jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
jsperf.com URLs are mirrored at the same path, e.g:
Can be accessed at:
const delimiters = {
brackets: {
open: ["{","[","("],
close: ["}","]",")"]
str: ["'",'"',"`"],
destructuring: {
obj: ["{","}"],
arr: ["[","]"]
cmmt: {
open: ["/*","//"],
close: ["*/", null]
* Parses the parameters of a function.toString() and returns them as an object
* @param {*} fn The function to get the parameters from
* @param {*} args arguments to pass to the function
* @returns An object with the parameters and their default values
* @author [bye-csavier](https://github.com/bye-csavier)
function getFnArgs(fn, ...args){
if(typeof fn != 'function') return null;
let [subStr, parsedArgs, openDelimiters, argList] = ['', "", ['('], ''];
fn = fn.toString().split('') // function to "char" array
let len = fn.length, READ_ARG = true, INSIDE_STR = false, INSIDE_DESTRUCT = {obj: false, arr: false}, INSIDE_CMMT = {block: false, line: false};
const addArg = () =>{
subStr = subStr.replace(/\s|\./g, '');
if(subStr.length == 0) return;
parsedArgs += `${subStr}:${subStr},\n`;
subStr = '';
for(let i=fn.indexOf('(')+1, char; i<len && openDelimiters.length > 0; i++){
char = fn[i];
let idx = -1;
if(!INSIDE_STR && !INSIDE_CMMT.block && !INSIDE_CMMT.line){
if(char == "/" && fn[i+1] == "/") INSIDE_CMMT.line = true;
else if(char == "/" && fn[i+1] == "*") INSIDE_CMMT.block = true;
else if(READ_ARG && char == delimiters.destructuring.obj[0]){ INSIDE_DESTRUCT.obj = true; openDelimiters.push(char); idx=0; }
else if(READ_ARG && char == delimiters.destructuring.arr[0]){ INSIDE_DESTRUCT.arr = true; openDelimiters.push(char); idx=0; }
else if((INSIDE_DESTRUCT.obj && char == delimiters.destructuring.obj[1]) || (INSIDE_DESTRUCT.arr && char == delimiters.destructuring.arr[1])){
INSIDE_DESTRUCT.obj = false; INSIDE_DESTRUCT.arr = false;
if(READ_ARG) addArg();
openDelimiters.pop(); idx=0;
else if(delimiters.brackets.open.indexOf(char) > -1)
idx = 0;
idx = delimiters.brackets.close.indexOf(char);
if(idx > -1 && delimiters.brackets.open.indexOf(openDelimiters[openDelimiters.length-1]) == idx) openDelimiters.pop();
if(INSIDE_CMMT.line){ if(char == "\n") INSIDE_CMMT.line = false; }
else if(INSIDE_CMMT.block){ if(char == "/" && fn[i-1] == "*") INSIDE_CMMT.block = false; }
else if(READ_ARG && !INSIDE_STR && idx < 0){
if(char == ',') addArg();
else if(char == "="){addArg(); READ_ARG = false;}
else if(INSIDE_DESTRUCT.obj && char == ':') subStr = "";
else subStr += char;
else if((openDelimiters.length == 1 || (INSIDE_DESTRUCT.obj || INSIDE_DESTRUCT.arr)) && char == ',') READ_ARG = true;
else if(delimiters.str.indexOf(char) > -1){
else if(INSIDE_STR == char) INSIDE_STR = false;
argList += char;
addArg(); // to also push the last arg
fn = eval(`(${argList}=>{return {${parsedArgs}}}`);
parsedArgs = fn(...args);
return parsedArgs;
const testFn = (
nonEmpty=' ',
{destructuring, test = '2', ...rest},
{defDestruct, defDestruct_a, defDestruct_b} = {defDestruct: '1', defDestruct_a: 2, defDestruct_b: '3'},
a = {1: '2', 'hi': [3,4,'==)']},
anArr = [z,y],
brackets = (1.23+')'),
math = Math.round(1.34*10),
h={a:'ok \"', b:{c:'now=2,tricky=2', d:'rlly'}},
[test2, destructuring2 = 3, two],
[destructuring4, ...rest2],
[defDestruct2, defDestruct2_a] = [4,5],
{a: destrct5, c: destrct5_a, e : destrct5_b = 5},
) => {}
const testFn2 = (a,
b=2, c={a:2, b:'lol'}, dee, e=[2,3,"a"],/*lol joke=2,2*/ foook=e, g=`test, ok`, h={a:'ok \"', b:{c:'lol=2,tricky=2', d:'lol'}}, i=[2,5,['x']], lastArg = "done" //ajaim, noMatch = 2)
) => {}
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
parsing function arguments 1 |
| ready |
parsing function arguments 2 |
| ready |
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