data-bind cache in Knockout.js (v14)

Revision 14 of this benchmark created on

Preparation HTML

<div style="display: none">
<tbody id="main" data-bind="template: { name: 'repeat', foreach: rows }"></tbody>

<script id="repeat" type="text/html">
           <td data-bind="text: id, title: id"></td>
<td data-bind="text: name, title: name"></td>

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="">
<script type='text/javascript' src=""></script>


function Row(id) { = id; = "Row_" + id;

var viewModel = {
    rows: ko.observableArray()

for (var i = 0; i < 2400; i++) {
    var row = new Row(i);

ko.utils.buildEvalFunction = function (expression, scopeLevels) {
        // Build the source for a function that evaluates "expression"
        // For each scope variable, add an extra level of "with" nesting
        // Example result: with(sc[1]) { with(sc[0]) { return (expression) } }
        var functionBody = "return (" + expression + ")";
        for (var i = 0; i < scopeLevels; i++) {
                functionBody = "with(sc[" + i + "]) { " + functionBody + " } ";
        return new Function("sc", functionBody);

ko.bindingProvider['instance'].bindingCache = {};
var withoutcache = ko.bindingProvider['instance'].parseBindingsString;
var withcache = function(bindingsString, bindingContext) {
        try {
                var viewModel = bindingContext['$data'];
                var scopes = (typeof viewModel == 'object' && viewModel != null) ? [viewModel, bindingContext] : [bindingContext];
                var cacheKey = scopes.length + '_' + bindingsString;
                var bindingFunction;
                if (cacheKey in this.bindingCache) {
                        bindingFunction = this.bindingCache[cacheKey];
                } else {
                        var rewrittenBindings = " { " + ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.insertPropertyAccessorsIntoJson(bindingsString) + " } ";
                        bindingFunction = this.bindingCache[cacheKey] = ko.utils.buildEvalFunction(rewrittenBindings, scopes.length);
                return bindingFunction(scopes);
        } catch (ex) {
                throw new Error("Unable to parse bindings.\nMessage: " + ex + ";\nBindings value: " + bindingsString);



    ko.bindingProvider['instance'].bindingCache = {};

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
with cache
ko.bindingProvider['instance'].parseBindingsString = withcache;

var main = $("#main");
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, main[0]);
without cache
ko.bindingProvider['instance'].parseBindingsString = withoutcache;

var main = $("#main");
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, main[0]);


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