Slice vs Substr vs Substring vs [ ] Methods (v55)

Revision 55 of this benchmark created by Mahony Patrick on


Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing for me.

Preparation HTML

Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing for me.


Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing for me.


    Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing for me.

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Substring (long)
Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to 
say regarding this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing 
for me.
Slice (long)
Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing for me.
Substr (long)
Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding this paragraph, 
in my view its actually amazing for me.
[ ] (long)
Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing for me.
charAt (long)
Hi friends, how is all, and what you want to say regarding 
this paragraph, in my view its actually amazing for me.


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