Encode HTML entities (v64)

Revision 64 of this benchmark created on

Preparation HTML

  function safe_tags_regex(str) {
   return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
  function safe_tags_dom(str) {
   var div = document.createElement('div');
   return div.innerHTML;
  function safe_tags_dom2(str) {
   var div = document.createElement('div');
   div.innerText = str;
   return div.innerHTML;
  var tagsToReplace = {
   '&': '&amp;',
   '<': '&lt;',
   '>': '&gt;'
  function replaceTag(tag) {
   return tagsToReplace[tag] || tag;
  function safe_tags_replace(str) {
   return str.replace(/[&<>]/g, replaceTag);

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
Using Regular Expression
var test = safe_tags_regex('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõn the context of a revision list, A...B is how git-rev-parse defines it. git-log takes a revision list. git-diff does not take a list of revisions - it takes one or two revisions, and has defined the A...B syntax to mean how its defined in the git-diff manpage. If git-diff did not explicitly define A...B, then that syntax would be invalid. Note that the git-rev-parse manpage describes A...B in the Specifying Ranges section, and everything in that section is only valid in situations where a revision range is valid (i.e. when a revision list is desired).');
Using DOM textNode
var test = safe_tags_dom('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõn the context of a revision list, A...B is how git-rev-parse defines it. git-log takes a revision list. git-diff does not take a list of revisions - it takes one or two revisions, and has defined the A...B syntax to mean how its defined in the git-diff manpage. If git-diff did not explicitly define A...B, then that syntax would be invalid. Note that the git-rev-parse manpage describes A...B in the Specifying Ranges section, and everything in that section is only valid in situations where a revision range is valid (i.e. when a revision list is desired).');
Using replace
var test = safe_tags_replace('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõn the context of a revision list, A...B is how git-rev-parse defines it. git-log takes a revision list. git-diff does not take a list of revisions - it takes one or two revisions, and has defined the A...B syntax to mean how its defined in the git-diff manpage. If git-diff did not explicitly define A...B, then that syntax would be invalid. Note that the git-rev-parse manpage describes A...B in the Specifying Ranges section, and everything in that section is only valid in situations where a revision range is valid (i.e. when a revision list is desired).');
Using DOM innerText
var test = safe_tags_dom2('if (a < b && c > d) {} // Héllö naõn the context of a revision list, A...B is how git-rev-parse defines it. git-log takes a revision list. git-diff does not take a list of revisions - it takes one or two revisions, and has defined the A...B syntax to mean how its defined in the git-diff manpage. If git-diff did not explicitly define A...B, then that syntax would be invalid. Note that the git-rev-parse manpage describes A...B in the Specifying Ranges section, and everything in that section is only valid in situations where a revision range is valid (i.e. when a revision list is desired).');


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