performance comparison of jQuery Template vs underscore vs string append vs mustache vs handlebars vs icanhaz vs milk vs swig for table (v80)

Revision 80 of this benchmark created on


To test performance of jQuery template for outputting 100 rows each with 10 columns where the columns have fields that can trigger events.

Preparation HTML

<script src="">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
    $('body').delegate('#table .edit a, #table .select a', 'click', function() {
      var $td = $(this).closest('td');
      $td.find('input, select').show();

    $('body').delegate('#table .edit .cancel, $table .select .cancel', 'click', function() {
      var $td = $(this).closest('td');
      $td.find('input, select').hide();

<script type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="handlebarsTmpl">
{{#each rows}}
{{#with this}}
< tr > < td > < input type = "checkbox"
  value = "{{id}}" / > < /td>
  <td>{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</td > < td class = "edit" > < a > Edit < /a>
    <input style="display:none;" type="hidden" value="Blah" / > < input class = "cancel"
  type = "button"
  value = "cancel" / > < /td>
  <td class="select">
      <a>Select</a > < select style = "display:none;" > < option > 0 < /option>
        <option>1</option > < option > 2 < /option>
        <option>3</option > < option > 4 < /option>
        <option>5</option > < option > 6 < /option>
        <option>7</option > < option > 8 < /option>
        <option>9</option > < option > 10 < /option>
       </select > < input class = "cancel"
  type = "button"
  value = "cancel" / > < /td>
   <td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
   <td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
   <td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
</tr >

<script type="text/html" id="icanhazTmpl">
< tr > < td > < input type = "checkbox"
  value = "{{id}}" / > < /td>
  <td>{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</td > < td class = "edit" > < a > Edit < /a>
    <input style="display:none;" type="hidden" value="Blah" / > < input class = "cancel"
  type = "button"
  value = "cancel" / > < /td>
  <td class="select">
      <a>Select</a > < select style = "display:none;" > < option > 0 < /option>
        <option>1</option > < option > 2 < /option>
        <option>3</option > < option > 4 < /option>
        <option>5</option > < option > 6 < /option>
        <option>7</option > < option > 8 < /option>
        <option>9</option > < option > 10 < /option>
       </select > < input class = "cancel"
  type = "button"
  value = "cancel" / > < /td>
   <td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
   <td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
   <td>More string</td > < td > More string < /td>
</tr >

  var data = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    var row = {
      id: i,
      firstName: 'john',
      lastName: 'doe'


  $.template("savedTmpl", document.getElementById("tmplRow").innerHTML);


var handlebarsTmpl = Handlebars.compile($("#handlebarsTmpl").html());


Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
var html = handlebarsTmpl({
  rows: data
var html = ich.icanhazTmpl({
  rows: data



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