jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
jsperf.com URLs are mirrored at the same path, e.g:
Can be accessed at:
'use strict';
// @bem-react/classname
function r(r){function t(t,i,a,o){var f=i?e+t+r.e+i:e+t,v=f;if(a){var s=' '+v+r.m;for(var u in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(u)){var p=a[u];!0===p?v+=s+u:p&&(v+=s+u+n+p)}}if(void 0!==o)for(var y=0,c=(o=Array.isArray(o)?o:[o]).length;y<c;y++){var l=o[y];if(l&&'string'==typeof l.valueOf())for(var g=l.valueOf().split(' '),d=0;d<g.length;d++){var h=g[d];h!==f&&(v+=' '+h)}}return v}var e=r.n||'',n=r.v||r.m;return function(r,e){return function(n,i,a){return'string'==typeof n?'string'==typeof i||Array.isArray(i)?t(r,n,void 0,i):t(r,n,i,a):t(r,e,n,i)}}}var cn=r({e:'-',m:'_'});
//////////////////////////////////// v1 ////////////////////////////////////
const isMix = (val) => Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === 'string';
const getMod = (arg0) => isMix(arg0) ? {} : (arg0 || {});
const getMix = (arg0, arg1) => isMix(arg0) ? arg0 : (arg1 || []);
const getKeyMeta = (key) => {
const chunks = key.split('-');
const [blockOriginal, elementOriginal = '', blockIncorrect] = chunks;
const [block, blockMod, blockModValue] = blockOriginal.split('_');
const [element, elementMod, elementModValue] = elementOriginal.split('_');
if (block && !element && !blockIncorrect) {
if (blockMod)
return { type: 'block-mod', block, mod: [blockMod, blockModValue] };
return { type: 'block', block };
} else if (!blockMod && element && !blockIncorrect) {
if (elementMod)
return { type: 'element-mod', block, element, mod: [elementMod, elementModValue] };
return { type: 'element', block, element };
return { type: 'exception' };
const createBlockApiV1 = (block, element) => ((mod, mix) => cn(block, element)(getMod(mod), getMix(mod, mix)));
const getClassesApiV1 = (classes) => {
return Object.values(classes).reduce((classesApi, key) => {
const keyMeta = getKeyMeta(key);
const type = keyMeta.type;
if (type === 'exception') return classesApi;
const blockKey = keyMeta.block;
classesApi[blockKey] = classesApi[blockKey] || createBlockApiV1(blockKey);
if (type === 'element' || type === 'element-mod') {
const elementKey = keyMeta.element;
classesApi[blockKey][elementKey] = createBlockApiV1(blockKey, elementKey);
return classesApi;
}, {});
//////////////////////////////////// v2 ////////////////////////////////////
function createBlockApiV2(cnBlock, element = '') {
return cnBlock.bind(null, element);
function getClassesApiV2(blocks) {
const api = {};
for (const blockName in blocks) {
const cnBlock = cn(blockName);
const blockApi = api[blockName] = createBlockApiV2(cnBlock);
blocks[blockName].forEach(elementName => {
blockApi[elementName] = createBlockApiV2(cnBlock, elementName);
return api;
//////////////////////////////////// v3 ////////////////////////////////////
function getClassesApiV3() {
return new Proxy({}, {
get(target, blockName) {
if (blockName in target) {
return target[blockName];
const cnBlock = cn(blockName);
return target[blockName] = new Proxy(cnBlock.bind(null, ''), {
get: (_, elementName) => {
return elementName in cnBlock ? cnBlock[elementName] : (cnBlock[elementName] = cnBlock.bind(null, elementName));
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
Old |
| ready |
New |
| ready |
Proxy |
| ready |
You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.