Encode HTML entities (v15)

Revision 15 of this benchmark created by Robert Simpson on


Using replace with a single regular expression seems to be fastest method in various browsers based on http://jsperf.com/encode-html-entities/13. Now testing different methods of replacing the character with an HTML entity. Using an associative array is somewhat slower in IE than either of the two new methods are. Using an indexed array is slower in Firefox but faster in Opera and has the least amount of code. Using a switch statement is within a few percentage points of the fastest method in all browsers tested.

Preparation HTML

  function safe_tags_regex(str) {
    return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#039;');

  function safe_tags_dom(str) {
    var div = document.createElement('div');
    return div.innerHTML;

  function safe_tags_dom2(str) {
    var div = document.createElement('div');
    div.innerText = str;
    return div.innerHTML;

  var tagsToReplace = {
    '&': '&amp;',
    '<': '&lt;',
    '>': '&gt;',
    '"': '&quot;',
    "'": '&#039;'

  function replaceTagAssocArray(tag) {
    return tagsToReplace[tag] || tag;

  function safe_tags_replace_assoc(str) {
    return str.replace(/[&<>\"\']/g, replaceTagAssocArray);

  var entitiesArray = ["&amp;gt;", "&amp;amp;", "&amp;apos;", "&amp;quot;", "&amp;lt;"];

  function replaceCharIndexedArray(char) {
    return entitiesArray[char.charCodeAt(0) % 25 % 6];

  function safe_tags_replace_indexed(str) {
    return str.replace(/[&<>\"\']/g, replaceCharIndexedArray);

  function replaceCharSwitch(char) {
    switch (char.charCodeAt(0)) {
    case 34:
      return "&quot;";
    case 38:
      return "&amp;";
    case 39:
      return "&apos;";
    case 60:
      return "&lt;";
    case 62:
      return "&gt;";
    return char;

  function safe_tags_replace_switch(str) {
    return str.replace(/[&<>\"\']/g, replaceCharSwitch);

  function safe_tags_split_join(str) {
    for (var tag in tagsToReplace) {
      //if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tagsToReplace,tag)) {
      str = str.split(tag).join(tagsToReplace[tag]);
    return str;

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Using Regular Expression
var test = safe_tags_regex('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');
Using DOM textNode
var test = safe_tags_dom('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');
Using replace with associative array
var test = safe_tags_replace_assoc('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');
Using DOM innerText
var test = safe_tags_dom2('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');
Using split and join
var test = safe_tags_split_join('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');
Encoder = {
  EncodeType: "entity",
  isEmpty: function(a) {
    if (a) {
      return ((a === null) || a.length == 0 || /^\s+$/.test(a))
    } else {
      return true
  HTML2Numerical: function(c) {
    var b = new Array("&nbsp;", "&iexcl;", "&cent;", "&pound;", "&curren;", "&yen;", "&brvbar;", "&sect;", "&uml;", "&copy;", "&ordf;", "&laquo;", "&not;", "&shy;", "&reg;", "&macr;", "&deg;", "&plusmn;", "&sup2;", "&sup3;", "&acute;", "&micro;", "&para;", "&middot;", "&cedil;", "&sup1;", "&ordm;", "&raquo;", "&frac14;", "&frac12;", "&frac34;", "&iquest;", "&agrave;", "&aacute;", "&acirc;", "&atilde;", "&Auml;", "&aring;", "&aelig;", "&ccedil;", "&egrave;", "&eacute;", "&ecirc;", "&euml;", "&igrave;", "&iacute;", "&icirc;", "&iuml;", "&eth;", "&ntilde;", "&ograve;", "&oacute;", "&ocirc;", "&otilde;", "&Ouml;", "&times;", "&oslash;", "&ugrave;", "&uacute;", "&ucirc;", "&Uuml;", "&yacute;", "&thorn;", "&szlig;", "&agrave;", "&aacute;", "&acirc;", "&atilde;", "&auml;", "&aring;", "&aelig;", "&ccedil;", "&egrave;", "&eacute;", "&ecirc;", "&euml;", "&igrave;", "&iacute;", "&icirc;", "&iuml;", "&eth;", "&ntilde;", "&ograve;", "&oacute;", "&ocirc;", "&otilde;", "&ouml;", "&divide;", "&Oslash;", "&ugrave;", "&uacute;", "&ucirc;", "&uuml;", "&yacute;", "&thorn;", "&yuml;", "&quot;", "&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&oelig;", "&oelig;", "&scaron;", "&scaron;", "&yuml;", "&circ;", "&tilde;", "&ensp;", "&emsp;", "&thinsp;", "&zwnj;", "&zwj;", "&lrm;", "&rlm;", "&ndash;", "&mdash;", "&lsquo;", "&rsquo;", "&sbquo;", "&ldquo;", "&rdquo;", "&bdquo;", "&dagger;", "&dagger;", "&permil;", "&lsaquo;", "&rsaquo;", "&euro;", "&fnof;", "&alpha;", "&beta;", "&gamma;", "&delta;", "&epsilon;", "&zeta;", "&eta;", "&theta;", "&iota;", "&kappa;", "&lambda;", "&mu;", "&nu;", "&xi;", "&omicron;", "&pi;", "&rho;", "&sigma;", "&tau;", "&upsilon;", "&phi;", "&chi;", "&psi;", "&omega;", "&alpha;", "&beta;", "&gamma;", "&delta;", "&epsilon;", "&zeta;", "&eta;", "&theta;", "&iota;", "&kappa;", "&lambda;", "&mu;", "&nu;", "&xi;", "&omicron;", "&pi;", "&rho;", "&sigmaf;", "&sigma;", "&tau;", "&upsilon;", "&phi;", "&chi;", "&psi;", "&omega;", "&thetasym;", "&upsih;", "&piv;", "&bull;", "&hellip;", "&prime;", "&prime;", "&oline;", "&frasl;", "&weierp;", "&image;", "&real;", "&trade;", "&alefsym;", "&larr;", "&uarr;", "&rarr;", "&darr;", "&harr;", "&crarr;", "&larr;", "&uarr;", "&rarr;", "&darr;", "&harr;", "&forall;", "&part;", "&exist;", "&empty;", "&nabla;", "&isin;", "&notin;", "&ni;", "&prod;", "&sum;", "&minus;", "&lowast;", "&radic;", "&prop;", "&infin;", "&ang;", "&and;", "&or;", "&cap;", "&cup;", "&int;", "&there4;", "&sim;", "&cong;", "&asymp;", "&ne;", "&equiv;", "&le;", "&ge;", "&sub;", "&sup;", "&nsub;", "&sube;", "&supe;", "&oplus;", "&otimes;", "&perp;", "&sdot;", "&lceil;", "&rceil;", "&lfloor;", "&rfloor;", "&lang;", "&rang;", "&loz;", "&spades;", "&clubs;", "&hearts;", "&diams;");
    var a = new Array("&#160;", "&#161;", "&#162;", "&#163;", "&#164;", "&#165;", "&#166;", "&#167;", "&#168;", "&#169;", "&#170;", "&#171;", "&#172;", "&#173;", "&#174;", "&#175;", "&#176;", "&#177;", "&#178;", "&#179;", "&#180;", "&#181;", "&#182;", "&#183;", "&#184;", "&#185;", "&#186;", "&#187;", "&#188;", "&#189;", "&#190;", "&#191;", "&#192;", "&#193;", "&#194;", "&#195;", "&#196;", "&#197;", "&#198;", "&#199;", "&#200;", "&#201;", "&#202;", "&#203;", "&#204;", "&#205;", "&#206;", "&#207;", "&#208;", "&#209;", "&#210;", "&#211;", "&#212;", "&#213;", "&#214;", "&#215;", "&#216;", "&#217;", "&#218;", "&#219;", "&#220;", "&#221;", "&#222;", "&#223;", "&#224;", "&#225;", "&#226;", "&#227;", "&#228;", "&#229;", "&#230;", "&#231;", "&#232;", "&#233;", "&#234;", "&#235;", "&#236;", "&#237;", "&#238;", "&#239;", "&#240;", "&#241;", "&#242;", "&#243;", "&#244;", "&#245;", "&#246;", "&#247;", "&#248;", "&#249;", "&#250;", "&#251;", "&#252;", "&#253;", "&#254;", "&#255;", "&#34;", "&#38;", "&#60;", "&#62;", "&#338;", "&#339;", "&#352;", "&#353;", "&#376;", "&#710;", "&#732;", "&#8194;", "&#8195;", "&#8201;", "&#8204;", "&#8205;", "&#8206;", "&#8207;", "&#8211;", "&#8212;", "&#8216;", "&#8217;", "&#8218;", "&#8220;", "&#8221;", "&#8222;", "&#8224;", "&#8225;", "&#8240;", "&#8249;", "&#8250;", "&#8364;", "&#402;", "&#913;", "&#914;", "&#915;", "&#916;", "&#917;", "&#918;", "&#919;", "&#920;", "&#921;", "&#922;", "&#923;", "&#924;", "&#925;", "&#926;", "&#927;", "&#928;", "&#929;", "&#931;", "&#932;", "&#933;", "&#934;", "&#935;", "&#936;", "&#937;", "&#945;", "&#946;", "&#947;", "&#948;", "&#949;", "&#950;", "&#951;", "&#952;", "&#953;", "&#954;", "&#955;", "&#956;", "&#957;", "&#958;", "&#959;", "&#960;", "&#961;", "&#962;", "&#963;", "&#964;", "&#965;", "&#966;", "&#967;", "&#968;", "&#969;", "&#977;", "&#978;", "&#982;", "&#8226;", "&#8230;", "&#8242;", "&#8243;", "&#8254;", "&#8260;", "&#8472;", "&#8465;", "&#8476;", "&#8482;", "&#8501;", "&#8592;", "&#8593;", "&#8594;", "&#8595;", "&#8596;", "&#8629;", "&#8656;", "&#8657;", "&#8658;", "&#8659;", "&#8660;", "&#8704;", "&#8706;", "&#8707;", "&#8709;", "&#8711;", "&#8712;", "&#8713;", "&#8715;", "&#8719;", "&#8721;", "&#8722;", "&#8727;", "&#8730;", "&#8733;", "&#8734;", "&#8736;", "&#8743;", "&#8744;", "&#8745;", "&#8746;", "&#8747;", "&#8756;", "&#8764;", "&#8773;", "&#8776;", "&#8800;", "&#8801;", "&#8804;", "&#8805;", "&#8834;", "&#8835;", "&#8836;", "&#8838;", "&#8839;", "&#8853;", "&#8855;", "&#8869;", "&#8901;", "&#8968;", "&#8969;", "&#8970;", "&#8971;", "&#9001;", "&#9002;", "&#9674;", "&#9824;", "&#9827;", "&#9829;", "&#9830;");
    return this.swapArrayVals(c, b, a)
  NumericalToHTML: function(c) {
    var b = new Array("&#160;", "&#161;", "&#162;", "&#163;", "&#164;", "&#165;", "&#166;", "&#167;", "&#168;", "&#169;", "&#170;", "&#171;", "&#172;", "&#173;", "&#174;", "&#175;", "&#176;", "&#177;", "&#178;", "&#179;", "&#180;", "&#181;", "&#182;", "&#183;", "&#184;", "&#185;", "&#186;", "&#187;", "&#188;", "&#189;", "&#190;", "&#191;", "&#192;", "&#193;", "&#194;", "&#195;", "&#196;", "&#197;", "&#198;", "&#199;", "&#200;", "&#201;", "&#202;", "&#203;", "&#204;", "&#205;", "&#206;", "&#207;", "&#208;", "&#209;", "&#210;", "&#211;", "&#212;", "&#213;", "&#214;", "&#215;", "&#216;", "&#217;", "&#218;", "&#219;", "&#220;", "&#221;", "&#222;", "&#223;", "&#224;", "&#225;", "&#226;", "&#227;", "&#228;", "&#229;", "&#230;", "&#231;", "&#232;", "&#233;", "&#234;", "&#235;", "&#236;", "&#237;", "&#238;", "&#239;", "&#240;", "&#241;", "&#242;", "&#243;", "&#244;", "&#245;", "&#246;", "&#247;", "&#248;", "&#249;", "&#250;", "&#251;", "&#252;", "&#253;", "&#254;", "&#255;", "&#34;", "&#38;", "&#60;", "&#62;", "&#338;", "&#339;", "&#352;", "&#353;", "&#376;", "&#710;", "&#732;", "&#8194;", "&#8195;", "&#8201;", "&#8204;", "&#8205;", "&#8206;", "&#8207;", "&#8211;", "&#8212;", "&#8216;", "&#8217;", "&#8218;", "&#8220;", "&#8221;", "&#8222;", "&#8224;", "&#8225;", "&#8240;", "&#8249;", "&#8250;", "&#8364;", "&#402;", "&#913;", "&#914;", "&#915;", "&#916;", "&#917;", "&#918;", "&#919;", "&#920;", "&#921;", "&#922;", "&#923;", "&#924;", "&#925;", "&#926;", "&#927;", "&#928;", "&#929;", "&#931;", "&#932;", "&#933;", "&#934;", "&#935;", "&#936;", "&#937;", "&#945;", "&#946;", "&#947;", "&#948;", "&#949;", "&#950;", "&#951;", "&#952;", "&#953;", "&#954;", "&#955;", "&#956;", "&#957;", "&#958;", "&#959;", "&#960;", "&#961;", "&#962;", "&#963;", "&#964;", "&#965;", "&#966;", "&#967;", "&#968;", "&#969;", "&#977;", "&#978;", "&#982;", "&#8226;", "&#8230;", "&#8242;", "&#8243;", "&#8254;", "&#8260;", "&#8472;", "&#8465;", "&#8476;", "&#8482;", "&#8501;", "&#8592;", "&#8593;", "&#8594;", "&#8595;", "&#8596;", "&#8629;", "&#8656;", "&#8657;", "&#8658;", "&#8659;", "&#8660;", "&#8704;", "&#8706;", "&#8707;", "&#8709;", "&#8711;", "&#8712;", "&#8713;", "&#8715;", "&#8719;", "&#8721;", "&#8722;", "&#8727;", "&#8730;", "&#8733;", "&#8734;", "&#8736;", "&#8743;", "&#8744;", "&#8745;", "&#8746;", "&#8747;", "&#8756;", "&#8764;", "&#8773;", "&#8776;", "&#8800;", "&#8801;", "&#8804;", "&#8805;", "&#8834;", "&#8835;", "&#8836;", "&#8838;", "&#8839;", "&#8853;", "&#8855;", "&#8869;", "&#8901;", "&#8968;", "&#8969;", "&#8970;", "&#8971;", "&#9001;", "&#9002;", "&#9674;", "&#9824;", "&#9827;", "&#9829;", "&#9830;");
    var a = new Array("&nbsp;", "&iexcl;", "&cent;", "&pound;", "&curren;", "&yen;", "&brvbar;", "&sect;", "&uml;", "&copy;", "&ordf;", "&laquo;", "&not;", "&shy;", "&reg;", "&macr;", "&deg;", "&plusmn;", "&sup2;", "&sup3;", "&acute;", "&micro;", "&para;", "&middot;", "&cedil;", "&sup1;", "&ordm;", "&raquo;", "&frac14;", "&frac12;", "&frac34;", "&iquest;", "&agrave;", "&aacute;", "&acirc;", "&atilde;", "&Auml;", "&aring;", "&aelig;", "&ccedil;", "&egrave;", "&eacute;", "&ecirc;", "&euml;", "&igrave;", "&iacute;", "&icirc;", "&iuml;", "&eth;", "&ntilde;", "&ograve;", "&oacute;", "&ocirc;", "&otilde;", "&Ouml;", "&times;", "&oslash;", "&ugrave;", "&uacute;", "&ucirc;", "&Uuml;", "&yacute;", "&thorn;", "&szlig;", "&agrave;", "&aacute;", "&acirc;", "&atilde;", "&auml;", "&aring;", "&aelig;", "&ccedil;", "&egrave;", "&eacute;", "&ecirc;", "&euml;", "&igrave;", "&iacute;", "&icirc;", "&iuml;", "&eth;", "&ntilde;", "&ograve;", "&oacute;", "&ocirc;", "&otilde;", "&ouml;", "&divide;", "&Oslash;", "&ugrave;", "&uacute;", "&ucirc;", "&uuml;", "&yacute;", "&thorn;", "&yuml;", "&quot;", "&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&oelig;", "&oelig;", "&scaron;", "&scaron;", "&yuml;", "&circ;", "&tilde;", "&ensp;", "&emsp;", "&thinsp;", "&zwnj;", "&zwj;", "&lrm;", "&rlm;", "&ndash;", "&mdash;", "&lsquo;", "&rsquo;", "&sbquo;", "&ldquo;", "&rdquo;", "&bdquo;", "&dagger;", "&dagger;", "&permil;", "&lsaquo;", "&rsaquo;", "&euro;", "&fnof;", "&alpha;", "&beta;", "&gamma;", "&delta;", "&epsilon;", "&zeta;", "&eta;", "&theta;", "&iota;", "&kappa;", "&lambda;", "&mu;", "&nu;", "&xi;", "&omicron;", "&pi;", "&rho;", "&sigma;", "&tau;", "&upsilon;", "&phi;", "&chi;", "&psi;", "&omega;", "&alpha;", "&beta;", "&gamma;", "&delta;", "&epsilon;", "&zeta;", "&eta;", "&theta;", "&iota;", "&kappa;", "&lambda;", "&mu;", "&nu;", "&xi;", "&omicron;", "&pi;", "&rho;", "&sigmaf;", "&sigma;", "&tau;", "&upsilon;", "&phi;", "&chi;", "&psi;", "&omega;", "&thetasym;", "&upsih;", "&piv;", "&bull;", "&hellip;", "&prime;", "&prime;", "&oline;", "&frasl;", "&weierp;", "&image;", "&real;", "&trade;", "&alefsym;", "&larr;", "&uarr;", "&rarr;", "&darr;", "&harr;", "&crarr;", "&larr;", "&uarr;", "&rarr;", "&darr;", "&harr;", "&forall;", "&part;", "&exist;", "&empty;", "&nabla;", "&isin;", "&notin;", "&ni;", "&prod;", "&sum;", "&minus;", "&lowast;", "&radic;", "&prop;", "&infin;", "&ang;", "&and;", "&or;", "&cap;", "&cup;", "&int;", "&there4;", "&sim;", "&cong;", "&asymp;", "&ne;", "&equiv;", "&le;", "&ge;", "&sub;", "&sup;", "&nsub;", "&sube;", "&supe;", "&oplus;", "&otimes;", "&perp;", "&sdot;", "&lceil;", "&rceil;", "&lfloor;", "&rfloor;", "&lang;", "&rang;", "&loz;", "&spades;", "&clubs;", "&hearts;", "&diams;");
    return this.swapArrayVals(c, b, a)
  numEncode: function(b) {
    if (this.isEmpty(b)) {
      return ""
    var d = "";
    for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
      var f = b.charAt(a);
      if (f < " " || f > "~") {
        f = "&#" + f.charCodeAt() + ";"
      d += f
    return d
  htmlDecode: function(e) {
    var g, b, f = e;
    if (this.isEmpty(f)) {
      return ""
    f = this.HTML2Numerical(f);
    arr = f.match(/&#[0-9]{1,5};/g);
    if (arr != null) {
      for (var a = 0; a < arr.length; a++) {
        b = arr[a];
        g = b.substring(2, b.length - 1);
        if (g >= -32768 && g <= 65535) {
          f = f.replace(b, String.fromCharCode(g))
        } else {
          f = f.replace(b, "")
    return f
  htmlEncode: function(a, b) {
    if (this.isEmpty(a)) {
      return ""
    b = b | false;
    if (b) {
      if (this.EncodeType == "numerical") {
        a = a.replace(/&/g, "&#38;")
      } else {
        a = a.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
    a = this.XSSEncode(a, false);
    if (this.EncodeType == "numerical" || !b) {
      a = this.HTML2Numerical(a)
    a = this.numEncode(a);
    if (!b) {
      a = a.replace(/&#/g, "##AMPHASH##");
      if (this.EncodeType == "numerical") {
        a = a.replace(/&/g, "&#38;")
      } else {
        a = a.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
      a = a.replace(/##AMPHASH##/g, "&#")
    a = a.replace(/&#\d*([^\d;]|$)/g, "$1");
    if (!b) {
      a = this.correctEncoding(a)
    if (this.EncodeType == "entity") {
      a = this.NumericalToHTML(a)
    return a
  XSSEncode: function(b, a) {
    if (!this.isEmpty(b)) {
      a = a || true;
      if (a) {
        b = b.replace(/\'/g, "&#39;");
        b = b.replace(/\"/g, "&quot;");
        b = b.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
        b = b.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
      } else {
        b = b.replace(/\'/g, "&#39;");
        b = b.replace(/\"/g, "&#34;");
        b = b.replace(/</g, "&#60;");
        b = b.replace(/>/g, "&#62;")
      return b
    } else {
      return ""
  hasEncoded: function(a) {
    if (/&#[0-9]{1,5};/g.test(a)) {
      return true
    } else {
      if (/&[A-Z]{2,6};/gi.test(a)) {
        return true
      } else {
        return false
  stripUnicode: function(a) {
    return a.replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/g, "")
  correctEncoding: function(a) {
    return a.replace(/(&amp;)(amp;)+/, "$1")
  swapArrayVals: function(f, c, b) {
    if (this.isEmpty(f)) {
      return ""
    var e;
    if (c && b) {
      if (c.length == b.length) {
        for (var a = 0, d = c.length; a < d; a++) {
          e = new RegExp(c[a], "g");
          f = f.replace(e, b[a])
    return f
  inArray: function(d, b) {
    for (var c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; c++) {
      if (b[c] === d) {
        return c
    return -1

Encoder.htmlEncode('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');
Using replace with indexed array
var test = safe_tags_replace_indexed('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');
Using replace with switch
var test = safe_tags_replace_switch('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõ');


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