PubSubJS vs. jQuery custom events (v12)

Revision 12 of this benchmark created by Morgan Roderick on


An attempt at showing that PubSubJS is faster than using jQuery custom evens for publish/subscribe style messaging.

It's certainly not as rich in features, and I am happy with that.

Introducing PubSubJS

Preparation HTML

<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
  var callback1 = function() {};
  var callback2 = function() {};
  var payload = {
   somekey: 'some value'
  var body;
  // let's use jQuery.ready to make sure that the DOM is ready,
  // before trying to work with it
  jQuery(function() {
   // we'll use the body element to exchange messages for jQuery
   // if using deeper nested elements, jQuery will be slower, as custom events bubble
   body = $('body');
   // subscribe our callback1 function to the custom event for jQuery, only once
   body.bind('my-event', callback1);
   // subscribe our callback2 function to the message for PubSub
   PubSub.subscribe('my-event', callback2)

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
jQuery - trigger
body.trigger('my-event', payload);
PubSub - publish - asyncronous
PubSub.publish('my-event', payload);
PubSub - publish - syncronous
PubSub.publishSync('my-event', payload);


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