Setting one HTML5 Canvas Pixel (v13)

Revision 13 of this benchmark created by tesztelek on


Testing 'reasonable' methods to set one pixel on an HTML5 Canvas; used to support this Stack Overflow question.

Preparation HTML

<p>(Scroll down to see the 'Run Tests' button.)</p>
<canvas id="c" width="800" height="300"></canvas>
  c = document.getElementById('c');
  ctx = c.getContext('2d');
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 800, 300);
  px = ctx.createImageData(1, 1);
  pxls = [];
  // Precompute random pixels so this time isn't included in the tests
  for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) pxls.push({
   x: Math.random() * 800 << 0,
   y: Math.random() * 300 << 0,
   r: Math.random() * 255 << 0,
   g: Math.random() * 255 << 0,
   b: Math.random() * 255 << 0,
   a: Math.random() * 128 << 0 + 128
  i = 0;

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
var px = pxls[i++ % 10000];
var idata = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 800, 300);
var d =;
var o = (px.y * 800 + px.x) * 4;
d[o] = px.r;
d[o + 1] = px.g;
d[o + 2] = px.b;
d[o + 3] = px.a;
ctx.putImageData(idata, 0, 0);
var px = pxls[i++ % 10000];
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + px.r + ',' + px.g + ',' + px.b + ',' + (px.a / 255) + ')';
ctx.fillRect(px.x, px.y, 1, 1);
1x1 image data
var px = pxls[i++ % 10000];
var d = $;
d[0] = px.r;
d[1] = px.g;
d[2] = px.b;
d[3] = px.a;
ctx.putImageData(px, px.x, px.y);


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