS extension `module.exports` */
    var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports;


    /* Functions */

     * Indicates if the passed object is an array
     * @param {*} obj
     * @returns {boolean}
    function isArray(obj){
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';

     * Returns an array of indexes that match a filter string or function.
     * @param {Array} array Array of values to match
     * @param {Function|String} filter Function or String to match array values.
     * @returns {Array} Array of indexes that match the filter.
    function getIndexes (array, filter) {
        var indexes = [],
            len = array.length,

        if (typeof filter === 'function') {
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if ( filter(array[i], i) ) {
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if ( array[i] === filter ) {
        return indexes;

     * Returns the elements of an array using a list of selected indexes.
     * @param {Array} array
     * @param {Array} indexes
     * @returns {Array}
    function getByIndexes (array, indexes) {
        var i,
            len = indexes.length,
            data = [];

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        return data;

     * Performs the rotation for an unlimited (regular) rotation
     * @param {Array} arr
     * @param {Object} result
     * @returns {Object}
    function arrayRotateUnlimited (arr, result) {
        var obj, att, i = arr.length;

        for (;i;) {
            obj = arr[--i];

            // All variables submit to for-in loops
            for (att in obj) {
                if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(att) ) {
                    if ( result[att] === undefined ) {
                        result[att] = [];
                    result[att][i] = obj[att];

        return result;

     * Performs the rotation for a limited (partial) rotation
     * @param {Array} arr
     * @param {Object} result
     * @param {Array|boolean} limited
     * @returns {Object}
    function arrayRotateLimited (arr, result, limited) {
        var objKeys, keyLen, obj, att, i, j;

        // Is limited the list of keys?
        if (isArray(limited)) {
            objKeys = limited;
        } else {
            // Get the keys for limited rotate
            objKeys = Object.keys(result);

        keyLen = objKeys.length;

        // One pass to create any missing arrays
        for (i=0;i<keyLen;i++) {
            att = objKeys[i];
            if (!result[att]) {
                result[att] = [];

        i = arr.length;

        for (;i;) {
            obj = arr[--i];

            // All variables submit to for-in loops
            // JSHint hates it, but Object.keys
            for (j = 0; j < keyLen; j++) {

                att = objKeys[j];
                result[att][i] = obj[att];


        return result;

     * Rotate an array of row-data into a column-data object
     * @param {Array} arr
     * @param {Object} [result] Result object to use
     * @param {boolean} [limited] Only update keys passed on the result object, allowing a limited rotation
     * @returns {Object}
    function arrayRotate (arr, result, limited) {

        // Not an array? Send it back.
        if ( !isArray(arr) ) {
            throw new TypeError("RC: Argument is not an array");

        if ( !result || typeof result !== 'object' ) {
            if ( limited ) {
                throw new TypeError("RC: Must pass a result object when 'limited' is true");
            } else {
                result = {};

        // Explicit check: you could pass [0], limited could be falsy.
        if (limited !== undefined && limited !== false) {
            return arrayRotateLimited(arr, result, limited);


        return arrayRotateUnlimited(arr, result);

     * Filter a column-data object for a particular field.
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @param {String} field
     * @param {Function|String} filter
     * @returns {*}
    function objectFilter (obj, field, filter) {
        return filterMerge(obj, filterIndexes(obj, field, filter));

     * @param obj
     * @param field
     * @param filter
     * @returns {Array}
    function filterIndexes (obj, field, filter) {
        var indexes = [];

        if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(field) ) {
            indexes = getIndexes(obj[field], filter);
        return indexes;

     * Filters all properties in a column-data object using an array of indexes.
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @param {Array} indexes
     * @returns {Object}
    function filterMerge(obj, indexes) {
        var result = {},

        // Don't waste time if tehre are no indexes to merge.
        if (indexes === undefined || !indexes.length) {
            return result;

        for (att in obj) {
            if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(att) ) {
                result[att] = getByIndexes(obj[att], indexes);
        return result;

     * Finds the longest length of any property in a column-data object.
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @returns {number}
    function objectLength (obj) {
        var att, len = 0;

        // Get the longest length of all properties
        for (att in obj) {
            if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(att) ) {
                len = Math.max(len, obj[att].length);

        return len;

     * Rotates column-data to row-data and optionally adds it to an existing array.
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @param {Array} [result] Optional array init which we should place rotated data.
     * @param {Boolean} [clearUndef]
     * @returns {Array}
    function objectRotate (obj, result, clearUndef) {
        var att, i, resultIndex, len, resultOffset;

        // Not an array? Send it back.
        if ( typeof obj !== 'object' ) {
            throw new TypeError("RC: Argument is not an object");

        if ( result === undefined ) {
            result = [];
        } else if ( !isArray(result) ) {
            throw new TypeError("RC: Result argument is not an array");

        // Get the existing result array length
        resultOffset = result.length;

        len = objectLength(obj);

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            resultIndex = i + resultOffset;
            result[resultIndex] = {};

            /** Because of resultOffset, there is no way for the error condition to execute
            if ( result[resultIndex] === undefined ) {
                result[resultIndex] = {};
            } else if ( typeof result[resultIndex] !== 'object' ) {
                throw new TypeError("RC: Result contains incorrect type at index " + i);

            for (att in obj) {
                if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(att) && ( !clearUndef || obj[att][i] !== undefined ) ) {
                    result[resultIndex][att] = obj[att][i];

        return result;

     * Create a
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @param {number} index
     * @param {Boolean} [clearUndef]
     * @param {Object} [result]
     * @returns {*}
    function objFromIndex (obj, index, clearUndef, result) {
        var att;

        // Check for a passed result object, used by Proxy/objFromIndex
        if ( result === undefined ) {
            result = {};

        for ( att in obj ) {
            if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(att) && ( !clearUndef || obj[att][index] !== undefined ) ) {
                result[att] = obj[att][index];

        return result;

     * Create a proxy
     * @param obj
     * @param index
     * @param clearUndef
    function proxyFromIndex (obj, index, clearUndef) {
        return new RCProxy(obj, index, clearUndef);

     * A generic rotate function that accepts row or column data to rotate.
     * @param {Object|Array} obj
     * @returns {Array|Object}
    function rotate(obj) {
        // Generic, which directs to the appropriate array/object rotate
        if (typeof obj !== 'object') throw new TypeError("RC: rotate requires an object or an array");

        if ( isArray(obj) ) {
            return arrayRotate.apply(null, arguments);
        } else {
            return objectRotate.apply(null, arguments);

     * Increment over column-data like it was array data, making a "read-only" object for each index.
     * Does not prevent modification of values with complex data types (objects, arrays).
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @param {Function} fn
    function readEach(obj, fn) {
        var len = objectLength(obj),
            i = 0;

        for (;i<len;i++) {
            fn(objFromIndex(obj, i));

     * Increment over column-data like it was array data, making a proxy object for each index.
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @param {Function} fn
    function objEach(obj, fn) {
        var len = objectLength(obj),
            i = 0,

        for (;i<len;i++) {
            prox = new RCProxy(obj, i);

            fn(prox, i);


     * Create an object and add a .commit() prototype to place the values back into the original.
     * Useful for moving simple data types around. Objects and arrays will be automatically referenced.
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} obj - A columnar object
     * @param {number} index - The index to convert into a row-based object
     * @param {Boolean} [clearUndef] - Clear undefined attributes when copying the object.
     * @example
     * var proxyRow = new RCProxy(colData, index);
    var RCProxy = (function() {
        var __obj = [],
            __idx = [],
            __clr = [],
            __this = [],
            guid = 0;

         * Uses a private array to locate the same object, so the proxy doesn't expose itself to modification.
         * We compare the passed object against an array of existing RCProxy objects; basically pointer comparison.
         * @param {RCProxy} proxy
         * @returns {number} The proxy ID to allow commit and destroy to locate the correct element
         * @private
        function __getId(proxy) {
            var i = __this.length, pid;

            // Most likely to be at the end, so start there
            for (;i;) {
                if (__this[i] === proxy) {
                    pid = i;

            if (pid === undefined) {
                throw new ReferenceError("Proxy is finalized and cannot be used again.");
            return pid;

         * The actual RCProxy constructor.
         * @param {Object} obj
         * @param {number} index
         * @param {Boolean} [clearUndef]
         * @constructor
        function RCProxy (obj, index, clearUndef) {

            // Increment the guid

            // Set the private data.
            __obj[guid] = obj;
            __idx[guid] = index;
            __clr[guid] = clearUndef;
            __this[guid] = this;

            // Call reusable code for objFromIndex
            objFromIndex(obj, index, clearUndef, this);

        // Defined inside the constructor to give it access to the originating object and parameters

         * Commits the changes from the proxy to the original.
        RCProxy.prototype.commit = function(){
            var pid = __getId(this),
                obj = __obj[pid],
                index = __idx[pid],
                clearUndef = __clr[pid],

            for ( att in this ) {
                if ( att !== '__rcProxyId' && this.hasOwnProperty(att) && ( !clearUndef || this[att] !== undefined ) ) {
                    obj[att][index] = this[att];

         * Removes the proxy to prevent memory leaks
        RCProxy.prototype.destroy = function() {
            var pid = __getId(this);
            delete __this[pid];
            delete __obj[pid];
            delete __idx[pid];
            delete __clr[pid];

         * Commit and destroy the proxy, as a single step
        RCProxy.prototype.finalize = function() {

        return RCProxy;


    var rowcol = {
        rotate: rotate,
        proxy: proxyFromIndex,
        array: {
            getIndexes: getIndexes,
            getByIndexes: getByIndexes,
            rotate: arrayRotate
        object: {
            filter: objectFilter,
            filterIndexes: filterIndexes,
            filterMerge: filterMerge,
            rotate: objectRotate,
            objFromIndex: objFromIndex,
            proxy: proxyFromIndex,
            readEach: readEach,
            each: objEach,
            objLength: objectLength
        VERSION: version,
        test: {
            isArray: isArray


    // some AMD build optimizers like r.js check for condition patterns like the following:
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd && typeof define.amd === 'object') {
        // Expose to the global object even when an AMD loader is present in
        // case RowCol is loaded with a RequireJS shim config.
            // See http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config-shim
        root.rowcol = rowcol;

        // define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be
                // referenced as the "underscore" module
        define(function() {
            return rowcol;
    // check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds an `exports` object
    else if (freeExports && freeModule) {
        // in Node.js or RingoJS
        if (moduleExports) {
            (freeModule.exports = rowcol).rowcol = rowcol;
        // in Narwhal or Rhino -require
        else {
            freeExports.rowcol = rowcol;
    else {
        // in a browser or Rhino
        root.rowcol = rowcol;

var rowData = [], 
    colData = { id: [], age: [], value: [] },
    i, j, ob,

for (i=0; i < 1e4; i++) {
    ob = {
        id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e7),
        age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
        value: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e4) / 100
    colData.id[i] = ob.id;
    colData.age[i] = ob.age;
    colData.value[i] = ob.value;


var bar = 0;

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Column Filter
foo = rowcol.object.filter(colData, "age", function(el) { return el > 10; });
bar += foo.length;
foo = rowcol.object.filter(colData, "age", function(el) { return el < 10; });
bar += foo.length;
foo = rowcol.object.filter(colData, "age", function(el) { return el === 10; });
bar += foo.length;
Native Filter
foo = rowData.filter(function(el){ return el.age > 10; });
bar += foo.length;
foo = rowData.filter(function(el){ return el.age < 10; });
bar += foo.length;
foo = rowData.filter(function(el){ return el.age === 10; });
bar += foo.length;
Column Filter w/ Simple Equiv
foo = rowcol.object.filter(colData, "age", function(el) { return el > 10; });
bar += foo.length;
foo = rowcol.object.filter(colData, "age", function(el) { return el < 10; });
bar += foo.length;
foo = rowcol.object.filter(colData, "age", 10);
bar += foo.length;


You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.

  • Revision 11: published by Samuel Rouse on