String vs Object (v8)

Revision 8 of this benchmark created on


var willemString1 = "Willem and some more text";
  var willemString2 = "Willem and some more text";
  var willemString3 = "Willem and some other text";
  var willemObject1 = new String("Willem and some more text");
  var willemObject2 = new String("Willem and some other text");
  var willemString4 = "Proin metus tortor, aliquam ut egestas sit amet, volutpat quis diam. Duis tincidunt vestibulum dui id sagittis. Mauris et facilisis enim, ut tincidunt velit. Duis in augue in magna commodo tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam scelerisque mattis varius. Donec pharetra a leo id aliquam. Fusce eu nulla vitae lectus iaculis elementum. Donec sodales nisi non neque tempor, sit amet mollis quam ornare. Aliquam dapibus, velit vitae bibendum sodales, lacus nisi rutrum lacus, id fringilla dui nulla ac mauris. Pellentesque fermentum orci libero, eget tempus lectus lobortis ut. Sed finibus tempor dolor at feugiat. Pellentesque ut augue eu justo dictum pretium";

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Identical - String
var result = willemString1 === willemString2;
Identical - Object
var result = willemObject1 === willemObject1;
Different - String
var result = willemString2 === willemString3;
Different - Object
// async test
var result = willemObject1 === willemObject2;
Long string vs short string (===)
var result = willemString4 === willemString1;
Long string vs short string (==)
var result = willemString4 == willemString1;


You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.

  • Revision 1: published by Willem Mulder on
  • Revision 2: published on
  • Revision 3: published on
  • Revision 4: published by Steven Holms on
  • Revision 5: published by Willem Mulder on
  • Revision 6: published by Unix Superhero on
  • Revision 7: published on
  • Revision 8: published on
  • Revision 9: published on
  • Revision 10: published by Ezequiel Schwartzman on