jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
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Testing various methods of converting Unicode characters to ASCII
var uniStrings = new Array("René Magritt", "András Süto", "Nicómede", "ééééé", "john", "charles", "cow"),
strReplace, stripaccents, stripRange,
strReplaceLazy, stripRangeLazy, stripaccentsJoin;
// String replace
// remove accents, swap ñ for n, etc
var from = "àáäâèéëêìíïîòóöôùúüûñç",
to = "aaaaeeeeiiiioooouuuunc";
strReplace = function(str) {
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = from.length; i < l; i++) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(from.charAt(i), 'g'), to.charAt(i));
return str;
// lokup table
// String containing replacement characters for stripping accents
var stripstring = 'AAAAAAACEEEEIIII' + 'DNOOOOO.OUUUUY..' + 'aaaaaaaceeeeiiii' + 'dnooooo.ouuuuy.y' + 'AaAaAaCcCcCcCcDd' + 'DdEeEeEeEeEeGgGg' + 'GgGgHhHhIiIiIiIi' + 'IiIiJjKkkLlLlLlL' + 'lJlNnNnNnnNnOoOo' + 'OoOoRrRrRrSsSsSs' + 'SsTtTtTtUuUuUuUu' + 'UuUuWwYyYZzZzZz.';
stripaccents = function(str) {
var answer = '';
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var ch = str[i];
var chindex = ch.charCodeAt(0) - 192; // Index of character code in the strip string
if (chindex >= 0 && chindex < stripstring.length) {
// Character is within our table, so we can strip the accent...
var outch = stripstring.charAt(chindex);
// ...unless it was shown as a '.'
if (outch != '.') ch = outch;
answer += ch;
return answer;
//unicode ranges
var repChar = ['A', 'a', 'E', 'e', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u'];
var rExps = [/[\xC0-\xC2]/g, /[\xE0-\xE2]/g, /[\xC8-\xCA]/g, /[\xE8-\xEB]/g, /[\xCC-\xCE]/g, /[\xEC-\xEE]/g, /[\xD2-\xD4]/g, /[\xF2-\xF4]/g, /[\xD9-\xDB]/g, /[\xF9-\xFB]/g],
rlen = rExps.length;
stripRange = function(str) {
for (var i = 0; i < rlen; i++) {
str = str.replace(rExps[i], repChar[i]);
return str;
//String replace lazy init
function createRegex() {
var regArray = new Array();
var from = "àáäâèéëêìíïîòóöôùúüûñç";
for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
regArray[i] = new RegExp(from.charAt(i), 'g');
return regArray;
var regArray = createRegex(), reglen = regArray.length;
strReplaceLazy = function(str) {
// remove accents, swap ñ for n, etc
var to = "aaaaeeeeiiiioooouuuunc";
for (var i = 0; i < reglen; i++) {
str = str.replace(regArray[i], to.charAt(i));
return str;
//unicode ranges with lazy init
var rExps = [/[\xC0-\xC2]/g, /[\xE0-\xE2]/g, /[\xC8-\xCA]/g, /[\xE8-\xEB]/g, /[\xCC-\xCE]/g, /[\xEC-\xEE]/g, /[\xD2-\xD4]/g, /[\xF2-\xF4]/g, /[\xD9-\xDB]/g, /[\xF9-\xFB]/g],
repChar = ['A', 'a', 'E', 'e', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'U', 'u'],
rlen = rExps.length;
stripRangeLazy = function(str) {
for (var i = 0; i < rlen; i++){
str = str.replace(rExps[i], repChar[i]);
return str;
//lookup table join
// String containing replacement characters for stripping accents
var stripstring = 'AAAAAAACEEEEIIII' + 'DNOOOOO.OUUUUY..' + 'aaaaaaaceeeeiiii' + 'dnooooo.ouuuuy.y' + 'AaAaAaCcCcCcCcDd' + 'DdEeEeEeEeEeGgGg' + 'GgGgHhHhIiIiIiIi' + 'IiIiJjKkkLlLlLlL' + 'lJlNnNnNnnNnOoOo' + 'OoOoRrRrRrSsSsSs' + 'SsTtTtTtUuUuUuUu' + 'UuUuWwYyYZzZzZz.',
striplen = stripstring.length;
stripaccentsJoin = function(str) {
var answer = [];
for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
var ch = str[i];
var chindex = ch.charCodeAt(0) - 192; // Index of character code in the strip string
if (chindex >= 0 && chindex < striplen) {
// Character is within our table, so we can strip the accent...
var outch = stripstring.charAt(chindex);
// ...unless it was shown as a '.'
if (outch != '.') {
ch = outch;
answer[i] = ch;
return answer.join("");
// String.prototype.unaccent
var charmap = {
"\u00c1": "A",
"\u0102": "A",
"\u1eae": "A",
"\u1eb6": "A",
"\u1eb0": "A",
"\u1eb2": "A",
"\u1eb4": "A",
"\u01cd": "A",
"\u00c2": "A",
"\u1ea4": "A",
"\u1eac": "A",
"\u1ea6": "A",
"\u1ea8": "A",
"\u1eaa": "A",
"\u00c4": "A",
"\u01de": "A",
"\u0226": "A",
"\u01e0": "A",
"\u1ea0": "A",
"\u0200": "A",
"\u00c0": "A",
"\u1ea2": "A",
"\u0202": "A",
"\u0100": "A",
"\u0104": "A",
"\u00c5": "A",
"\u01fa": "A",
"\u1e00": "A",
"\u023a": "A",
"\u00c3": "A",
"\ua732": "AA",
"\u00c6": "AE",
"\u01fc": "AE",
"\u01e2": "AE",
"\ua734": "AO",
"\ua736": "AU",
"\ua738": "AV",
"\ua73a": "AV",
"\ua73c": "AY",
"\u1e02": "B",
"\u1e04": "B",
"\u0181": "B",
"\u1e06": "B",
"\u0243": "B",
"\u0182": "B",
"\u0106": "C",
"\u010c": "C",
"\u00c7": "C",
"\u1e08": "C",
"\u0108": "C",
"\u010a": "C",
"\u0187": "C",
"\u023b": "C",
"\u010e": "D",
"\u1e10": "D",
"\u1e12": "D",
"\u1e0a": "D",
"\u1e0c": "D",
"\u018a": "D",
"\u1e0e": "D",
"\u01f2": "D",
"\u01c5": "D",
"\u0110": "D",
"\u018b": "D",
"\u01f1": "DZ",
"\u01c4": "DZ",
"\u00c9": "E",
"\u0114": "E",
"\u011a": "E",
"\u0228": "E",
"\u1e1c": "E",
"\u00ca": "E",
"\u1ebe": "E",
"\u1ec6": "E",
"\u1ec0": "E",
"\u1ec2": "E",
"\u1ec4": "E",
"\u1e18": "E",
"\u00cb": "E",
"\u0116": "E",
"\u1eb8": "E",
"\u0204": "E",
"\u00c8": "E",
"\u1eba": "E",
"\u0206": "E",
"\u0112": "E",
"\u1e16": "E",
"\u1e14": "E",
"\u0118": "E",
"\u0246": "E",
"\u1ebc": "E",
"\u1e1a": "E",
"\ua76a": "ET",
"\u1e1e": "F",
"\u0191": "F",
"\u01f4": "G",
"\u011e": "G",
"\u01e6": "G",
"\u0122": "G",
"\u011c": "G",
"\u0120": "G",
"\u0193": "G",
"\u1e20": "G",
"\u01e4": "G",
"\u1e2a": "H",
"\u021e": "H",
"\u1e28": "H",
"\u0124": "H",
"\u2c67": "H",
"\u1e26": "H",
"\u1e22": "H",
"\u1e24": "H",
"\u0126": "H",
"\u00cd": "I",
"\u012c": "I",
"\u01cf": "I",
"\u00ce": "I",
"\u00cf": "I",
"\u1e2e": "I",
"\u0130": "I",
"\u1eca": "I",
"\u0208": "I",
"\u00cc": "I",
"\u1ec8": "I",
"\u020a": "I",
"\u012a": "I",
"\u012e": "I",
"\u0197": "I",
"\u0128": "I",
"\u1e2c": "I",
"\ua779": "D",
"\ua77b": "F",
"\ua77d": "G",
"\ua782": "R",
"\ua784": "S",
"\ua786": "T",
"\ua76c": "IS",
"\u0134": "J",
"\u0248": "J",
"\u1e30": "K",
"\u01e8": "K",
"\u0136": "K",
"\u2c69": "K",
"\ua742": "K",
"\u1e32": "K",
"\u0198": "K",
"\u1e34": "K",
"\ua740": "K",
"\ua744": "K",
"\u0139": "L",
"\u023d": "L",
"\u013d": "L",
"\u013b": "L",
"\u1e3c": "L",
"\u1e36": "L",
"\u1e38": "L",
"\u2c60": "L",
"\ua748": "L",
"\u1e3a": "L",
"\u013f": "L",
"\u2c62": "L",
"\u01c8": "L",
"\u0141": "L",
"\u01c7": "LJ",
"\u1e3e": "M",
"\u1e40": "M",
"\u1e42": "M",
"\u2c6e": "M",
"\u0143": "N",
"\u0147": "N",
"\u0145": "N",
"\u1e4a": "N",
"\u1e44": "N",
"\u1e46": "N",
"\u01f8": "N",
"\u019d": "N",
"\u1e48": "N",
"\u0220": "N",
"\u01cb": "N",
"\u00d1": "N",
"\u01ca": "NJ",
"\u00d3": "O",
"\u014e": "O",
"\u01d1": "O",
"\u00d4": "O",
"\u1ed0": "O",
"\u1ed8": "O",
"\u1ed2": "O",
"\u1ed4": "O",
"\u1ed6": "O",
"\u00d6": "O",
"\u022a": "O",
"\u022e": "O",
"\u0230": "O",
"\u1ecc": "O",
"\u0150": "O",
"\u020c": "O",
"\u00d2": "O",
"\u1ece": "O",
"\u01a0": "O",
"\u1eda": "O",
"\u1ee2": "O",
"\u1edc": "O",
"\u1ede": "O",
"\u1ee0": "O",
"\u020e": "O",
"\ua74a": "O",
"\ua74c": "O",
"\u014c": "O",
"\u1e52": "O",
"\u1e50": "O",
"\u019f": "O",
"\u01ea": "O",
"\u01ec": "O",
"\u00d8": "O",
"\u01fe": "O",
"\u00d5": "O",
"\u1e4c": "O",
"\u1e4e": "O",
"\u022c": "O",
"\u01a2": "OI",
"\ua74e": "OO",
"\u0190": "E",
"\u0186": "O",
"\u0222": "OU",
"\u1e54": "P",
"\u1e56": "P",
"\ua752": "P",
"\u01a4": "P",
"\ua754": "P",
"\u2c63": "P",
"\ua750": "P",
"\ua758": "Q",
"\ua756": "Q",
"\u0154": "R",
"\u0158": "R",
"\u0156": "R",
"\u1e58": "R",
"\u1e5a": "R",
"\u1e5c": "R",
"\u0210": "R",
"\u0212": "R",
"\u1e5e": "R",
"\u024c": "R",
"\u2c64": "R",
"\ua73e": "C",
"\u018e": "E",
"\u015a": "S",
"\u1e64": "S",
"\u0160": "S",
"\u1e66": "S",
"\u015e": "S",
"\u015c": "S",
"\u0218": "S",
"\u1e60": "S",
"\u1e62": "S",
"\u1e68": "S",
"\u1e9e": "SS",
"\u0164": "T",
"\u0162": "T",
"\u1e70": "T",
"\u021a": "T",
"\u023e": "T",
"\u1e6a": "T",
"\u1e6c": "T",
"\u01ac": "T",
"\u1e6e": "T",
"\u01ae": "T",
"\u0166": "T",
"\u2c6f": "A",
"\ua780": "L",
"\u019c": "M",
"\u0245": "V",
"\ua728": "TZ",
"\u00da": "U",
"\u016c": "U",
"\u01d3": "U",
"\u00db": "U",
"\u1e76": "U",
"\u00dc": "U",
"\u01d7": "U",
"\u01d9": "U",
"\u01db": "U",
"\u01d5": "U",
"\u1e72": "U",
"\u1ee4": "U",
"\u0170": "U",
"\u0214": "U",
"\u00d9": "U",
"\u1ee6": "U",
"\u01af": "U",
"\u1ee8": "U",
"\u1ef0": "U",
"\u1eea": "U",
"\u1eec": "U",
"\u1eee": "U",
"\u0216": "U",
"\u016a": "U",
"\u1e7a": "U",
"\u0172": "U",
"\u016e": "U",
"\u0168": "U",
"\u1e78": "U",
"\u1e74": "U",
"\ua75e": "V",
"\u1e7e": "V",
"\u01b2": "V",
"\u1e7c": "V",
"\ua760": "VY",
"\u1e82": "W",
"\u0174": "W",
"\u1e84": "W",
"\u1e86": "W",
"\u1e88": "W",
"\u1e80": "W",
"\u2c72": "W",
"\u1e8c": "X",
"\u1e8a": "X",
"\u00dd": "Y",
"\u0176": "Y",
"\u0178": "Y",
"\u1e8e": "Y",
"\u1ef4": "Y",
"\u1ef2": "Y",
"\u01b3": "Y",
"\u1ef6": "Y",
"\u1efe": "Y",
"\u0232": "Y",
"\u024e": "Y",
"\u1ef8": "Y",
"\u0179": "Z",
"\u017d": "Z",
"\u1e90": "Z",
"\u2c6b": "Z",
"\u017b": "Z",
"\u1e92": "Z",
"\u0224": "Z",
"\u1e94": "Z",
"\u01b5": "Z",
"\u0132": "IJ",
"\u0152": "OE",
"\u1d00": "A",
"\u1d01": "AE",
"\u0299": "B",
"\u1d03": "B",
"\u1d04": "C",
"\u1d05": "D",
"\u1d07": "E",
"\ua730": "F",
"\u0262": "G",
"\u029b": "G",
"\u029c": "H",
"\u026a": "I",
"\u0281": "R",
"\u1d0a": "J",
"\u1d0b": "K",
"\u029f": "L",
"\u1d0c": "L",
"\u1d0d": "M",
"\u0274": "N",
"\u1d0f": "O",
"\u0276": "OE",
"\u1d10": "O",
"\u1d15": "OU",
"\u1d18": "P",
"\u0280": "R",
"\u1d0e": "N",
"\u1d19": "R",
"\ua731": "S",
"\u1d1b": "T",
"\u2c7b": "E",
"\u1d1a": "R",
"\u1d1c": "U",
"\u1d20": "V",
"\u1d21": "W",
"\u028f": "Y",
"\u1d22": "Z",
"\u00e1": "a",
"\u0103": "a",
"\u1eaf": "a",
"\u1eb7": "a",
"\u1eb1": "a",
"\u1eb3": "a",
"\u1eb5": "a",
"\u01ce": "a",
"\u00e2": "a",
"\u1ea5": "a",
"\u1ead": "a",
"\u1ea7": "a",
"\u1ea9": "a",
"\u1eab": "a",
"\u00e4": "a",
"\u01df": "a",
"\u0227": "a",
"\u01e1": "a",
"\u1ea1": "a",
"\u0201": "a",
"\u00e0": "a",
"\u1ea3": "a",
"\u0203": "a",
"\u0101": "a",
"\u0105": "a",
"\u1d8f": "a",
"\u1e9a": "a",
"\u00e5": "a",
"\u01fb": "a",
"\u1e01": "a",
"\u2c65": "a",
"\u00e3": "a",
"\ua733": "aa",
"\u00e6": "ae",
"\u01fd": "ae",
"\u01e3": "ae",
"\ua735": "ao",
"\ua737": "au",
"\ua739": "av",
"\ua73b": "av",
"\ua73d": "ay",
"\u1e03": "b",
"\u1e05": "b",
"\u0253": "b",
"\u1e07": "b",
"\u1d6c": "b",
"\u1d80": "b",
"\u0180": "b",
"\u0183": "b",
"\u0275": "o",
"\u0107": "c",
"\u010d": "c",
"\u00e7": "c",
"\u1e09": "c",
"\u0109": "c",
"\u0255": "c",
"\u010b": "c",
"\u0188": "c",
"\u023c": "c",
"\u010f": "d",
"\u1e11": "d",
"\u1e13": "d",
"\u0221": "d",
"\u1e0b": "d",
"\u1e0d": "d",
"\u0257": "d",
"\u1d91": "d",
"\u1e0f": "d",
"\u1d6d": "d",
"\u1d81": "d",
"\u0111": "d",
"\u0256": "d",
"\u018c": "d",
"\u0131": "i",
"\u0237": "j",
"\u025f": "j",
"\u0284": "j",
"\u01f3": "dz",
"\u01c6": "dz",
"\u00e9": "e",
"\u0115": "e",
"\u011b": "e",
"\u0229": "e",
"\u1e1d": "e",
"\u00ea": "e",
"\u1ebf": "e",
"\u1ec7": "e",
"\u1ec1": "e",
"\u1ec3": "e",
"\u1ec5": "e",
"\u1e19": "e",
"\u00eb": "e",
"\u0117": "e",
"\u1eb9": "e",
"\u0205": "e",
"\u00e8": "e",
"\u1ebb": "e",
"\u0207": "e",
"\u0113": "e",
"\u1e17": "e",
"\u1e15": "e",
"\u2c78": "e",
"\u0119": "e",
"\u1d92": "e",
"\u0247": "e",
"\u1ebd": "e",
"\u1e1b": "e",
"\ua76b": "et",
"\u1e1f": "f",
"\u0192": "f",
"\u1d6e": "f",
"\u1d82": "f",
"\u01f5": "g",
"\u011f": "g",
"\u01e7": "g",
"\u0123": "g",
"\u011d": "g",
"\u0121": "g",
"\u0260": "g",
"\u1e21": "g",
"\u1d83": "g",
"\u01e5": "g",
"\u1e2b": "h",
"\u021f": "h",
"\u1e29": "h",
"\u0125": "h",
"\u2c68": "h",
"\u1e27": "h",
"\u1e23": "h",
"\u1e25": "h",
"\u0266": "h",
"\u1e96": "h",
"\u0127": "h",
"\u0195": "hv",
"\u00ed": "i",
"\u012d": "i",
"\u01d0": "i",
"\u00ee": "i",
"\u00ef": "i",
"\u1e2f": "i",
"\u1ecb": "i",
"\u0209": "i",
"\u00ec": "i",
"\u1ec9": "i",
"\u020b": "i",
"\u012b": "i",
"\u012f": "i",
"\u1d96": "i",
"\u0268": "i",
"\u0129": "i",
"\u1e2d": "i",
"\ua77a": "d",
"\ua77c": "f",
"\u1d79": "g",
"\ua783": "r",
"\ua785": "s",
"\ua787": "t",
"\ua76d": "is",
"\u01f0": "j",
"\u0135": "j",
"\u029d": "j",
"\u0249": "j",
"\u1e31": "k",
"\u01e9": "k",
"\u0137": "k",
"\u2c6a": "k",
"\ua743": "k",
"\u1e33": "k",
"\u0199": "k",
"\u1e35": "k",
"\u1d84": "k",
"\ua741": "k",
"\ua745": "k",
"\u013a": "l",
"\u019a": "l",
"\u026c": "l",
"\u013e": "l",
"\u013c": "l",
"\u1e3d": "l",
"\u0234": "l",
"\u1e37": "l",
"\u1e39": "l",
"\u2c61": "l",
"\ua749": "l",
"\u1e3b": "l",
"\u0140": "l",
"\u026b": "l",
"\u1d85": "l",
"\u026d": "l",
"\u0142": "l",
"\u01c9": "lj",
"\u017f": "s",
"\u1e9c": "s",
"\u1e9b": "s",
"\u1e9d": "s",
"\u1e3f": "m",
"\u1e41": "m",
"\u1e43": "m",
"\u0271": "m",
"\u1d6f": "m",
"\u1d86": "m",
"\u0144": "n",
"\u0148": "n",
"\u0146": "n",
"\u1e4b": "n",
"\u0235": "n",
"\u1e45": "n",
"\u1e47": "n",
"\u01f9": "n",
"\u0272": "n",
"\u1e49": "n",
"\u019e": "n",
"\u1d70": "n",
"\u1d87": "n",
"\u0273": "n",
"\u00f1": "n",
"\u01cc": "nj",
"\u00f3": "o",
"\u014f": "o",
"\u01d2": "o",
"\u00f4": "o",
"\u1ed1": "o",
"\u1ed9": "o",
"\u1ed3": "o",
"\u1ed5": "o",
"\u1ed7": "o",
"\u00f6": "o",
"\u022b": "o",
"\u022f": "o",
"\u0231": "o",
"\u1ecd": "o",
"\u0151": "o",
"\u020d": "o",
"\u00f2": "o",
"\u1ecf": "o",
"\u01a1": "o",
"\u1edb": "o",
"\u1ee3": "o",
"\u1edd": "o",
"\u1edf": "o",
"\u1ee1": "o",
"\u020f": "o",
"\ua74b": "o",
"\ua74d": "o",
"\u2c7a": "o",
"\u014d": "o",
"\u1e53": "o",
"\u1e51": "o",
"\u01eb": "o",
"\u01ed": "o",
"\u00f8": "o",
"\u01ff": "o",
"\u00f5": "o",
"\u1e4d": "o",
"\u1e4f": "o",
"\u022d": "o",
"\u01a3": "oi",
"\ua74f": "oo",
"\u025b": "e",
"\u1d93": "e",
"\u0254": "o",
"\u1d97": "o",
"\u0223": "ou",
"\u1e55": "p",
"\u1e57": "p",
"\ua753": "p",
"\u01a5": "p",
"\u1d71": "p",
"\u1d88": "p",
"\ua755": "p",
"\u1d7d": "p",
"\ua751": "p",
"\ua759": "q",
"\u02a0": "q",
"\u024b": "q",
"\ua757": "q",
"\u0155": "r",
"\u0159": "r",
"\u0157": "r",
"\u1e59": "r",
"\u1e5b": "r",
"\u1e5d": "r",
"\u0211": "r",
"\u027e": "r",
"\u1d73": "r",
"\u0213": "r",
"\u1e5f": "r",
"\u027c": "r",
"\u1d72": "r",
"\u1d89": "r",
"\u024d": "r",
"\u027d": "r",
"\u2184": "c",
"\ua73f": "c",
"\u0258": "e",
"\u027f": "r",
"\u015b": "s",
"\u1e65": "s",
"\u0161": "s",
"\u1e67": "s",
"\u015f": "s",
"\u015d": "s",
"\u0219": "s",
"\u1e61": "s",
"\u1e63": "s",
"\u1e69": "s",
"\u0282": "s",
"\u1d74": "s",
"\u1d8a": "s",
"\u023f": "s",
"\u0261": "g",
"\u00df": "ss",
"\u1d11": "o",
"\u1d13": "o",
"\u1d1d": "u",
"\u0165": "t",
"\u0163": "t",
"\u1e71": "t",
"\u021b": "t",
"\u0236": "t",
"\u1e97": "t",
"\u2c66": "t",
"\u1e6b": "t",
"\u1e6d": "t",
"\u01ad": "t",
"\u1e6f": "t",
"\u1d75": "t",
"\u01ab": "t",
"\u0288": "t",
"\u0167": "t",
"\u1d7a": "th",
"\u0250": "a",
"\u1d02": "ae",
"\u01dd": "e",
"\u1d77": "g",
"\u0265": "h",
"\u02ae": "h",
"\u02af": "h",
"\u1d09": "i",
"\u029e": "k",
"\ua781": "l",
"\u026f": "m",
"\u0270": "m",
"\u1d14": "oe",
"\u0279": "r",
"\u027b": "r",
"\u027a": "r",
"\u2c79": "r",
"\u0287": "t",
"\u028c": "v",
"\u028d": "w",
"\u028e": "y",
"\ua729": "tz",
"\u00fa": "u",
"\u016d": "u",
"\u01d4": "u",
"\u00fb": "u",
"\u1e77": "u",
"\u00fc": "u",
"\u01d8": "u",
"\u01da": "u",
"\u01dc": "u",
"\u01d6": "u",
"\u1e73": "u",
"\u1ee5": "u",
"\u0171": "u",
"\u0215": "u",
"\u00f9": "u",
"\u1ee7": "u",
"\u01b0": "u",
"\u1ee9": "u",
"\u1ef1": "u",
"\u1eeb": "u",
"\u1eed": "u",
"\u1eef": "u",
"\u0217": "u",
"\u016b": "u",
"\u1e7b": "u",
"\u0173": "u",
"\u1d99": "u",
"\u016f": "u",
"\u0169": "u",
"\u1e79": "u",
"\u1e75": "u",
"\u1d6b": "ue",
"\ua778": "um",
"\u2c74": "v",
"\ua75f": "v",
"\u1e7f": "v",
"\u028b": "v",
"\u1d8c": "v",
"\u2c71": "v",
"\u1e7d": "v",
"\ua761": "vy",
"\u1e83": "w",
"\u0175": "w",
"\u1e85": "w",
"\u1e87": "w",
"\u1e89": "w",
"\u1e81": "w",
"\u2c73": "w",
"\u1e98": "w",
"\u1e8d": "x",
"\u1e8b": "x",
"\u1d8d": "x",
"\u00fd": "y",
"\u0177": "y",
"\u00ff": "y",
"\u1e8f": "y",
"\u1ef5": "y",
"\u1ef3": "y",
"\u01b4": "y",
"\u1ef7": "y",
"\u1eff": "y",
"\u0233": "y",
"\u1e99": "y",
"\u024f": "y",
"\u1ef9": "y",
"\u017a": "z",
"\u017e": "z",
"\u1e91": "z",
"\u0291": "z",
"\u2c6c": "z",
"\u017c": "z",
"\u1e93": "z",
"\u0225": "z",
"\u1e95": "z",
"\u1d76": "z",
"\u1d8e": "z",
"\u0290": "z",
"\u01b6": "z",
"\u0240": "z",
"\ufb00": "ff",
"\ufb03": "ffi",
"\ufb04": "ffl",
"\ufb01": "fi",
"\ufb02": "fl",
"\u0133": "ij",
"\u0153": "oe",
"\ufb06": "st",
"\u2090": "a",
"\u2091": "e",
"\u1d62": "i",
"\u2c7c": "j",
"\u2092": "o",
"\u1d63": "r",
"\u1d64": "u",
"\u1d65": "v",
"\u2093": "x"
regex = /[^\x00-\xff]/g,
replacement = function(m) {
return charmap[m] || m;
String.prototype.unaccent = function()
return this.replace(regex, replacement);
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
String replace |
| ready |
lookup table |
| ready |
unicode ranges |
| ready |
String replace lazy init |
| ready |
unicode ranges with lazy init |
| ready |
lookup table join |
| ready |
String.prototype.unaccent |
| ready |
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