jsPerf.app is an online JavaScript performance benchmark test runner & jsperf.com mirror. It is a complete rewrite in homage to the once excellent jsperf.com now with hopefully a more modern & maintainable codebase.
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To test performance of jQuery template for outputting 100 rows each with 10 columns where the columns have fields that can trigger events.
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js">
<script src="http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery.templates/beta1/jquery.tmpl.js">
<script src="http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/underscore-min.js">
<script src="http://github.com/janl/mustache.js/raw/master/mustache.js">
<script src="https://raw.github.com/BorisMoore/jsrender/master/jsrender.js">
<script src="https://github.com/andyet/ICanHaz.js/raw/master/ICanHaz.min.js">
<script src="https://github.com/downloads/wycats/handlebars.js/handlebars.runtime-1.0.0.beta.6" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('body').delegate('#table .edit a, #table .select a', 'click', function() {
var $td = $(this).closest('td');
$td.find('input, select').show();
$('body').delegate('#table .edit .cancel, $table .select .cancel', 'click', function() {
var $td = $(this).closest('td');
$td.find('input, select').hide();
<script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl" id="tmplRow">
< tr > < td > < input type = "checkbox"
value = "${id}" / > < /td>
<td>${firstName} ${lastName}</td > < td class = "edit" > < a > Edit < /a>
<input style="display:none;" type="hidden" value="Blah" / > < input class = "cancel"
type = "button"
value = "cancel" / > < /td>
<td class="select">
<a>Select</a > < select style = "display:none;" > < option > 0 < /option>
<option>1</option > < option > 2 < /option>
<option>3</option > < option > 4 < /option>
<option>5</option > < option > 6 < /option>
<option>7</option > < option > 8 < /option>
<option>9</option > < option > 10 < /option>
</select > < input class = "cancel"
type = "button"
value = "cancel" / > < /td>
<td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
<td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
<td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
</tr >
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
var row = {
id: i,
firstName: 'john',
lastName: 'doe'
$.template("savedTmpl", document.getElementById("tmplRow").innerHTML);
var underscoreTmpl = "\
<%for(var i=0;i<rows.length;i++){%>\
<%var row=rows[i];%> \
<tr> \
<td> <input type = 'checkbox' value = '<%= row.id%>' /> </td>\
<td><%= row.firstname%> <%= row.lastname%></td> \
<td class = 'edit'> \
<a> Edit </a>\
<input style='display:none;' type='hidden' value='Blah' /> \
<input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \
<td class='select'>\
<a>Select</a> \
<select style = 'display:none;'> \
<option>1</option> \
<option>3</option> \
<option>5</option> \
<option>7</option> \
<option>9</option> \
</select> \
<input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
</tr ><%}%>";
var mustacheTmpl = "\
<tr> \
<td> <input type = 'checkbox' value = '{{id}}' /> </td>\
<td>{{firstname}} {{lastname}}</td> \
<td class = 'edit'> \
<a> Edit </a>\
<input style='display:none;' type='hidden' value='Blah' /> \
<input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \
<td class='select'>\
<a>Select</a> \
<select style = 'display:none;'> \
<option>1</option> \
<option>3</option> \
<option>5</option> \
<option>7</option> \
<option>9</option> \
</select> \
<input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
</tr >{{/rows}}"
var jsRenderTmpl = "\
<tr> \
<td> <input type = 'checkbox' value = '{{=id}}' /> </td>\
<td>{{=firstname}} {{=lastname}}</td> \
<td class = 'edit'> \
<a> Edit </a>\
<input style='display:none;' type='hidden' value='Blah' /> \
<input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \
<td class='select'>\
<a>Select</a> \
<select style = 'display:none;'> \
<option>1</option> \
<option>3</option> \
<option>5</option> \
<option>7</option> \
<option>9</option> \
</select> \
<input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
<td>More string</td> \
<td>More string</td>\
</tr >";
(function() {
var template = Handlebars.template, templates = Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {};
templates['handlebar_template'] = template(function (Handlebars,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
helpers = helpers || Handlebars.helpers;
var buffer = "", stack1, tmp1, self=this, functionType="function", helperMissing=helpers.helperMissing, undef=void 0, escapeExpression=this.escapeExpression, blockHelperMissing=helpers.blockHelperMissing;
function program1(depth0,data) {
var buffer = "", stack1;
buffer += "\n<tr> \n <td> <input type = 'checkbox' value = '";
stack1 = helpers.id || depth0.id;
if(typeof stack1 === functionType) { stack1 = stack1.call(depth0, { hash: {} }); }
else if(stack1=== undef) { stack1 = helperMissing.call(depth0, "id", { hash: {} }); }
buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + "' /> </td>\n <td>";
stack1 = helpers.firstname || depth0.firstname;
if(typeof stack1 === functionType) { stack1 = stack1.call(depth0, { hash: {} }); }
else if(stack1=== undef) { stack1 = helperMissing.call(depth0, "firstname", { hash: {} }); }
buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + " ";
stack1 = helpers.lastname || depth0.lastname;
if(typeof stack1 === functionType) { stack1 = stack1.call(depth0, { hash: {} }); }
else if(stack1=== undef) { stack1 = helperMissing.call(depth0, "lastname", { hash: {} }); }
buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + "</td> \n <td class = 'edit'> \n <a> Edit </a>\n <input style='display:none;' type='hidden' value='Blah' /> \n <input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \n </td>\n <td class='select'>\n <a>Select</a> \n <select style = 'display:none;'> \n <option>0</option>\n <option>1</option> \n <option>2</option>\n <option>3</option> \n <option>4</option>\n <option>5</option> \n <option>6</option>\n <option>7</option> \n <option>8</option>\n <option>9</option> \n <option>10</option>\n </select> \n <input class = 'cancel' type = 'button' value = 'cancel' /> \n </td>\n <td>More string</td> \n <td>More string</td>\n <td>More string</td> \n <td>More string</td>\n <td>More string</td> \n <td>More string</td>\n</tr >";
return buffer;}
stack1 = helpers.rows || depth0.rows;
tmp1 = self.program(1, program1, data);
tmp1.hash = {};
tmp1.fn = tmp1;
tmp1.inverse = self.noop;
if(typeof stack1 === functionType) { stack1 = stack1.call(depth0, tmp1); }
else { stack1 = blockHelperMissing.call(depth0, stack1, tmp1); }
if(stack1 || stack1 === 0) { buffer += stack1; }
buffer += "\"\n";
return buffer;});
<script type="text/html" id="icanhazTmpl">
< tr > < td > < input type = "checkbox"
value = "{{id}}" / > < /td>
<td>{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</td > < td class = "edit" > < a > Edit < /a>
<input style="display:none;" type="hidden" value="Blah" / > < input class = "cancel"
type = "button"
value = "cancel" / > < /td>
<td class="select">
<a>Select</a > < select style = "display:none;" > < option > 0 < /option>
<option>1</option > < option > 2 < /option>
<option>3</option > < option > 4 < /option>
<option>5</option > < option > 6 < /option>
<option>7</option > < option > 8 < /option>
<option>9</option > < option > 10 < /option>
</select > < input class = "cancel"
type = "button"
value = "cancel" / > < /td>
<td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
<td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
<td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
</tr >
Ready to run.
Test | Ops/sec | |
jQuery templates |
| ready |
Precompiled jQuery template |
| ready |
Underscore.js |
| ready |
mustache js |
| ready |
jsrender |
| ready |
ICanHaz.js |
| ready |
Handlebars.js |
| ready |
You can edit these tests or add more tests to this page by appending /edit to the URL.