PubSubJS vs. jQuery custom events (v87)

Revision 87 of this benchmark created on


An attempt at showing that PubSubJS is faster than using jQuery custom evens for publish/subscribe style messaging.

It's certainly not as rich in features, and I am happy with that.

Introducing PubSubJS

Preparation HTML

<script src="//">
<script src="">
<script src="">
  var callback1 = function(event) {
      return false;
  var callback2 = function(payload) {
      return true;
  var payload = {
    somekey: 'some value'
  var body;
  var someJqueryObject = $({});

  // let's use jQuery.ready to make sure that the DOM is ready,
  // before trying to work with it
  jQuery(function() {
    // we'll use the body element to exchange messages for jQuery
    // if using deeper nested elements, jQuery will be slower, as custom events bubble
    body = $('body');
    var eventName;
    //subscribe 5000 times use callback1 function to the custom event for jQuery,
    for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
      eventName = 'my-event-' + i;
      body.bind(eventName, callback1);

    // subscribe 5000 times use callback1 function to the custom event for the plain jQuery object (non-DOM)
    for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
      eventName = 'my-event-' + i;
      someJqueryObject.bind(eventName, callback1);

    // subscribe our callback2 function to the message for PubSub
    for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
      eventName = 'my-event-' + i;
      PubSub.subscribe(eventName, callback2);

    for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
      eventName = 'my-event-' + i;
      pubbie.subscribe(eventName, callback2);

    // Use document instead of 'body' as the anchor for custom events
    doc = $(document)

Test runner

Ready to run.

Testing in
jQuery DOM - trigger
body.trigger('my-event-2345', payload);
jQuery Object - trigger
someJqueryObject.trigger('my-event-2345', payload);
PubSub - publish - asyncronous
PubSub.publish('my-event-2345', payload);
PubSub - publish - syncronous
PubSub.publish('my-event-2345', payload, true);
pubbie.publish('my-event-2345', [payload]);


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