String concat versus array join (v2)

Revision 2 of this benchmark created by ryanatk on

Preparation HTML

  var boo = 'gas',
      cool = 'beans',
      foo = 'bar';

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
String concat
var s = "div" + boo + "div" + cool + "string" + foo + "div" + "div" + boo + "div" + cool + "string" + foo + "div" + "div" + boo + "div" + cool + "string" + foo + "div" + "div" + boo + "div" + cool + "string" + foo + "div";
Array join
var s = ["div", boo, "div", cool, "string", foo, "div", "div", boo, "div", cool, "string", foo, "div", "div", boo, "div", cool, "string", foo, "div", "div", boo, "div", cool, "string", foo, "div"].join("");


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